
スペインの不況は2013年には さらに悪化し、スペインの景気はまだまだ酷くなる


スペインの不況は2013年には さらに悪化し、スペインの景気はまだまだ酷くなる

HUW PILL | Economista jefe para Europa de Goldman Sachs

“Para España lo peor está por llegar”

La recesión española se agudizará en 2013 y aún no se percibe un punto de inflexión

Alicia González 21 OCT 2012 - 00:02 CET

`HUW PILL | chief European economist at Goldman Sachs

"For Spain the worst is yet to come"

The Spanish recession will worsen in 2013 and has not yet seen a turning point

Alicia Gonzalez 21 OCT 2012 - 00:02 CET

Huw Pill (Cardiff, 1968) knows the intricacies of the European Central Bank (ECB) which, until just over a year, and was deputy director of the Monetary Policy Analysis. In passing through Frankfurt still has a deep knowledge of the German mentality and his family, who still reside in the city. Your post sounds like that "blood, toil, tears and sweat" of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill: the Spanish economy will get worse before rallying.
Question: What do the think the Moody's decision to maintain the Spanish debt rating?
Answer: I think it is good news for Spain but I do not suppose a turning point. Probably gives a little more time but it is crucial that the extra time is well used. Many of the real economic risks have not changed, some of the financial risks of short term have been mitigated but not gone.
P. So it does not prevent the rescue, whether in the form it is?

"The idea that it with the threat of intervention is a utopia"
R. It is true that the word is a word rescue very pregnant with meaning. Our expectation is that Spain asked the rescue to the European Financial Stability Fund (EFSF) and the European Rescue Mechanism (ESM) and that activated the purchase of debt by the European Central Bank (ECB) and we believe that to happen sooner rather than Then in the next month or the next six weeks at most.
P. There are those who hope that the end is not necessary if the risk premium remains at current levels ...
R. Spain has a primary fiscal deficit (before interest payments on debt) means that the government spends more than it takes in and also many of the upcoming maturities are held by foreign investors, who are not likely to reinvest in Spanish debt. Neither can change investor sentiment from overnight or correct the fiscal deficit overnight. That also would be counterproductive because, as recently said the International Monetary Fund (IMF), there comes a point at which austerity deficit causes an increase, not a reduction. Those two factors will not change for quite some time, which means it's more a question of when, not whether to produce the redemption request.
P. What are your predictions for Spain?

"I think the amount of the bank bailout will prove insufficient"
R. I think not valued all that the country is making all the effort and the suffering that is going on. Our forecasts suggest that the recession will accelerate in the coming quarters. In short, the worst is yet to come and we see no turning this trend around 2013. It is clear that Spain is going through a major adjustment and that is obviously painful and expensive, something that should not be underestimated, but this adjustment was desirable and inevitable. One of the things that impressed me when I come to Spain is that, not only political and financial level but also among citizens, seems to be a consensus that this adjustment was necessary. What to ask European authorities is to be as efficient as possible.
P. Do you allow the conditions of the bailout?
R. I think it is crucial for Spain, and for the euro in general, that the aid is compatible with the market. Follow the roadmap laid so far and close the Spanish capital markets would be a very expensive strategy. Once you close a country's access to markets is very difficult to return to reopen and Spain is too big and with a significant amount of debt and to operate in an environment without market access. Spain, Italy, France and Germany are the countries through which it passes the future of the euro and the important thing is that the precautionary credit line that is designed to Spain, the intervention aims to promote the stabilization of the market, not to replace . Our base, and I think the European authorities, is that the use of the financial resources of the EFSF and the ESM by the Spanish government will be relatively limited. And that's very important, because everything has pros and cons, this crisis has taught us that there is no free lunch. For example, if the ECB purchases in large quantities and short term, may cause some chaos among the holders of long-term debt and shorten the maturity profile of Spanish debt. Which raises the question of when the ECB will stop buying bonds. But will have to intervene. The idea, perfect from the standpoint of the ECB, that the mere threat of intervention stabilizes the market, eventually leads to a rebound in confidence and credit is simply a utopia.
P. What about all warranties offered by European authorities in return?

"I do not think the ECB can or should guarantee a specific differential"
R. I do not think the ECB can or should provide, explicitly or implicitly, a guarantee of a certain debt spreads because that would invite speculation and the ECB could embark on a repeat of what we saw 20 years ago in Europe in relation to the exchange rates. I think we should not go there because it would be relatively easy to try to push the boundaries of the entity with massive purchases of debt in a short period of time. And honestly, I do not think that neither the German government nor its citizens to be prepared for that.
P. Still pending disbursement of the bank bailout.
R. A liquidity Spain to help solve some of their problems. But the issue is deeper. In our opinion, has drawn a red line running from the Pyrenees to the Alps. Europe, as a whole, is self-sufficient financially, only needs to allocate resources where and when needed. Now, as Mario Draghi reminded [ECB president], the private capital markets are highly segmented. If the ECB injected liquidity south of the red line, just invested funds sooner rather than later on in German bunds, French, German corporate debt ... That takes you to have very favorable financing conditions in Germany, while in countries harden like Italy or Spain. So initiatives like bank recapitalization programs or debt purchases by the ECB are an attempt to restore confidence in the health of the financial system. Without them, the situation would be much worse. But from our point of view, bond purchases only serve to buy time.
P. What does that mean?
R. In the medium term, it is surely necessary to clean the balance sheets of Spanish banks and probably significantly reduce the size of the Spanish financial system, with deeper capital markets to reduce excessive dependence on bank. But if you try to do it very quickly hone and deflationary pressures that threaten the Spanish economy. Are sufficient measures adopted in the process of recapitalization? In my opinion and not the amount offered for that process also think it proves inadequate. So I do not think we're witnessing the end of the match.

スペインの不況は2013年には さらに悪化し、スペインの景気はまだまだ酷くなる
HUW PILL|ゴールドマン·サックスのチーフ欧州エコノミスト



アリシア·ゴンザレス21 OCT 2012 - 午後12時02分CET
ヒュー·ピル(カーディフ、1968)は、金融政策分析の次長だった、ほんの一年まで、欧州中央銀行(ECB)の複雑さを知っています。フランクフルト通過ではまだまだ都市に存在する深いドイツのメンタリティの知識と彼の家族を持っています。あなたの投稿は英首相ウィンストン·チャーチルのその "血と労苦と涙と汗"のように聞こえる:スペイン経済はラリー前に悪くなる。


R.私は援助が市場との互換性があること、それはスペインにとって重要であると思うし、一般的にはユーロのために。ロードマップに沿って、これまでに築いたと近いスペインの資本市場は、非常に高価な戦略であろう。いったんは市場への国のアクセスを閉じて再度開くとスペインに戻ることは非常に困難であるが大きすぎると債務のかなりの量があり、市場へのアクセスのない環境で動作する。スペイン、イタリア、フランス、ドイツはユーロの将来を通過して、重要なことは、スペインに設計されている予防的クレジットラインは、介入を置き換えるのではなく、市場の安定化を促進することを目指していることですそれを通して国である私たちのベースは、私が欧州当局と思い、スペイン政府によるEFSFとESMの財源の使用は比較的限られてしまうことです。すべてが長所と短所を持っているので、それは非常に重要だ、この危機はフリーランチが存在しないことを私たちに教えました。たとえば、大量かつ短期的にはECBが購入した場合、長期債務の保有者の間でいくつかの混乱の原因となり、スペインの債務の満期プロファイルを短縮することができます。これはECBが国債を買うのをやめる時期の問題を発生させます。しかし、介入しなければならないでしょう。 ECBの観点から完璧なアイデアは、介入の単なる脅威が市場を安定化することが、最終的には信頼の回復につながり、信用は単にユートピアです。

R.それらの問題のいくつかを解決するための流動性スペイン。しかし、問題は深いです。我々の意見では、ピレネーからアルプスに走る赤い線が描かれています。ヨーロッパは、全体としては、財政的に自給自足ですが、唯一、必要なリソースを割り当てる必要があります。マリオドラギは[ECB総裁]を思い出したように今、民間資本市場が細分化されています。 ECBは赤線の流動南を注入した場合、ちょうどドイツ国債、フランス語、ドイツ語、社債の後半で早くはなく、資金を投資...それはイタリアやスペインのような国硬化中に、あなたはドイツでは非常に有利な融資条件を持つことになります。だから、ECBによる銀行資本増強プログラムや債務の購入のような取り組みは、金融システムの健全性への信頼を回復しようとする試みである。それらがなければ、事態は一層悪化するだろう。しかし、我々の観点から、国債購入は時間を稼ぐために役立つ。

スペインの不良債権で破綻して国有化されたBANKIA 銀行の新頭取は、2011年の72人の幹部職のボーナスを返還するように求めた


スペインの不良債権で破綻して国有化されたBANKIA 銀行の新頭取は、2011年の72人の幹部職のボーナスを返還するように求めた

Bankia obliga a sus principales 72 directivos a devolver el bonus de 2011

Goirigolzarri retira la bonificación a quienes no la han cobrado y pide la devolución a quienes sí

El Banco de España aprobó inicialmente los bonus, pero ahora exige su retirada

Miguel Jiménez Madrid 25 OCT 2012 - 13:03 CET

Bankia obliges its 72 main executives to return the bonus, 2011

Goirigolzarri bonus removed those who have not paid and return calls to those who do

The Bank of Spain approved the bonus initially, but now calls for its withdrawal

Miguel Jimenez Madrid 25 OCT 2012 - 13:03 CET

The principals of Bankia will be without the bonus for 2011, which has been paying this year. The new president of the organization, according to the Bank of Spain, has agreed to the withdrawal of bonuses they received the 72 top executives of the company in 2011, according to sources at the bank, which confirmed a report published this afternoon by Vozpopuli . Bankia not want to reveal how much is that variable pay, although market sources estimate that can be several tens of millions.
The withdrawal comes after the entity has been nationalized and the banking exams conducted by consultancy Oliver Wyman for the European bailout that has been thrown about capital needs of nearly 25,000 million.
Bonuses were originally approved by the former president of the organization, Rodrigo Rato, and the Bank of Spain, Miguel Angel Fernandez Ordonez in front. The supervisor and initially put some safeguards and demanded rebates on Bankia posed figures. With this bonus, which represents an important part of the remuneration of directors, wanted to reward Bankia IPO and then results that, before being reformulated, throwing benefits.
After the crisis of Bankia, the nationalization of the entity and the publication of accounts with losses of more than 3,000 million euros, the Bank of Spain, now as governor Luis Linde believes that these variable payments are not justified, which shares the new management of the entity, with José Ignacio Goirigolzarri front.

The measure does not affect Rato, already resigned his variable pay
Managers who have not cashed that variable pay will be without her. Those who had received any payment on account will be returned. The entity will seek ways to facilitate the return in the latter cases.
The measure does not affect the former chairman of Bankia, Rodrigo Rato, who resigned as variable pay previously voluntarily.

スペインの不良債権で破綻して国有化されたBANKIA 銀行の新頭取は、2011年の72人の幹部職のボーナスを返還するように求めた




ミゲルヒメネスマドリード25 OCT 2012 - 午後01時03分CET






El juez Andreu cita a Rato a declarar como imputado el 20 de diciembre

Los 33 querellados comparecerán del 5 de noviembre al 20 de diciembre

La Audiencia investiga cinco posibles delitos

Manuel Altozano Madrid 25 OCT 2012 - 13:36 CET

Judge Andreu quotes Rato to testify as a defendant on December 20

The 33 defendants shall appear from November 5 to December 20

Hearing investigates five possible crimes

Altozano Manuel Madrid 25 OCT 2012 - 13:36 CET

The National Court judge Fernando Andreu has been called to testify on 20 December to president of Bankia, Rodrigo Rato, as charged in the case in which investigates the formation and flotation of the entity.
In an order issued Thursday, Andreu has cited the 33 defendants between November 5 and December 20. The former Minister of Interior Angel Acebes will on 23 November and the president of the Valencia, José Luis Olivas, on December 19.
The judge investigating the possible commission of five crimes: forgery, unfair administration or corporate crime, accounting offenses, fraud and misappropriation.
Judge Andreu issued an order last July in which he assumed investigate the complaint of Union, Progress and Democracy (UPyD) against 33 members of the Boards of Directors of Bankia and its parent company, Banco Financiero y de Ahorros (BFA).
Since then advanced, without setting dates, I would call to testify as to these 33 people indicted and warned them that should go assisted attorney. These include Rato, who was also former vice president of government and former director of the IMF, Olivas and Acebes, the three of PP.
In 49 pages, the order of the different passages reproduced Andreu allegedly criminal complaint containing the UPyD and watched them evidence of "fraud" that "would have produced, or could produce a serious impact on the national economy" and a " prejudice to the generality of people "from different parts of Spain. The judge took his competition, backed by the anti-corruption prosecutor, citing, among other factors, the size and cost of Bankia rescue and concludes that bankruptcy has been able to "destabilize the entire financial system of the country."
Previously, the judge has been receiving extensive documentation of the organization, including inspection reports of the Bank of Spain and minutes of the board of directors of both Financial and Savings Bank, the group's parent, and the Bankia own.
In addition to the defendants, is scheduled to testify as witnesses former Governor of the Bank of Spain, Miguel Angel Fernandez Ordonez, the president of the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV), Julio Segura, and Deloitte partner responsible for the audit of Bankia, Celma Francisco.




アルトサーノマヌエルマドリード25 OCT 2012 - 13時36分CET
裁判官アンドリューは彼がユニオン、Bankiaおよびその親会社であるバンコ·フィナンシエロY DE Ahorros(BFA)の取締役会の33人のメンバーに対する進捗状況と民主主義(UPyD)の苦情を調査すると仮定した昨年七月命令を出した。
49ページでは、別の通路の順序はUPyDを含むアンドリュー容疑刑事告発を再現し、それらに "を制作しましたでしょうか、国民経済に深刻な影響を生むかもしれない"と "詐欺"の証拠を見て "スペインのさまざまな部分からの人々の普遍性 "を害すること。裁判官は、他の要因の中で、Bankia救助のサイズとコストを理由に、その破産ができるようになりました結論、反汚職検事に裏打ちされた彼の競争を取った "国の金融システム全体を不安定にする。"

スペインの携帯電話会社のORANGEの親会社のFRANCE TELECOMは、スペインの借用電話回線の76%資本のスウェーデン·フィンランド資本Telia Soneaの携帯電話会社のYOIGOの買収に興味を示す


スペインの携帯電話会社のORANGEの親会社のFRANCE TELECOMは、スペインの借用電話回線の76%資本のスウェーデン·フィンランド資本のTelia Soneaの携帯電話会社のYOIGOの買収に興味を示す

Orange confirma que presentará una oferta de compra sobre Yoigo

France Telecom anuncia una oferta "indicativa" sobre el cuarto operador español

Agencias Paris 25 OCT 2012 - 14:04 CET

Orange confirms that submitted a bid on Telstra

France Telecom announced an offer "indicative" of the fourth largest Spanish

Agencies Paris 25 OCT 2012 - 14:04 CET

The France Telecom CFO Gervais Pellissier, has manifetado interest in Telstra, which is currently involved in 76% of the multinational Swedish-Finnish TeliaSonera, and said that his company, which owns Orange, concur to buying process and "probably" make an offer "indicative".
Pellissier pointed to analysts at a conference following the presentation of results that France Telecom is open to "small acquisitions" and, given the relative size compared to Telstra of its Spanish subsidiary, the fourth network operator itself in Spain would be an option.
According to the latest data provided by TeliaSonera, Telstra reached 3.514 million customers in the third quarter, 18.5% more than the same period last year. Telstra revenues in this period stood at 273 million euros, with a gross operating profit (Ebitda) positive € 16.8 million.
Furthermore, according to the latest data published by the Telecommunications Market Commission (CMT), Telstra has a market share of 6.01%, behind Movistar, with a 37.27%, Vodafone, with a 27.62 %, of Orange, with a 21.07%, and Vituales Mobile Operators (MVNO), with a combined share of over 8%.
However, the CFO of France Telecom has warned that due to the pressure on cash flow, the group will have to be "prudent" in its procurement plan to ensure it keeps debt levels and to protect your rating credit.
For this reason, the management has clarified that no major acquisitions expected, although the company remains open to small purchases that can help strengthen its market position in some countries or regional groups in Africa and the Middle East.
Vodafone, another possible candidate
The CEO of Orange Spain, Jean Marc Vignolles, and said in September that in the event of the occurrence of a consolidation in the telecommunications market with the eventual sale of the subsidiary TeliaSnera, the group would study the options.
Another possible interested in mobile operator Vodafone would. The CEO of the operator based in United Kingdom, Vittorio Colao, said recently in a meeting with journalists, if they were for sale Yoigo, the group would examine the possibility of acquiring the fourth mobile operator in Spain with its own network.

スペインの携帯電話会社のORANGEの親会社のFRANCE TELECOMは、スペインの借用電話回線の76%資本のスウェーデン·フィンランド資本Telia Soneaの携帯電話会社のYOIGOの買収に興味を示す

フランステレコムは、第四最大のスペインオファー "指標"を発表

代理店パリ25 OCT 2012 - 午前14時04分CET
フランステレコムの最高財務責任者(CFO)ジェルヴェPellissier、現在多国籍スウェーデンフィンランドTeliaSonera社の76%に関与しているテルストラでmanifetadoの関心を持っており、オレンジ所有し、彼の会社は、プロセスを買いに同意すると述べたそして "おそらく" "示す"申出を​​することができる。
Pellissierは、フランステレコムは、 "小規模な買収"に開かれている結果の発表後に会見でアナリストに指摘し、そのスペイン子会社のテルストラ、4番目のネットワークオペレータそれ自体に比べて相対的なサイズを与えられたスペインはオプションになります。
TeliaSonera社が提供する最新のデータによると、テルストラは、第3四半期に、前年同期より18.5パーセント以上を3514000お客さまに到達した。 €16.8万総営業利益(EBITDA)は正で、この期間におけるテルストラの収益は、273百万ユーロとなりました。
しかし、フランステレコムの最高財務責任者(CFO)は、キャッシュフロー上の圧力のために、当社グループが債務水準を維持確保するため、その調達計画では "慎重"にする必要がありますし、あなたの評価を保護することを警告しているクレジット。




Los trabajadores despedidos por ERE aumentan en agosto hasta el 27% del total

Los llamados expedientes de extinción afectan a 7.504 personas

El total de afectados por expedientes asciende a 299.021 trabajadores desde enero

La cifra es un 53% más alta que en el mismo periodo de 2011

El País Madrid 25 OCT 2012 - 11:06 CET

Workers fired for ERE increase in August to 27% of total

The records called extinction affecting 7504 people

Total records affected workers totaled 299,021 from January

The figure is 53% higher than the same period of 2011

The Country Madrid 25 OCT 2012 - 11:06 CET

The job layoffs grow incessantly since the adoption of labor reform and with them the number of workers afectados.Hasta August, last month with available data, employees who have suffered an ERE has risen to almost 300,000, a 53% more than the previous year. The combination of labor reform and the return of the recession continue to permeate the very deteriorated since the Spanish labor market.
The Government continues to value positively the regulatory change of policy change in February. According to yesterday defended Employment Minister Fatima Banez, reform has been very beneficial to the extent that has allowed companies to become more "healthy". The minister is based on the relative weight of collective redundancies in total records. The 50,841 affected workers represent 17% of the total. However, in August this percentage rose to 27.6%, the highest figure since May last year. In total, 7504. In addition, the number of redundancies has not stopped growing in recent months and now exceeds those made comfortably in the same period last year.
Another thing to keep in mind when analyzing the ERE is that both the suspension of employment-the most used so far, such as reduced working hours have public support since March 2009 (workers replenishes them rights to protection against unemployment and entrepreneurs have bonuses). These grants will disappear for new beginning in January, according contemplated budgets next year, so it is expected that the relative weight of collective redundancies will grow in 2013.
It was also felt in the disappearance of records adminitrativa authorization enacted in reform, especially among redundancies. He has increased his weight. In the first eight months of 2011, the ERE this without covenant affected affected 12% of the employees who lost their jobs in a layoff. This percentage has increased to 23% in 2012.





カントリーマドリード25 OCT 2012 -11:06 CET
ジョブのレイオフは、利用可能なデータ、EREを受けた従業員は、およそ30万に上昇していると労働者数afectados.Hasta 8月、先月、労働改革の採用以来、それらと絶え間なく成長する前年より53%多い。労働改革と景気後退のリターンの組み合わせは非常にスペインの労働市場より悪化浸透し続けています。
政府は積極的に月の政策変更の規制の変化を大切にし続けています。雇用大臣ファティマバニエスを擁護昨日によると、改革は、企業がより多くの "健康"になることを許可された範囲に非常に有益であった。大臣は総レコード数の集団冗長性の相対的な重みに基づいています。 50841影響を受ける労働者は全体の17%を占めています。しかし、8月にはこの割合は昨年、27.6%、5月以来の高い数値を増加しました。合計で、7504。また、冗長性の数は、ここ数ヶ月で成長が止まったと今では昨年同時期に快適に作られたものを超えていません。
また、特に冗長性の中で、改革に制定されたレコードのadminitrativa認可の消失に感じられた。彼は体重が増加している。 2011年の最初の8ヶ月間で、契約なしのEREこれは解雇で職を失った従業員の影響を受けた12パーセントに影響を与えた。この割合は、2012年には23%へと増加している。




El beneficio del Santander cae un 66% por las fuertes pérdidas en España

El beneficio del tercer trimestre cae un 94% por las dotaciones para el ladrillo

El resultado recurrente de los nueve meses caería un 19,9%, hasta 4.250 millones

El banco cubre ya el 90% de la normativa sobre riesgo inmobiliario

Los resultados en el exterior compensan las fuertes pérdidas en España

Miguel Jiménez Madrid 25 OCT 2012 - 12:29 CET

Santander's profit falls 66% due to heavy losses in Spain

The third-quarter profit falls by 94% by provisions for brick

Recurring profit fall nine months by 19.9% to 4,250 million

The bank now covers 90% of the real estate risk rules

The results abroad offset heavy losses in Spain

Miguel Jimenez Madrid 25 OCT 2012 - 12:29 CET

The Banco Santander has closed September 2012 with a consolidated profit attributable of 1,804 million euros, representing a decrease of 66% over the first nine months of 2011, as communicated to the National Securities Market. The agency notes that the ordinary profit from January to September amounted to 4,250 million, down 19.9%, to 1.029 million in addition to capital gains obtained mainly from the sale of the subsidiary of Colombia and the reinsurance life insurance portfolio in Spain and Portugal. Therefore, the profit for the period would have been 5.279 million, 3.475 million but after allocating net of provisions to cover risks in the real estate sector in Spain, is reduced to those 1.804 million. Shares of Santander tore the session with gains, they became more than 1%, but fell after noon by 0.4%.
The fall in profit in the third quarter is much higher, from 1,800 million to 100 million, a 94% plunge on higher provisions. In the case of Santander, the results generated in Latin America and other European countries offset the heavy losses suffered in Spain by the provisions of the brick. Apart from the sanitation, the fall in profit is also affected by the sale of some businesses, accelerating the fall of recurring income.
Banco Santander Chairman Emilio Botin, said through a note that "the ability to generate earnings of Banco Santander allows sanitation strong property in Spain in 2012 and significantly increase coverage delinquent." In nine months we generated a profit before provisions of 18.184 million, "he added.
In the first three quarters of 2012, core income and expenses at rates Santander rose 5%, which placed the net margin (profit before provisions) at 18.184 million, an increase of 3%. The combination of revenue and cost is due to the efficiency ratio stood at 45.4%, three tenths better than the end of 2011. Of this, 9.533 million (+30%) was allocated to provisions for bad debts, while other 5010 million gross (3,475,000 net) have been designed to give real estate risk in Spain, both as a result of the new regulation as other real estate losses have been accounted for.

moreMoody's has affirmed Spanish banks
Excluding extraordinary provisions that cause the business in Spain is in loss, Latin America contributes 50% of the profit sum-Brazil 26%, Mexico, 13%, and Chile, 5% -, continental Europe adds 28% -Spain 16%, Poland 5%, and Germany, 4% -, United Kingdom, 13%, and the United States, 9%. The result falls in all major countries except the UK and Poland.
In Spain, if provisions are discounted to cover the risk and real estate losses, the group's attributable profit of 1,054 million, a reduction of 5.9% compared with 2011, an increase of 9.8% in net net. As these writedowns and losses totaling 3,475,000 brick, the result brings Spain to the group accounts is negative, amounting to 2,000 million.
Fall of credit in Spain
Loans grew by units operating in emerging markets, Latin America and Poland, while falls strongly in economies that are strong deleveraging processes, such as Spain and Portugal. However, in the latter countries are growing deposits. The amount of net loans stood at Santander Group 754 094 000 at the end of September 2012, up 3% from a year ago. The credit volume grew by 10% in Brazil and Mexico, and 9% in Poland. However, in Portugal falls by 8% and 7% in Spain.
In the Spanish case, increases credit to general government by 44% to 17,738,000, but credit to households and businesses (other residents) fell by 8.2% to 188 392 000. The fall in lending to SMEs and companies without purpose property is 3% to 100,131,000. The biggest cut in lending occurs promoter, from 25% in twelve months, representing a fall of 6.191 million in the stock of real estate finance.
The group's total appropriations amounted to EUR 754,000 million, representing 117% of deposits (642,600 million). Before the crisis, in December 2008, the ratio was 150%. In Spain, the credit deposit ratio is 108%, with 199,000 million in net loans and deposits 185 000 million in retail notes. This ratio was 178% at end-2008.
The bank has reduced from 35,000 to 30,000 million exposure to Spanish government debt, as explained by the chief financial officer, Jose Antonio Alvarez said in a conference call with analysts. At the same meeting, the bank's CEO, Alfredo Saenz, said he sees "welcome" that Spain prompted the European bailout, because purchases by the ECB will help to lower the risk premium and facilitate the financing of the banking.
The real estate risk, more healthy
The group's exposure to the property sector in Spain was at the end of 2008 of 42,500 million, 37,700 million and 4,800 million credit properties. Since then, the amount has been reduced by 16,000 million to 26,500 million, of which 18 200 million and 8,300 million are credit, property, whose stock continues to decline for the second consecutive quarter, says the CEO of Santander entidad.El, Alfredo Saenz, explained to analysts that he expects the property portfolio was reduced to about 7,500 million at year end.
The bank made provisions for 1,800 million from the accounts of 2011 and 5010 million so far this year to meet the new rules of property risk coverage. So, at the end of September has covered 90% of the allowances required by the new rules for this year and 10% missing to clean up in the fourth quarter.
Right now, the real estate exposure 26,500 million, 18,500 million are classified as problematic (7,784,000 doubtful, substandard 2.443 million and 8.277 million awarded), and are about 8,000 million risk considered healthy. Coverage by provisions troubled assets is 47%.
In adjudicated properties, provisions are 50%, including 60% provisions for soil (totaling 4,729,000 gross, ie before provisions), 50% in promotions under construction (730 million gross) and 33% in homes and completed developments (2,818 million gross).
Delinquencies still growing
The group's delinquency rate stood at 4.33%, representing an increase of 0.47 points from a year earlier and 0.22 in the quarter. In Spain, delinquencies stood at 6.38%, an increase of 0.89 points in the year, affected by the credit crunch. In the UK, the delay is almost stable, up a tenth in the year to 1.94%. In Santander Consumer Finance, is 3.96%, virtually the same as in December 2011. In the United States remains at very low levels, with 2.31%. In Latin America, the delinquency rises in Brazil and Chile about a point and low in Mexico.
The bank says that in all markets default rate is below the industry average, especially in Spain, where the set of entities has been delinquent for more than four percentage points above the Santander Group's business in the country. In a conference call with analysts, the bank's CEO, Alfredo Saenz, said he expects delinquencies to peak in late 2013.
The number of shareholders is fairly stable. Increases by 20,000 in one year, despite losing 10,000 since closing 2011.Con 3,283,913 shareholders, Santander says was the international financial group with the largest number of shareholders and offices (14,496). The group has 188,146 employees (331 more than last year, although the reduction in Spain is 383 employees) and with 102 million customers.






ミゲルヒメネスマドリード25 OCT 2012 - 12時29分CET
Banco Santanderはナショナル証券市場に伝達され、2011年の最初の9ヶ月間で66%の減少となり1,804百万ユーロの帰属連結利益と2012年9月に閉鎖しました。 1月〜9月の経常利益は、主にコロンビアの子会社および再保険の販売から得られたキャピタルゲインに加えて、1029000に、ダウンして19.9%、4250万人に達したことを代理ノートスペインとポルトガルの生命保険ポートフォリオ。したがって、当期利益は5279000、3475000だったでしょうが、スペインの不動産セクターのリスクをカバーするための規定のネットを割り当てた後、それらの1804000に低減されます。サンタンデールの株式は利益とのセッションを裂き、彼らは1%以上になったが、0.4%の正午以降となりました。
バンコ·サンタンデール会長エミリオ·ボティンは、 "サンタンデール銀行の収益を生成する能力は、2012年にスペインの衛生強い性質を可能にし、大幅なカバレッジ滞納を増やしている"と注意を通して言いました9ヶ月で18184000の規定の前に利益を計上した "と彼は付け加えた。

スペインでのビジネスが損失になっている原因臨時条項を除いて、ラテンアメリカが利益合計 - ブラジル26%、メキシコ13%、チリ、5%の50%を占めている - 、ヨーロッパ大陸は28%を加算 - スペイン16%、ポーランド5%、ドイツ4% - 、イギリス13%、アメリカは9%。結果は、英国とポーランドを除くすべての主要国に落ちる。
スペインやポルトガルなどの強いレバレッジ解消のプロセスであり、経済に強く落ちながら融資は、新興市場、ラテンアメリカ、ポーランドで営業単位増加した。しかし、後者の国で預金を拡大しています。正味の債権額は3%増の年前から、2012年9月の終わりにサンタングループ754 094 000で立っていた。クレジット量はブラジルとメキシコで10%、ポーランドで9%増加した。しかし、ポルトガルに8%、スペインでは7%に低下。
スペイン語の場合は、17738000〜44%で、一般政府への信用が大きくなりますが、家計や企業への信用(他の住民は)188 392 000から8.2パーセント減少した。目的のプロパティを持たない中小企業や企業への融資の減少は3%100131000になります。融資の最大のカットは不動産ファイナンスの株式の6191000の秋を代表する、12ヶ月の25%から、プロモーターを発生します。
最高財務責任者(CFO)で説明したように、銀行は、35000からスペインの政府債務へのエクスポージャー30,000百万円に減少したが、ホセ·アントニオ·アルバレスはアナリストとの電話会議で語った。同会合において、銀行の最高経営責任者(CEO)、アルフレドサエンスは、ECBによる購入はリスクプレミアムを低下させ、資金の調達を容易にするのに役立ちますので、彼は、スペインは欧州の救済を求めるメッセージが表示される "ようこそ"見て言ったバンキング。
スペインの不動産セクターへのグループのエクスポージャーは、42500万人の2008年末に37700万ドルと4800万ドルのクレジットのプロパティでした。それ以来、量は18 200百万円、8300万人がその株式2四半期連続で減少を続けて信用、財産であり、サンタンentidad.Elの最高経営責任者(CEO)は述べているの16,000百万円と26500万円であり、削減されましたアルフレドサエンスは、彼が不動産ポートフォリオが年末で約7500万人に減少した期待しているアナリストに説明した。
株主数はかなり安定しています。 1年間に20,000ずつ増加は、2011.Con 3283913株主を閉じるので、万を失うことにもかかわらず、サンタンデールは、株主やオフィスの最大数(14496)との国際的な金融グループだったと言います。グループは188146の従業員を(スペインの減少が383の従業員ですが、昨年よりも331以上)を有していると102万人の顧客を持つ。