El paro sube a 5,6 millones y marca un nuevo máximo en el arranque de 2012
La tasa se eleva al 24,44% y roza el anterior récord, alcanzado en 1994
El Gobierno se atreve a poner un techo y prevé que no supere el 25%
La cifra total de parados se ha incrementado en 729.400 en un año
- Paro juvenil
- Paro masculino
- Encuesta población activa
- Crisis económica
- Macroeconomía
- Tasa paro
- Recesión económica
- Desempleo
- Coyuntura económica
- Empleo
- España
- Trabajo
- Economía
Unemployment rises to 5.6 million and marks a new high for the start of 2012
The rate rises to 24.44% and slashing the previous record reached in 1994
The government dares to put a roof and not expected to exceed 25%
The total number of unemployed has increased by 729,400 in one year
The rate rises to 24.44% and slashing the previous record reached in 1994
The government dares to put a roof and not expected to exceed 25%
The total number of unemployed has increased by 729,400 in one year
The double dip of the Spanish economy has caused a sharp increase in unemployment at the start of the 2012. According to data from the Labour Force Survey released today by the INE, the jobless total has risen by 365,900 people between January and March, which left the total of 5,639,500 unemployed, a new record. Employment side, in this period have been destroyed 374,300 jobs, bringing the total down to 17,433,200 occupied three and a half million less than in 2007.
Stop by CC AA. Source: INE / The Country
Both employment to unemployment, this quarter is the worst since the beginning of 2009, during which Spain was going through the worst phase of the Great Recession. In addition, the continued deterioration of the labor market has also raised the unemployment rate to 24.44%, thus slashing the record of 1994, when he came to 24.55%.
Furthermore, for the future, forecasts estimate that the deteriorating labor market will continue for some time, especially considering that the impact of new adjustments adopted to reduce the deficit and cuts have barely started. This fact is evident in public employment, which recorded its first decline in annual terms in the EPA's fourth quarter of 2011, held its fall almost the same levels as three months ago.
For the Government, in 2012 destroyed a total of 630,000 jobs full time for the impact of recession and adjustment in employment. With this forecast, predicting that the unemployment rate, after reaching their highest levels in the first half of the year when you can get to make a peak of 25%, will slow to around 24% at year end. However, the horizon that draw private research services is more pessimistic, as predict that unemployment will also rise in 2013 and some, like AFI or Funcas they figure will exceed 26%.
By gender, the fall in employment is almost three times higher among men (278,300 less) than women (96,000 less). By contrast, the increase in unemployment affects approximately equal numbers of men and women.
Regarding the impact of the crisis by industry, occupation falls in all sectors and unemployment rises. In services there are 147,900 more unemployed in 59,700 Agriculture, Industry and Construction 49,800 29,500. Unemployment is also growing among people who lost their job more than one year (66,200 more) and those who seek their first job (12,800).
The total number of employees with permanent contracts 138,400 low, while that of employees with temporary contracts does in 279,600. At this point we must remember that although labor reform came into force in mid-February, it is too early to try to assess its impact. The EPA is a continuous survey for three months, which equals more a reflection of the situation was about the middle of this period to 30 March.
The Country Madrid 27 ABR 2012 - 10:35 CET
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