

Una misión de la CE llega a Madrid para analizar los desequilibrios económicos

Los expertos se reunirán mañana con el secretario de Estado de Economía

An EC mission arrives in Madrid to discuss economic imbalances

The experts will meet tomorrow with Secretary of State for the Economy

Rajoy said that Spain is about to be operated

Lucia Abellán Brussels 12 ABR 2012 - 13:01 CET
Madrid received on Thursday a European mission to oversee the measures being implemented by the Spanish government to correct economic imbalances. Battered by harassment of markets and for unpopular decisions being taken to balance the books, the Spanish government welcomes this mission, which will conclude its work by Friday, according to confirmed sources of the European Commission and the central government.
The Ministry of Economy will be the main target of this group of experts, which in addition to the European Commission technical involving other Eurostat, the EU statistics office, at a time when the Spanish public accounts deserve international attention. Secretary of State for Economy, Fernando Jimenez, will be responsible for receiving them. Technicians may also visit institutions like the Bank of Spain or the National Institute of Statistics.

It is the second time in a month that a mission would visit Spain
The European Commission insists that it is a routine mission to visit the 12 EU countries in Brussels identified that excessive imbalances (unemployment, public deficit, external balance ...). However, it is the second time in less than a month that a mission would visit Spain. In the above, EU sources acknowledged that these contacts were not as routine as the official information sought to highlight.
Parallel to the analysis of macroeconomic imbalances, the panel will monitor how progress measures to alleviate the excessive deficit recorded Spain (8.5% of GDP last year, compared with 6% predicted).
So far Brussels has been very warm with the latest-and strong-measures announced by the Government, despite the positive effect of such a message might have caused to the siege of markets. After submitting to the Commission the State Budget more restrictive of democracy, its spokesmen have said only that they lack the data of the regions and give the Executive until the end of the month to provide them. On the announcement of a cut of 10,000 million euros in health and education, Brussels appreciates the "significant efforts", but clearly Executive clothing Mariano Rajoy.



ルチアAbellánブリュッセル12 ABR 2012 - 午後01時01分CET

これまでのブリュッセルは、市場の包囲に引き起こされるかもしれないそのようなメッセージの肯定的な効果にもかかわらず、政府が発表した最新で強力な、対策を非常に暖かくされています。民主主義の国家予算は、より限定的な委員会に提出した後、そのスポークスマンは、彼らが地域のデータを欠いているし、それらを提供するために、今月末まで執行を与えることだけ述べている。健康と教育の10,000百万ユーロのカットの発表では、ブリュッセルは "多大な努力"ではなく、明らかにエグゼクティブ衣類マリアーノRajoyを高く評価しています。

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