

2010年06月29日火曜日19:16 最低気温;18ºC、最高気温;27ºC、 BARCELONA県から
引っ越してきた畑の中の新居は、近所に、数件 同じような小さな家がある。農作業の休むための小屋だ。
ブドウ畑が多い。水を貰っている隣のアントニオの家は、80mー100mくらい はなれている。前の隣の
小屋も100mくらい 離れている。人は住んでいないが、鳥を採るしかけの手入れに持ち主がひんぱんに
やって来る。そのとなりも、人は住んでいないが、畑の手入れに毎日 人が来るようだ。そのとなりは、
電気が来てきて、毎日 テレビか、ラジヲの大きな音が聞こえる。夫婦が住んでいて、子供がいたけど、
社会援助などで、暮らしているらしい。毎日犬の散歩で それらの家の入り口の前を通るけど、直接
ほとんど毎日 仕事が終わると、18:30頃から20:00頃まで、畑仕事をしている。庭に小さな家庭菜園を
作っていて、野菜などを育てている。知り合いの69歳のマヌエルも 畑仕事を手伝っている。かれは、


前にも書いたけど、バルセロナのサグラダファミリア教会のすぐ脇(1'40m;地下 40m)を通るスペイン
サグラダファミリア教会が、倒壊したら、大変な事になる。だれが責任を取るのだろう?多分だれも取らないだろう。 スペインのカタルーニャ州の地方新聞のラ バングアルディア(LAVANGUARDIA)新聞の記事のうち(サグラダファミリア教会の地下トンネル建設工事の記事は、33件)、



マドリード。 (EFE通信).-エルPPの火曜日に十分な議会で暫定と停止を政府に求めるの主導権を推進するサポートしている"すぐに"サンツラサグレラ、バルセロナ間の高速鉄道トンネルの建設、彼らはサグラダファミリアをもたらす"重大なリスク"です。

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フェルナンデスディアスは、IUの- ICVの2つのメンバ社会労働党とを除くすべての議員グループの支持を獲得して、その1回コンセンサスがないていた代替ルートの存在を与えられた答えていますそれに対して引数が可能な経済への影響を有するの有無線の建設を、遅滞なく、プロジェクトを変更することでしょう。



代替ルートは、-バレンシアストリート、一度合意に達し、だけの作品を遅らせる人気副によると、約6〜7ヶ月以上の約10〜12万ユーロの経済的影響をだろう約400 、と推定さ、作品全体を要する。


彼は、ルートが実行されて設計され、2002年に合意し、PPの政府、およびリコール選挙前には常にそれを反対の党を非難している:2004年3月現在、カタロニア語の数ヶ月。 "私は彼らに投票への情熱を移動し、"首相はPPを非難している。






The Congress calls to vote against the PSOE, paralyze TGV works under the Sagrada Familia
The House proposed the stay was precautionary and that constitute a committee of independent experts, within two months, to develop and propose solutions to the path

4 votes 88 comments
6/22/2010 | Updated at 22:14 pm | Citizens
Madrid. (EFE) .- El PP Tuesday has enough support in Congress to push an initiative in urging the Government to suspend provisionally and "immediately" the construction of high-speed train tunnel between Sants and La Sagrera, Barcelona , for the "serious risk" they pose to Sagrada Família.

Extra AVE
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Unesco support belies its high-speed train tunnel from the Sagrada Família
Congress votes today if freezes tunnel works AVE
White says that the Sagrera has been achieved through "the efforts of Hereu"
Development not expected to change the timetable of works of the AVE between Sants and La Sagrera

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The motion is a consequence of an interpellation of Deputy CP Jorge Fernandez Diaz, who, last Wednesday, asked the Minister of Public Works, José Blanco, the cessation of such works, which passes only four meters from the foundations of the work planned by Antoni Gaudí.

White argued today that the cessation of the works carry a high cost and a serious delay of the union of Spain and France via the high speed, and has accused the PP to promote this initiative just a few months before the elections in Catalonia, regardless of technical reports ruled out any danger for the Sagrada Família.

Fernández Díaz, who has won the support of all parliamentary groups except for the PSOE and the two members of IU-ICV, has replied that given the existence of an alternative route that once consensus had had no argument against it would be possible to modify the project without having major economic impact and without delay the construction of the line.

The PP has accepted an amendment of CiU in which calls for caution when adopting a particular decision and that the interim suspension is for a period of two months to avoid delays in construction of high-speed line , and to ensure the impact "zero real" constructive remedies or drawn on the Sagrada Família, and the safety of citizens and other buildings damaged.

Díaz Fernández Blanco asked to respect the decisions of the City of Barcelona and the Catalan Parliament, who have spoken in favor of suspending the works and to change the course, and also taking into account the many technical reports that warn of risks for the monument of Gaudí.

According to popular deputy, the alternative route-by-Valencia Street, which once reached a consensus, only delay the works about six or seven months and would have an economic impact of about 10 to 12 million euros over the approximately 400 , as estimated, costs the entire work.

"Grinding is wise," he recommended the popular deputy to White, who has replicated the AVE tunnel works are supervised by the National Court has issued six technical reports that say there is no risk to the Sagrada Família.

He recalled that the route is running was designed and agreed in 2002, with the Government of PP, and has accused the party of opposing it always before elections: in March 2004 and now, a few months of the Catalan . "I just moved them a passion for votes," the minister has accused the PP.

Neither is true, as White, that the modification of the layout does not have economic consequences or temporary, as delaying the works about 48 months and would not impact the work already done. What is true, he added, is that the Sagrada Familia presents risks for being overweight, as technical reports say one of Unesco.

Pere Macias, on behalf of the CiU, has appealed for caution, and has warned that the tunnel works being carried out with construction errors, with deviations in the protective screens of more than 30 percent over what projected.

Daniel Fernandez, from the PSOE, the PP has replied that although it is wise to rectify, do it before the elections "is ready" and has been surprised that the argument of the PP is asking to respect the decisions of the Catalan institutions when they used other agreements adopted by the Parliament or the Government.

"There are times to paralyze the strategic work," added the socialist, while Joan Herrera, a member of ICV, said that this tunnel is necessary for the AVE and conventional rail traffic congestion in the city, and not a problem for the Sagrada Família, which already has a tunnel to the side-meter.

Francesc Canet, on behalf of ERC, has lamented the "war reporting" that warn or deny risk to the monument of Gaudí and although it has stressed that the works are well advanced and a time delay would be "unaffordable", has also suggested that it would not be acceptable to take any risk to either people or for buildings.



/バルセロナ| 22/06/2010 | 1:01 pmに|市民で更新ルイスイスキエルド/オスカームニョスマドリード|

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このレポートは、によると、レスラーは任意の技術によって署名されていませんユネスコ専用に設定さ会社"ドキュメント(フランチェスコバンダリン、遺産人類の監督に起因するの文字読めない")で - 、また"絶対に矛盾する"別の研究では、専門家を認識しないこの予備場合は、で、リスクが記念碑は、彼がレイアウトや追加的な措置を保護するための変更を提案されたと警告した。トンネルとサグラダファミリアには、レスラー、ブラジリアで委員会文化遺産のための会議中に公開されてによると7月25日開催される可能性がリスクにユネスコの唯一の決定的なテキスト8月3日。

開発のソースは、彼らがユネスコの公式の立場はこの夏までに批准になっていないため、報告書は、ホワイトが先週の水曜日に話した決定的ではないと述べた。大臣は、昨日の駅の建設の開始時に守るために幼若Barcinoをドリルですサグレラギャラリーを返すためにこの文書を引用するなって。このアクションは、"重要な機器ホワイトと強調した私たちの優先順位は、それ2012年までに現実の"make toことを主張され、"、労働者for最大safetyで行われる、citizensや周囲の建物のレイアウト。大臣は、彼のdepartamantoは"最も先進的な、ユネスコによってサポートされ、独立した専門家のチームが撮影した繰り返した。"

議会議員の一方で、トンネルのAVEを返します今日。 PPおよびCiUの計算は、今月末の午後下院の作業を停止し、that 2つの要素を持って教会を、危険はありません代替案を考える政府を求める、とNaixementの正面ねじれていない場合のcrypt -ユネスコの世界遺産を宣言した。このアプリケーションは、先に行く場合は、それらはすでにフル市議会、国会議事堂したに追加されます。

作業の停止は、私は運動のテキストは、この午後のPP副ホルヘフェルナンデスディアスを守るよう求められます。 2ヶ月サグラダファミリアの横に実行される代替ルートを選択する予定独立した専門家委員会は人気のある主張。 CiUかどうかも現在のプロジェクトが有効かどうかを調べる運動の作業をストップで独立した専門家のグループは、法律を要求して提案する。このブレークは、2ヶ月になります。

停止作業の緊急性とTBMの進展によって与えられる。 Barcino、計画速度に掘削する場合、トンネルはサグラダファミリアの栄光のファサードが9月に、計算últimnos Adif、エンティティプロジェクトの開発責任者によると渡されます。ディアスフェルナンデスは、同省が注文の通りマヨルカ前方の下にトンネルと実際のリスクがないことを示すために十分な時間を提供するために引き延ばし戦術を使用して文句を言います。現在のところ、マシンがすでにメリディアナを超えている。


運動を擁護すると副のトレーニングテキストでは昨日、後にコンサルティングは下院の過半数の投票によって、サポートされますが、おそらくこれは必要で記録されたいくつかのenimendasの動きを認めることだPPのの先週。今のところ、IUの- ICVのは政府をサポートします。

Congress votes today if freezes tunnel works AVE
A director of Unesco's report certainly supports the tunnel project. Development Minister, José Blanco, said that the safety of workers, neighbors and buildings is the highest priority

0 votes 63 comments
LUIS IZQUIERDO / OSCAR MUÑOZ | Madrid / Barcelona | 22/06/2010 | Updated at 1:01 pm | Citizens
Remains controversy over the tunnel Barcelona AVE. The director of UNESCO heritage for Europe and North America, the German doctor Mechtild Rossler said yesterday that the report ignores the very international organization that defends the path next to the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, Europa Press reported yesterday. Minister José Blanco used last week this document, which endorses the project is running to defend the continuation of the work.

Extra AVE
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Unesco support belies its high-speed train tunnel from the Sagrada Família
White says that the Sagrera has been achieved through "the efforts of Hereu"
The Congress calls to vote against the PSOE, paralyze TGV works under the Sagrada Familia

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This report, according Rossler is not signed by any technician of the Unesco-only set a firm "unreadable" in the letter of the document (attributed to Francesco Bandarin, director of Heritage of Humanity) - and also " absolutely contradicts "another study, in this preliminary case, which does recognize the specialist, and warned of the risk that the monument he suggested a change of layout or additional measures to protect it. The only definitive text of Unesco on the tunnel and the risk that can lead to the Sagrada Familia is, according to Rossler, which was published in Brasilia during the meeting of the Committee for Heritage to be held from July 25 and 3 August.

Sources of Development stated that the report that White spoke last Wednesday is not definitive because they do not become the official position of UNESCO to ratify it until this summer. The minister turned to cite this document yesterday at the start of construction of the station to return to defend Sagrera gallery that is drilling the TBM Barcino. This action is "a vital piece-White-stressed and our priority is to make it a reality by 2012" but insisted, "will also be done with maximum safety for workers, citizens and the layout of nearby buildings. The minister reiterated that his departamanto "has taken the most advanced, supported by UNESCO and by teams of independent experts."

Meanwhile, the tunnel AVE returns today to the Congress of Deputies. If the calculation of PP and CiU not twist late this afternoon the full House will ask the Government to stop the work and consider an alternative that does not jeopardize the church, which has two elements, and the facade of Naixement the crypt-declared World Heritage by UNESCO. If this application goes ahead, will be added to those already made of the full City Council and the Parliament.

The stoppage of work is what I asked for the text of the motion this afternoon defend PP deputy Jorge Fernández Díaz. The popular claim that is a committee of independent experts which will take two months to choose an alternative route that runs next to the Sagrada Família. CiU also propose a motion requesting that law in a stop of work for a group of independent experts examine whether the current project is valid or not. This break would also be two months.

The urgency of halting and work and is given by the advance of the TBM. If Barcino drilled to the planned speed, the tunnel will pass by the Glory façade of the Sagrada Família in September, according to calculations últimnos Adif, the entity responsible for the project Development. Diaz Fernandez complains that the ministry be using a delaying tactic in order to provide sufficient time for tunneling under the street Mallorca forward and demonstrate the absence of real risk. At present, the machine has already exceeded the Meridiana.

The PP will also provide the consultation of experts in civil engineering on time and cost implications that would result in the change of layout. The engineers consulted by the popular group say they redirect the tunnel just another track would increase the cost of the tunnel in about ten million and would be a maximum delay of twelve months. Calculation rejected by the ministry, which believes that the proposed change would lengthen the implementation in 30 months. On the budget no official estimate.

The deputy who will defend the motion said yesterday that after consulting with the training text is supported by a majority vote of the House, but perhaps this is necessary to admit some enimendas motion was recorded by the PP's last week. For now, IU-ICV only supports the Government.



バルセロナ。 (はヨーロッパプレス)、レポートは非常にユネスコは主張を無視したヨーロッパや北アメリカ、Mechtildレスラーのユネスコ遺産の監督する.-、バルセロナAVEも、あなたが言ったことに反して、トンネルのルート5月16日開発大臣は、ホセブランコ。

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フェルナンデスは、社会労働党は、IUの- ICVの、そのPPは、CiUはとERCと市議会でこの点について、議会での取り組みに参加リコール運動を除いて、すべてのグループのサポートを予測した。この最初の報告書に最終的な保留中のよれば、7月に、安全なものはレイアウトを変更したり臨時のセキュリティ対策は少なくともされたが、公開されるに評価し、ユネスコによると、それが起動しなければならなかった幼若。しかし、掘削は、3月27日始まった。


彼はが政治的なトラックが動作しないこと、国立裁判所は暫定的に、行政不服建設委員会サグラダファミリアの提出に応じて作品を停止することが警告した。フェルナンデスはまた、コースに対するサグラダファミリアの戦闘は、ガウディの別の建物のサポートされておらず、トンネル、La Pedreraの影響を受けると嘆いた。


Unesco support belies its high-speed train tunnel from the Sagrada Família
The body contradicts the Spanish government announced that the final position in July

7 votes 31 comments
6/21/2010 | Updated at 22:08 pm | Citizens
Barcelona. (EUROPA PRESS) .- The director of UNESCO heritage for Europe and North America, Mechtild Rossler, said the report ignores the very Unesco argues that the route of the tunnel in Barcelona AVE, contrary to what you said May 16 Development Minister, José Blanco.

Extra AVE
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White says the Unesco supports the AVE track tunnel near the Sagrada Familia
Congress votes today if freezes tunnel works AVE
The Congress calls to vote against the PSOE, paralyze TGV works under the Sagrada Familia

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The report, Rossler, is not signed by any technician of Unesco and contained only one signature "unreadable", also "absolutely contradicts" the interim report does recognize the Unesco.

The final report of Unesco on the tunnel and the risk that can lead to the temple of the Sagrada Familia will be published in Brasilia during the XXXIV World Heritage Committee of ICOMOS-UNESCO organization dedicated to monuments, from 25 July to 3 August.

Speaking to Europa Press, PP deputy and vice-third of Congress, Jorge Fernandez, said it has been so moved Rossler, and that he demonstrated on Tuesday before the House, which debated and voted on a motion calling for the popular urgent precautionary suspension of drilling the tunnel, and that a commission of independent experts present at a maximum of two months, an alternative route which does not jeopardize the Sagrada Familia or the other buildings.

Fernandez predicted the support of all groups except the motion PSOE and IU-ICV, and recalled that PP, CiU and ERC and joined efforts in this regard in the City Council and in Parliament. According to this first report, pending the final to be published in July, the safest thing was to change the layout or at least extraordinary security measures, but to evaluate, according to UNESCO, it had to start the TBM. However, drilling began on 27 March.

"Propaganda and partisanship"
Díaz Fernández told the same day the Minister of Public Works, José Blanco, lays the foundation stone of the season for Barcelona Sagrera, a measure popular deputy considered "propaganda" and accused the minister to pursue a policy " fait accompli "forward leaving the tunnel despite the risks.

He warned that although the political track does not work, the National Court may suspend provisionally the works, in response to administrative appeal submitted by the Construction Board of the Sagrada Família. Fernandez also lamented that the Sagrada Família combat against the course did not have support of another listed building of Gaudi and affected by the tunnel, La Pedrera.

He attributed it to "Caixa Catalunya is, a body chaired by Narcis Serra and promoted by the Diputación de Barcelona." For him, "the partisan interests are affecting general interests."



マドリード。 (ヨーロッパプレス)は、最新の報告書は、ユネスコによって発行された、"関係者と最終的な"6月7日AVEの"経路に関する日付は、同省のすべての活動をサポートして、大臣、公共事業、ホセブランコ、ノート.-本レイアウトには影響しませんがサグラダファミリアの近くに渡すとしても、トンネルの建設"の中止を呼び出します。

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この行では、ホワイトはメンバーに誰が最初に""報告書を読むとし、"判断"自分のコンテンツをお勧めします。また、"コンプライアンス"と呼ばれ尊敬され、彼はあなたがすることはできませんだから、あなたはフランスと、次の日に作品が停止している要求との接続を終了するに頼むことである。 "あなたはケーキを得ることができないし、それを食べて、"彼は言った。






それもその将来的に確立される必要がありますand世界遺産の遺跡の全体構造の亀裂が計画を含む亀裂の制御のための技術的な提案が実装、およびのlong - term measurementにfocus述べるクラックの幅とあなたのレコードが永久にされると、現在の国際的な慣行に基づいて最も重要な歴史的建造物の長期的なコントロールを適用すると、特に現在サグラダファミリアの継続的な作業がからです。




White says the Unesco supports the AVE track tunnel near the Sagrada Familia
CiU insists on a "technical failure" of the works

1 vote 44 comments
6/16/2010 | Updated at 11:27 pm | Politics
Madrid. (EUROPA PRESS) .- The Minister of Public Works, José Blanco, notes that the latest report issued by UNESCO, "official and final" dated June 7, regarding the route of the AVE "supports all activities of the ministry, does not affect the layout and also calls for halt to construction "of the tunnel as it passes near the Sagrada Familia.

Extra AVE
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PP CiU and the tunnel leading to the Congress under the Sagrada Familia
Unesco support belies its high-speed train tunnel from the Sagrada Família

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This is expressed in response to a question from MP for the Parliamentary Pere Macias CiU in the House of Congress, who was interested to know what measures the government considers to be taken against the technical report prepared by Unesco on the project Tunnel high-speed train that should unite the Sagrera with Sants, and in particular on the finding in relation to the section that is being built next to the Sagrada Familia.

In this line, White recommended to the Member who first "read the report" and then "judge" their content. Also called for "compliance" and was respected because he said you can not do is ask that you terminate the connection with France and the next day requesting that the works are stopped. "You can not get cake and eat it," he said.

For its part, the MP said "it is logical to take some time to think and act with prudence." Therefore, the minister asked him to do a "work stoppage" of work and creates a working committee. In this regard, the holder of Development said the ministry is working "with rigor and transparency" in a play "backed up to six times by the National Court and the committee of experts from Unesco.

Data Reported
The report says that according to these criteria and the results obtained from the different studies, "are not foreseeable damage to the Holy Family because of the tunnel AVE.

It provides that, until now, the tunnel and further measures have been designed "in accordance with national and European legislation and has taken account of all relevant issues." The report also states that should be investigated with special precision interactions between the tunnel and the Temple of La Sagrada Familia respect to deformation in its final state.

This review should include an independent evaluation of settlements in the Holy Family in its final state, including the feasibility study of mitigation settlement of the temple due to its own weight.

The data suggest that during a visual inspection of the old existing structure of the Sagrada Familia, numerous cracks were observed, corresponding mainly to increased loads. Therefore, the report notes that must be established detailed map of the cracks in the facade of the Nativity and other parts of the Sagrada Familia.

It also states that in the future should be established and implemented a technical proposal for the control of the cracks, including cracks plan for the entire structure of the World Heritage monuments, and focus on long-term measurement of width of the cracks and your record will be permanently and apply a long-term control of the most important historical monuments in accordance with current international practice, especially since currently continuing work on the Sagrada Familia.

Expert Committee
To take an even greater safety margin for permanent collection and interpretation of the results of the drilling machine control and take into account the outstanding architectural and cultural values of World Heritage Monuments, "requires the establishment of a steering committee composed of experts having different expertise. "

It must also be treated with the engineers responsible for railway operations the effect of vibrations caused by trains in the tunnel and its impact on the property Heritage and check whether additional measures are needed, for example the installation of equipment vibration absorbers inside the tunnel. He says it will benefit measurements similar to those in other similar tunnel structures are operating successfully at the moment to compare with existing vibration measurements close to the property of the Heritage. And the report maintains that "there is no risk of damage due to vibration-induced tunnel AVE.

Finally, the report maintains that have to be a structural analysis of the Casa Mila taking into account the aging of the structure, which should be a natural vibration analysis of World Heritage monuments, according to the codes and good international practices, especially for tall towers and horizontal loads from wind, and that should continue the process of independent inspections of project progress.



2010年4月6日|は12:46 |市民の更新
レウス(タラゴナ)。 (はヨーロッパプレス)省が開発AVEのバルセロナの、寺院の近くに実行するにガウディの作品への損傷を避けるために作業を停止するサグラダファミリア、ジョルディボネット、今日と主張したのチーフアーキテクトする.-。

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Laberint d' ombres

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賞ガウディレウスGresolに彼の全体のキャリアを受信した後、ボネットは省が開発のすべての勧告を寺の作品のチーム監督が作った無視してきたと述べた。さらに無責任な基礎から4メートル未満のトンネルを通過すると考えた。" "私は思う何をしようという省、それが損害を引き起こす場合私はこの頑固さを理解ことがない"と、彼は付け加えた。

ジョルディボネットは、AVEの経路は、サグラダファミリアには、"しかし、リスクを提示繰り返したさらにカサミラ(La Pedreraの)、はるかに弱い基盤を持ってする。"



The chief architect of the Sagrada Familia asks to stop the construction of the AVE
Jordi Bonet Development calls on the stay after hearing a report from the Unesco which advises that the layout is changed

0 votes 38 comments
04/06/2010 | Updated at 12:46 pm | Citizens
Reus (Tarragona). (Europa Press) .- The chief architect of the Sagrada Família, Jordi Bonet, claimed today the Ministry of Development to halt work on the AVE to Barcelona, which run near the temple, to avoid damage to the work of Gaudí.

Extra AVE
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Laberint d'ombres

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Bonet was expressed this way, told Europa Press, after receiving the report of experts that advises Unesco change the course of the tunnel that passes close to the Sagrada Familia and La Pedrera. The architect noted that "rectify is wise" and reminded that has long been calling for the diversion of the route of high speed train, as now recommended the report of the Unesco.

After receiving the Prize Gaudí Reus Gresol his entire career, Bonet said the Ministry of Development has ignored all the recommendations made by the team director of the works of the temple. Further considered irresponsible to pass a tunnel less than four meters from the foundation. " "I wonder what he would say the Ministry if it cause any damage. I've never understood this stubbornness," he added.

Jordi Bonet reiterated that the route of the AVE presents a risk to the Sagrada Familia, "but even more to the Casa Mila (La Pedrera), which has a much weaker foundation."

Report of the Unesco
As for the temple, the Unesco report, commissioned by the International Council of Monuments, says "not ready to safely avoid unforeseen disasters, and therefore recommends re-route and away from the Sagrada Família. Although the study considers that the current draft "meets safety standards," advocates as "preferred solution" to redirect the route through areas less directly affect the Sagrada Familia and La Pedrera.

The report, written by Rolf Katzenbach and Wolfgram Jäger, also urges more security mechanisms to prepare the path to the temple has no effect on Barcelona, between them, creating a double wall of protection.



バルセロナ。近所のトンネルに中心を通るバナーをお迎えいたします反対した(ヨーロッパプレス)は本日、幼若サグレラAVEのバルセロナで起動します、大臣、公共事業、ホセブランコの.-本、彼らが集中し、彼と話をしようとすると、ヨーロッパプレスによるとplaform AVEの画素リトラル、ペールバジェホ今日の社長。温水、午後に予定では、大統領Generalitatの、ホセモンティーラ、政府代表、ジョアンランゲル、市長、ジョルディHereu、大統領と鉄道インフラ管理者(ADIF)、アントニオゴンザレスの出席する。 Hereuとホワイトも市役所で事前に会う予定だ。

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幼若Barcinoはサンツラサグレラを持って5.6キロのストレッチを構築する4.8。並行して、すぐに夏に建設を開始するラサグレラの建設を授与される。サンツ駅はLaサグレラに、トンネルの通りProvença、Avenida Diagonalとカーレマヨルカの下に通過します。ウィルは近くサグラダファミリア、建設委員会を麻痺させるとしてきた実行何度かで動作します。

また、掘削を開始し、Adifは見通しの都市の他の部分では、続いてのLa Pedreraのグラシア通り、彼らは2月上旬に開始した。 Adifソースユネスコの仮想アプリケーションから詳細については、としてエンティティ中心部にトンネルを反対して提出自体を解除。

White starts the tunneling between neighborhood protests AVE
Development Minister today inaugurated the controversial drilling machine that will connect the 4.8 to 5.6 km that separates the station's future with the Sants Sagrera

One vote 16 comments
3/26/2010 | Updated at 08:14 pm | Citizens
Barcelona. (EUROPA PRESS) .- The Minister of Public Works, José Blanco, will launch today in the TBM Sagrera AVE in Barcelona, while the neighbors opposed to the tunnel through the center will welcome you with banners, they will concentrate and try to talk to him, Europa Press said today the president of the plaform AVE pel Litoral, Pere Vallejo. In the heated, scheduled in the afternoon, will attend the President of the Generalitat, José Montilla, the government delegate, Joan Rangel, the mayor, Jordi Hereu, and President of the Railway Infrastructure Administrator (ADIF), Antonio Gonzalez. Hereu and White will also meet in advance at City Hall.

Extra AVE
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CiU and ERC White planted at the premiere of the TBM Barcelona
Com acabarem the Sagrada Familia?

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The Prime Minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, said Monday that drilling the tunnel, joining the station's future with the Sants Sagrera, with an investment of 200 million euros.

Welcome flowers
The TBM Barcino, which measures 100 meters and weighs 2,300 tons, will begin drilling at the confluence of streets and Biscaia Mallorca, around which the last few days have planted trees and flowers during the visit of White, say the neighbors. At this point, have hung banners on balconies and provide focus to a tunnel that "contrary to the democratic arrangements" as that of Parliament, contrary to its construction in the center of Barcelona, recalled Vallejo.

The neighbors also expressed his fear this week by the sounds of the TBM. The entity and the Standing Board of the Heritage Defense Catalunya today demanded the Ministry of Public paralyze the launch of the TBM with a statement warning that "thousands of citizens eligible to vote" expect the suspension.

Drill 4.8 miles
The TBM Barcino 4.8 build 5.6 kilometers of which is the stretch of Sants-La Sagrera. In parallel, soon to be awarded the construction of the La Sagrera to begin construction in summer. Sants Station to La Sagrera, the tunnel will pass under the street Provence, Avenida Diagonal and Calle Mallorca. Will run close to the Sagrada Família, which has tried to paralyze Construction Board works on several occasions.

In addition to start drilling, Adif followed in other parts of the city with the prospect, as with La Pedrera Passeig de Gràcia, where they began in early February. Sources Adif the disassociated themselves from a hypothetical application of Unesco for more information, as submitted by the entities opposing the tunnel in the center.


ジョルディミロ|バルセロナは23/03/2010 |ラス1:05午後|参加で更新表示|

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ジョルディボネットは、ある治療のことを話すの法律は一般的に関心のある建物と見なさ与えられることに私たちに言っている。私たちはその中で私たちも、その下層を変更することはできません非常に厳しい制限がある建物のこのような種類のまわりにベルトが理解する。両方のサグラダファミリアのLa Pedrera、この規則を遵守されていません建物がユネスコの世界遺産で、とおり、両方のケースもある。



How to end the Holy Family?
2 vote 16 comments
Jordi Miró | Barcelona | 23/03/2010 | Updated at las 01:05 h | Participation
Ben designed this to make the works of the Ave before finishing the Sagrada Familia is not a bad idea for anyone. If you think about it now will work to build a tunnel that will pass very close to the foundations of the Temple and the matter will be over.

A Fondo
Extra AVE
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White puts driving in the tunnel between the AVE protestas Neighborhood

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What happens is that once the tunnel operating as our brand new high speed train, the problem that will have to finish the work on the temple, because when I passed a couple of years nobody recall of works and the architects of the Holy Family should think so much when climbing towers go missing having made this work. Because then if anything happens, they will be solely responsible, no one will remember a few years ago the land was weakened by a passing train, and if you say there will be someone in charge of saying "blame the builders temple, so far nothing has happened. " From a strategic point of view is very clear that once the train passed first, for it will be well done and the ball on the roof of the Sagrada Familia.

The facade facing the street Mallorca has the fundamentals to 16 feet underground, and just 1.40 meters apart have made some screen walls were well below those fundamentals. The foundations of the temple are now designed for all, what is needed to know if these screens were made now, are designed for it or not. Do not forget that just at that place in the future there will be some columns that it will amount to 22,000 tonnes.

Jordi Bonet has told us that there is a law that speaks of the treatment to be given generally considered a building of interest. We understand there is a belt around these types of buildings which are very strict limitations within which we can not even alter its subsoil. Both the Holy Family as the Pedrera buildings are World Heritage Site by UNESCO, and in both cases is not complying with this rule.

Without losing sight of the whole route, I would like to mention an issue I've seen the future and that directly affects users Ave. I read that in the route of the tunnel for the city, will be about 10 wells. It is envisaged that such a function will support the progress of the tunnel for whatever failures or convenient, but after that these wells will be the future of emergency routes if something happened. If we take the 5,640 meters that should be the future tunnel on its way through the city, and divide by 10 wells, will result in the 564 meters will find a well. Although in some places there will be more depth, we average out to a depth of 20 meters, this represents approximately four stories. If we consider an incident whatever within this tunnel, I would ask ...

What infrastructure is designed to vent? What will happen to passengers who can not climb any physical impairment to 20 feet deep? Or that we would step in place of a tunnel, had been a mousetrap?


ジョルディミロ|バルセロナは16/03/2010 |ラス13:25 |参加で更新表示|

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実際には彼らが言う嘘だったアヴェ言っていない建物の30メートルからの作品は、船の中心部からは、これらのアカウントが足、ということです実際によると、 2,000フィートにそれはカタルーニャ広場からカウントを開始せずに行きました。だから最近ユネスコの領主は、それは、彼らがまさに仕事で見にいた理解されたため、それを見て来て、その存在メートル、トンネルではなかったことを確認することができた摩擦摩擦聖家族の基礎で発生します。明らかに彼らは、その報告を行う作品を止めることはできない、このような建物について自分の意見を与えると、他の"責任"entossuditsときにトンネル先発生します。

しかし、それは、それがアヴェバルセロナへの彼の途中で交差のLa Pedrera、ユネスコの世界遺産を設計に行くと、私が言った動作をはないと思います他の回、懸念は、これらの2つの建物は、トンネルの作品にも耐える、私はほぼそれをサポートして確信している、私はそうはわからないが、その日一日、週間、月、年に耐えるです。


Report of the Holy Family: The half lie
2 vote 11 comments
Jordi Miró | Barcelona | 16/03/2010 | Updated at las 1:25 pm | Participation
No doubt the power of conviction that awakens when Jordi Bonet speaks of the Holy Family. It is such a passion for their work that drowns data to tell us what he sees, and I think it should only take into account everything he says, because it speaks to speak, on the contrary, their arguments are confirmed by maps and diagrams teach us.

A Fondo
Extra AVE
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Clearly we all have a role in our community, which is not so clear is that when we make those responsible for our homes, streets and buildings estimated to continue with a project that if not now, I am convinced which later will queue. When we see these people doing an exercise in magic with citizens, distract us with nonsense words and gestures with the other hand while we hide the truth and draw a rabbit from the hat.
And all this with only a slight change of interpretation, with a look from another perspective, showing us another view of the facts of reality by distreure'ns. Therefore I must confess that I felt bad when I explained that these were "responsible" they said with all the naturalness of the world against international institutions that work on the Ave passed 30 meters from the Sagrada Familia. Therefore I ask that Jordi Bonet m "will explain and the answer was clear.

In fact it was the lie that they say works Ave through 30 meters of the building, which did not say is that these accounts feet from the center of the ship, could have actually said that went to 2,000 feet without that starts counting from the Plaza Catalunya. So recently came the lords of Unesco to do so because they had understood what it was, to see exactly what was work and then they saw that there was not a meter, the tunnel happens to rubbing friction with the foundations of the Holy Family. Obviously they can not stop the works, will make its report and give their opinion regarding a building like this, and other "responsible" entossudits will happen when the tunnel ahead.

But do not think that's it, that it works Ave crossing on his way to Barcelona and will go to La Pedrera, designed World Heritage Site by UNESCO, and as I said other times, the concern is that these two buildings withstand the works of the tunnel, I am almost sure that it does support it, I'm not so sure of is that withstand the day to day, for weeks, months and years.

If in three years leaves a crack in one of these buildings will see who call, because as he says that the politicians but their work is passed and then everything will be throwing balls off the end, what will become clear is that there will be affected, which will not be so clear is knowing who is responsible.


ボード主張保護の柱寺ADIFの最初の草案はシールドトンネルの前に作業を始めている2メートル| Adifの抗議で彼を置くのメーターだけ上に構築されている| Adif動作の安全性に関する技術報告書の提出は、彼らはもはや司法プロセスの停止作業を加速する被告人

23/10/2009 |は午後05時59分|市民の更新
バルセロナ。 (AP通信)建設委員会は、聖家族の高等裁判所寺の隣に実行している将来のトンネルAVEのラインの隔壁の作品の一部停止のアプリケーションで発表している.-本、弁護士が説明理事会は、ジョルディアベル。

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The patronage of the Holy Family asked the High Court to stop the construction of the retaining wall of the AVE
The board claims that the pillars of protection are being built just over a meter of the temple when the initial draft of ADIF put him over 2 meters | Adif protest that has begun work on the shield before the tunnel presentation of the technical report about the safety of the works | Adif accused of accelerating the works which no longer can slow the judicial process

2 votes 84 comments
23/10/2009 | Updated at 17:59 pm | Citizens
Barcelona. (EFE) .- The Construction Board of Holy Family has presented at the High Court an application for partial suspension of the works of the future tunnel bulkhead line of the AVE, which is running next to the temple, the lawyer explained Board of Trustees, Jordi Abel.

Extra AVE
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The AVE works without water left the Sagrada Familia

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AVE, Sagrada Familia, Audiencia Nacional, Unesco, Antoni Gaudí, Jordi Bonet, Barcelona, Joan Rigol
In a press conference, Abel said that it was the third time that the board of the Holy Family asked to adopt a precautionary measure, two of them have already been rejected, suspension of works, within the legal process against the proposed open AVE overall, as they are in a "level of genuine concern and needs to act before it's too late," he warned.

This request is based on three criteria. First of all, the installation until a total of twenty pins of the bulkhead of the future tunnel AVE. Secondly, reducing the distance between the protective screen of the tunnel and the facade of the temple, he must be 1.95 meters by the construction project and is being implemented currently to 1.12 meters from the façade, which is deviation of 42% over the agreed plan.

And third, report that Adif has begun work on the protective screen of the tunnel before the submission of technical report on the safety of the works being carried out an external company.

Concern about the impact of these changes
As he explained the architect of the temple, Jordi Bonet, these errors, especially reducing the distance between the tunnel shield and the facade of the temple-range "full" calculations Adif previously about the effects that could cause the building works of Antoni Gaudí.

In addition, Bonet has warned that the tunnel will be built AVE at a depth of 40 meters, still below the water table and the "strong vibratory waves" that can lead to the passage of the TBM on the columns of the temple.

For the current architect of the temple, ADIF is conducting a "fait accompli", based, in his opinion, to advance the construction schedule so that they are in a state too advanced to stop them at the time that is judicial sentencing.

Reported lack of rigor
"These errors in the building showed the lack of rigor and accountability that is running the work," he lamented. For its part, the president of the Construction Board of the Holy Family, Joan Rigol, has asked the justice to act with the "urgent need", but was keen to stress that the board has "readiness for dialogue" and "abide by and respect "the decision of justice, although this is not favorable to their interests.

Also, Rigol has placed special emphasis on the request for suspension of work "is not based on private interests against one of the public," but a "universal value" of humanity, is a monument recognized by the Unesco-and Catalan culture.

The chairman also referred to the decision not to consider Unesco, early last September, the temple of the Holy Family as a monument in danger.

According Rigol, the Spanish delegation which presented the project has ensured that the Holy Family was 60 meters from the tunnel AVE-taking into account the distance from the center of the facade, while the distance from the end of 33 meters.

The board of the temple, which will meet next week with Adif responsible for the twelfth time, sure have the endorsement of the opinion of leading specialists and institutions for Spanish and international universities that warn of the risks of tunnel works AVE.



フランチェスクPeirónはニューヨーク件。特派員| 2009年7月10日|は3:31 pmの|市民の更新


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ここでは区別しないが行われます。 AVEのが呼び出されるかどうか、それは重要ではない。何が以上の7000マイルを立って離れてトンネルが非常に近い"ビル、都市の"アイコンの基盤"に実行されます。"ノルマBarbacci、スペイン、ポルトガル、ラテンアメリカという機関の、あなたの動きが遅過ぎる認識するためのプログラムディレクター。彼らは、作品がすでに始まっている知っている。 "我々の考えは、"彼はラバンガルディアとの会話では、と主張し、反映するように注目を集めて、それはそのデザインの記念碑に害を与えないように、すべてを可能にしてきたかどうか。"

2010ウォッチリストを提示では、最初は1996年に開始された - 寺の画像を1つの画面に投影され、一緒に5つの他の場所スペイン(セビーリャ、サンティアゴロード、トレドと、さソリアとアビラ)、実施形態の主要な開発として、47カ国の合計に影響を与える。バルセロナや風景や歴史的な中心を変更する商業塔のセビリア-想定建設の場合と同様に、プリントは、ますます都市存在している。

"これは反映 - エリカアブラミは、WMFの、成長の理解、文化遺産は、特定の社会的および物理的なコンテキストの一部ではなく、分離のように理解されるべきであるのリサーチディレクターは言う。"自然災害が、すべての経済成長の上、処理、および観光を含む脅威として浮上している。

1つの問題は、どのように問題のリストにこれらのサイトを組み込むことが決定している。バルセロナ、1つのWMFのに関してはカタルーニャ州の州都掘削の影響を検討するために旅をしています。その包含はノルマBarbacci、レポート回文スペイン、身体ユネスコにリンクから提出された言葉で"完全な自信"が原因です。 "彼らは人たちに保証を与えたが、彼は言う。またインフラのパターンです政府は、接触しないとなっている。


Gaudí's great work enters the world list of endangered sites
The list 'Watch' of 2010, includes five other Spanish places threatened by urban development

6 votes 58 comments
FRANCESC Peirón | New York. Correspondent | 07/10/2009 | Updated at 3:31 pm | Citizens
The prayers of the Holy Family have come to New York. Together with such mythical resonance places like Machu Picchu in Peru, or remote as the Phajoding, a monastery on the heights of the mountains of Bhutan, the expiatory temple is one of the 93 sites included in the 2010 world list of endangered sites performed every two years the World Monuments Fund (WMF). This independent, a leader in the protection of places considered treasures of mankind, has included "Gaudí's cathedral" by the threat in this case, urban development, which is specified "in a new subway line in Barcelona" .

MORE INFORMACIÓNEnlace: HagoClic.com: Interactive map of the 93 endangered monuments

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Barcelona, Gaudí, Seville, Avila, Toledo, Unesco, Portugal, Santiago, New York, Machu Picchu, La Vanguardia, Latin America, Soria, Sagrada Família, AVE, Peru
Here no distinction is made. AVE is called or not, that is not important. What stands out more than seven thousand miles away is that the tunnel will run very close "to the foundation" of the building, an "icon of the city." Norma Barbacci, program director for Spain, Portugal and Latin America of that institution, recognizes that your move comes too late. They know that the works have already begun. "Our idea," insists conversation with La Vanguardia, is to draw attention, which reflect and see if you have done everything possible to ensure that the design does not harm the monument. "

In presenting the 2010 Watch List-the first was launched in 1996 - the image of the temple was one of those that are projected on screen, along with five other Spanish locations (Sevilla, the road to Santiago, Toledo, Soria and Avila) and great innovations of the embodiments, affecting a total of 47 countries. Like the case of Barcelona or Seville-the envisaged construction of a commercial tower that modifies the landscape and historical center, urban prints are increasingly present.

"This reflects - says Erica Avrami, research director of the WMF, the growing understanding that cultural heritage should be understood as part of a specific social and physical context and not in isolation." Natural disasters, but above all economic growth, which involves processing and tourism are emerging as threats.

One issue is determining how to incorporate these sites to the list of concerns. With respect to Barcelona, one of the WMF has traveled to the Catalan capital to study the impact of drilling. Its inclusion is due to "full confidence" in the words of Norma Barbacci, the report submitted by ICOMOS Spain, a body linked to Unesco. "They are those who gave us the guarantee, he says. There has been no contact with the Government, which is the pattern of infrastructure.

"At another point," adds the director for Spain, could have asked for the review of the project. What is more important, the tunnel and the monument? ".




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書類は、スペイン委員会が提出した2つのレポートが含まれて。 1つは、文化省、技術的側面を開発によって発生する詳細の提出、およびその他の国際協会の歴史的建造物の保全国際評議会Momunentosとサイト(回文)によって設立。



鉄道庁はこの夏、この保護の建設を開始し、7月おそらく予想される。 240メートルの深い40の長さが"最大値は、トンネルに到達する直径1.5メートルの山で構成される。このバリアは、地震動は、トンネルでは、実行中に生成された寺には転送されませんようになります。構造体は、準備ができてトンネルBarcino、その最初のコンポーネントはすでにバルセロナのドイツから到着する前に、必要エリアでの作業を開始します。現時点では、寺院の近くにトンネル内マヨルカとパディーヤの合流点に位置しています働いている場所、この偉大な訓練を維持するために役立つだけでなく。

Unesco believes the Sagrada Família is not endangered by stroke
The first pieces of Barcino begin tunneling into the well mounted attack | While awaiting the start of the work of the stroke, the construction of the Sagrada Familia still ongoing

0 votes 25 comments
6/29/2009 | Updated at 2:23 pm | Citizens
The high-speed rail tunnel linking the stations of Sants and Sagrera under the Eixample and will pass very near the Sagrada Família not involve danger to the temple, according to Unesco. The agency ruled yesterday include this work of Antoni Gaudí in its official list of endangered monuments, Europa Press reported. The decision was taken by the world heritage committee, which held in Seville his 33. Th Assembly, after considering the report submitted by the Spanish delegation who give good protection measures provided for in the construction project of the layout of the AVE which is already under construction, although not to the height of the Sagrada Família.

Extra AVE
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Link: HagoClic.com: The World Heritage List

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Unesco, Sagrada Família, Development, AVE, Sevilla, Mallorca, Barcelona, Eixample, Germany, Padilla, Barcino, Sants, Sagrera
The dossier submitted by the Spanish committee includes two reports. One, submitted by the Ministry of Culture, which detailed the technical aspects raised by the Development, and the other international association established by the conservation of historical monuments International Council Momunentos and Sites (ICOMOS).

In its conclusions, the Spanish committee stresses the "soundness" of the construction project for which the entity is responsible for rail Adif, depending on Development, and remember that protective measures have included placing a screen consisting of concrete columns along the ground against the facade of Glory.

About this protection, the case recalls that Unesco had already proposed that consideration be given an alternative route, and if this is impossible, they take the necessary steps to ensure the safety of the structure of the building. With the projected screen is understood to give these guarantees, something that those responsible for the Sagrada Família, have questioned them even believe that there will be more dangerous and as requested, in accordance with ADIF, a separate report. The results of this latest study, commissioned from the Technical Institute of Materials and Constructions (INTEMAC) have not yet been known, although Adif forward and last month that its initial findings endorse the screens.

The railway is being forecast to begin construction of this protection this summer, probably in July. Have a length of 240 meters deep and 40 "maximum to reach the tunnel, and be composed of piles of 1.5 m in diameter. This barrier will ensure that the ground motions generated by the tunnel during its execution are not transferred to the temple. The structure should be ready before the tunneling Barcino, whose first components have already arrived in Barcelona from Germany, start working in the area. At present, works in the tunnel near the temple is located at the confluence of Mallorca and Padilla, where a well that will serve to maintain this great drill.


07/02/2007 |は午後08時45分午後|市民の更新
バルセロナ。 (はEFE通信)AVEの距離サグラダファミリアからのトンネルのレイアウトを変更をお勧めしますが、今日ステートメントサグラダファミリアの報告スペイン委員会国際記念物遺跡会議(回文)にの創設する.-。


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The Spanish Committee of Monuments recommends that the AVE does not pass near the Sagrada Familia
0 votes 2 comments
07/02/2007 | Updated at 20:45 pm | Citizens
Barcelona. (EFE) .- The founding of the Spanish Committee of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) has recommended changing the route of the AVE to tunnel away from the Sagrada Familia, as reported today in a statement the Sagrada Familia.

MORE INFORMACIÓNAparecen cracks in the floor of the ground floor of the municipality of El Prat

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The foundation said in a report concern about the consequences that may occur to the monument for the effects of work on the AVE and warns that the characteristics of the land and the building could damage the structure of the tunnel itself.

ICOMOS is an international NGO that is part of the structure of the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO, which promotes the conservation of monuments and historical sites in the world



巻いてグティエレス|バルセロナ| 28/06/2010 |は午前17時42分|市民の更新
カタルーニャ選択の結果は、昨年バーが高いは残っこの呼び出しは、レコードが壊れている:25 679学生発表の94.4%を、2009年に93%をテスト移動しました。これは、これらのテストの歴史の最も高い割合です。大学への入学試験の平均成績は、(ポー)も増加し6.2での略で、3年連続で6人以上。この平均は、わずか5試験ポー-カスティーリャ語、カタロニア語、外国語、歴史や哲学の歴史とモダリティの対象の一般的な位相が必要で、計算され、アクセスマークを計算するために使用されて平均高校と一緒に学校。


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彼が果たしている科目のなし。他の呼び出しで1つの被写体の平均成績は5以下、通常の数学、化学、物理学だった。今年も。数学、社会科学は5.01(4.59、2009年)との化学は5.92(4.49)。複数の教師がテストの方法"簡単に"試験のように思えた日話し中。もカタロニア語、終わりではなく、学生の間で多くの不安を募らせた大混乱を引き起こすしなかったの平均成績は、以前の呼び出しよりも高くなっています。対照的に、カタルーニャ、ピラールゴメス、選択の新モデルは、今年リリースされた評価のこの増加に起因のポーのコーディネーターとしても大学や研究Comissionat、ジョアン魔女、それは项から表示されます。学生が自主的に、わずか5必須のテストを検討し、この3つの詳細に注意固有の位相に行くまでに発生することができます。 "ちょうど最高それらを与えるか、興味を彼らが最も、"ゴメスは言った材料に焦点を当てる。

もう一つの理由は、最大のスクリーニング高校で行われている、魔女に従ってだろう。 9月に6月にも閉鎖このコースは、オロエに続き、2番目の高校記録がある。学生は、より多くの時間を失った被験者を回復し、ポー9月に提出していると教師にスコアと評価を終了します。 6月に高校を渡すための基準はまた、実際に準備された学生の選択厳しく行われていることを望みます。それは前年75.4%超えているという証拠は、今年6月に、学生の67.22パーセント在籍の高校を承認したとなるだろう。男の子と女の子との間のわずかな違いは、パブリックとプライベートは図を参照してご利用いただけます。ポーの注意と高校記録まで近づくと6.73加重アクセス注意を与える。新しい選択入学ノートでは14ポイントに達する可能性があります。

カタルーニャは、将来新しい弁護人、または検察官、又は受託裁判官が...ローラエレナアルバレスオルテガは法学部UPFので保証の場所があるので、彼は"勉強すると、それは前に続けば、優秀な学生になります望んでいる大学。シェア最高の選択の(9.65)の平均高校記録(9.96に追加する必要があります2つの他の男の子達と学年)。昨日彼女はほぼ同じ神経選択の最初の日として見えた。彼の電話が鳴り続け、彼女は彼女の学校、マレスConcepcionistesバルセロナからすべて友好記者が出席した。彼はそれを信じていなかったハットトリックと2つの他の学生をしていたと語った"と彼は冗談だった"と彼は言ったと思った。学校での成功への彼の秘密は単純です:毎日の仕事。 "あなたは良い成績を取得したい場合は、毎週確認する必要がして、をクリックしてテストの数日前、"彼は言った。しかし、彼女は勉強する生活はありません。 "私は誰もが:ディスコに、読書、映画鑑賞、音楽を聴い行くと、通常のものは、私は普通の女の子だが好きです!"彼は学校、それが人間ラテン語と芸術の歴史を引き付けるために選んだのは、数学には嫌悪感 - "私はうまく、私は"好き - と希望、この法律の学位と同様に興味深いものです。あなたのメモへのアクセス(自主検査を行う)は約13.43。そして、夏は残りの部分に描画:"私はビーチに、それを読んで行く、私は行くよ...私は切断する必要があります。"

静か。エリザベスパレスPujolràsはSo選択に直面した。おそらくそれはIESのオロトMontsacopaこの学生のためのキーなどのメモを取る:9.65だった。日、私はわずかに行くと時間のセキュリティテストに対処するために必要な睡眠しようとする前に。数学の証明よりしかし、怖がっていただけでなく、それを承認していない9.5とビート。エリザベートの努力と運も忍耐を支持しています。 "準備の2週間が、テストモデルをした重要なことは、コース全体に犠牲になる"と彼は言う。事実選択は彼の学校でおらず、彼を助けたと同じ2番目のクラスの高校です。 "すべては非常に精通していたと私は多くの信頼を得た"と彼は説明します。彼はノートの自宅で母親と一緒に学びました。 "私はインターネットに接続して、私はそれが既にぶら下がっていた想像できませんでした"エリザベスは、彼は非常に彼女を見て幸せだったと言っている。 "私は、メモを予想ではなく、両方"と彼は付け加えた。オロトのレストランで家族の食事はどのように祝っていた。エリザベートは、バルセロナ大学で、その目標生物医学を勉強したいの研究室で作業することです:"私は研究に専念したいと私はレースを最高の私の願望に適していました。"この夏、彼の新たな挑戦をそれはよく、まだ決まっていない場所で休暇を当然のようになります開始する前に。

フアンベラは、学生も、その極端なシンプルさにもかかわらず、ではない9.65を、タラゴナ地方の最高のスコアを説明します。 "私は期待していなかった、私は試験への圧力をせずに行った"と、彼は回想する。 17歳では、多くの若者が悪ボードレールや物語や詩を書くの花を読んで自分の自由時間を過ごす。それはオタクやフリークとは見なされませんが、"私の友人は、これらの趣味を持っていない"と彼は認めている。彼の家族とのビーチl' Arrabassadaタラゴナから住んでいる若者も、映画や音楽祭が大好きです。仕事についての夢ので、社説で終了したいが、何かあまりにも多くの終了を持って、それはおそらく教育を終了しません選ばれたレースを辞任したと言います。 URVで、5ヒスパニック学を考えてそれで十分だろう。 "セレのレベルは非常に手頃な価格だった"と彼は言う。ジョンは、常に大学でSagratコアデイエスを研究して、どのような成熟と変えるの教育システムについて説明します。そのESOにもやる気学生のための長さは、再生中の"高校を長く1年間は、そのときに学ぶことだ"と彼は、その理由。ジョンはコーナー、エレキギター、壁上で自分の部屋を開くと、スミスとピクシーズ、Becquerは行、ラテンな句:stultorumのInfinitus東側受け入れ人数のポスター。 ""笑いを意味愚か者の数は無限大です。

Albalatホルヘ彼は最初の頃は、彼が選択(9.33)レリダの最高のスコアをいたことを知った驚いた認めている。 "メモ私ではない、私は化学の5つの価値を入力するために"と、彼は言う。そしてこのテストは高校と続いているテストの残りの部分のように大学にアクセスするために開発されました。 '私はそれらの最後の日を待つの午前、"彼は付け加えた。ジョージは秘密を研究の中で最も努力をしているが。 "キーは一定のようにクラスの注目を維持すると時間がかかる"です。高品位が得彼らの計画を変更するつもりはない。 "私は化学が好き、私は以来、このレースに探すことにした長いが、"彼は言う。多くのこの情熱のせい1研究所ポンの(ノーグエラ)、ホルヘは両親と双子の兄弟と一緒に暮らしでてきた教師である。この生徒は授業を好むと彼の情熱の間で音楽を強調する。彼はギターを弾き友達とグループを組み立てている。ガンズアンドローゼズのように、将来の化学では。

More than ever approved
94.4% of students exceeds the selectivity, with an average score of 6.2

4 votes 19 comments
MAITE GUTIÉRREZ | Barcelona | 28/06/2010 | Updated at 17:42 pm | Citizens
The results of selectivity in Catalunya last year left the bar high, but this call has broken records: 94.4% of 25 679 students presented has been tested, 93% in 2009 -. This is the highest percentage in the history of these tests. The average grade of the entrance exams to university (PAU) also increased and stands at 6.2, the third consecutive year that more than 6. This average is calculated only with the five exams required of the general phase of the PAU-Castilian, Catalan, foreign language, history or history of philosophy and a subject of modality, and is used to calculate the access mark school along with the average high school.

MORE INFORMACIÓNRécord of Selectivity pass rate in Catalonia
Three students Catalan border on perfection in selectivity: 9.65
What is taking excellent selectivity

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None of the subjects he has played. In other calls the average grade of a subject was below five, usually mathematics, chemistry and physics. This year there. Mathematical social sciences is a 5.01 (4.59 in 2009) and chemistry at a 5.92 (4.49). During the days of testing several teachers talked about how "easy" that seemed exams. Even the Catalan, which caused much fear among students but in the end did not cause havoc, the average grade is higher than the previous calls. In contrast, both the Universities and Research Comissionat, Joan Majó, as the coordinator of the PAU in Catalonia, Pilar Gomez, attributed this increase in ratings for the new model of selectivity, released this year and it appears from the LOE. With this the students are examined only five mandatory testing on a voluntary basis, can occur up to three more to go note-specific phase. "Just focus on the materials that best gives them or that interest them most," said Gomez.

Another reason would be the largest screening has been done in high school, according Majó. This course, and following the LOE, the records of a second school was closed in September than in June. Students have more time to recover lost subjects and submitted to the PAU in September, and teachers to score and finish the assessment. So the criteria for passing the high school in June would also have been made stricter and the selectivity of students who were really prepared. Proof of this would be that this year has approved the high school in June, 67.22% of students enrolled, while it exceeded the previous year 75.4%. The small differences between boys and girls and between public and private stay-see chart. The note of the PAU and the high school record ever closer and give it a 6.73 weighted access note. With the new selective admission note may reach 14 points.

"To get good grades should be reviewed daily"
Catalunya has a future new counsel, or prosecutor, or judge ... because Laura Elena Alvarez Ortega has a guaranteed place in the Faculty of Law of the UPF, the university where he wants to study "and, if it continues as before, will be an excellent student. Share the best grade of selectivity (9.65) with two other boys, which must be added to your average high school record (9.96). Yesterday she looked almost as nervous as the first day of selectivity. His phone kept ringing and she attended all friendly reporters from her school, Mares Concepcionistes of Barcelona. When told that had hat trick with two other students did not believe him, "I thought it was a joke," he said. His secret to success in school is simple: daily work. "If you want to get good grades, you have to review each week, and then click a few days before the test," he said. But she not only lives to study. "I like doing what everyone: go to the disco, reading, watching movies, listening to music, normal stuff, I am a normal girl!". He chose the school because he is attracted humanistic Latin and the history of art, no aversion to mathematics - "I do well and I like" - and hopes that a law degree is just as interesting. Your note access (making voluntary testing) is about 13.43. And for the summer draws to rest: "I will go to the beach, read it, I'll go ... I need to disconnect."

"I expected good note, but not both"
Quietly. So Elisabeth Parés Pujolràs faced selectivity. Probably this was key for this student from IES Olot Montsacopa take out as good note: a 9.65. The day before I just tried to go over and get plenty of sleep needed to cope with exams guarantees. Mathematical proof was more scared, but not only approved it but the beat with a 9.5. Elisabeth is in favor of the effort and perseverance than luck. "The two weeks of preparation did test models, but the important thing is sacrificed throughout the course," he says. The fact that the selectivity did in school and in the same class where he attended high school second favored him. "Everything was very familiar and I gained a lot confidence," he describes. He learned of the note at home with his mother. "I connected to internet but I could not imagine it were already hanging," said Elisabeth, who says he was very happy to see her. "I expected good note, but not both," he adds. A family meal at a restaurant in Olot was how to celebrate. Elisabeth wants to study biomedicine at the University of Barcelona and its goal is to work in a lab: "I would like to devote to research and I wanted the race best suited to my aspirations." This summer, before starting his new challenge will ensure that well-deserved vacation in a place that is still undecided.

"The level of" sele "was very affordable"
Juan Vela is not a student either, despite its extreme simplicity explains 9.65, the best score of the Tarragona region. "I did not expect, I went to the exams without any pressure," he recalls. At 17 years, many young people spend their free time reading Les Fleurs du mal de Baudelaire or writing stories and poems. "My friends do not have these hobbies," he admits, although it is not considered nerd or freak. A young man, who lives with his family from the beach of l'Arrabassada of Tarragona, also loves film and music festivals. Since dreaming of a job, you would like to end up in an editorial, but says something resigned the race has chosen not to have too many exits and that will probably end up teaching. Consider Hispanic Philology at the URV, with 5 it would have sufficed. "The sele level was very affordable," he says. John, who has always studied in college Sagrat Cor de Jesús, explains why mature change the education system. "Lengthen one years of high school, that's when you learn," he reasons, while recalling that the ESO is too long for unmotivated students. John opens his room in a corner, an electric guitar, and on the wall, posters of the Smiths and Pixies, lines of Becquer and a Latin phrase: stultorum Infinitus est numerus. "The number of fools is infinite" means laughing.

ALCALA JORGE Albalat. Lleida
"I am of those who wait to the last day"
Albalat Jorge admits that he was first surprised when he learned that he had the best score of the selectivity (9.33) of Lleida. "I would not by note, for me to enter in Chemistry worth a five," he says. And so this test was developed for access to college like the rest of the tests that have been going on and high school. "I am of those awaiting the last day," he adds. Although George has a secret to make the most effort in the studies. "The key is to be constant, sustaining attention in class and take the time." The high grade obtained is not going to change their plans. "I like chemistry and I have long since decided to study this career," he says. Much blame for this passion is one of the teachers who have had at the Institute of Ponts (Noguera), where Jorge lives with his parents and his twin brother. This student prefers teaching and among his passions highlights the music. He plays guitar and has assembled a group with friends. In this future chemical like Guns N 'Roses.


ルノーは、世界の69万5000台モのデル シーニックのハンドブレーキの不備を、修理工場に警告

695 000車はルノーシニックモデルを削除

パリ。 (225) - フランスの自動車メーカー、ルノーブレーキとセニックモデルの問題のための世界695 000台の周りのワークショップと呼ばれる。これらの車両は製造2005年6月20日まで。


695 000 cars removed Renault Scenic model
The reason is that in a few cases, the brake is inadvertently during operation

0 votes 3 comments
6/29/2010 | Updated at 15:49 h | Business
Paris. (Dpa) - French carmaker Renault called workshops around the world 695 000 cars for Scénic model problems with the handbrake. These vehicles manufactured until June 20, 2005.

The reason is that in a few cases the brake is unintentionally during the march, a spokeswoman for Renault. The action commenced on June 2.



マドリード。 (ダウジョーンズ).-スペイン最高のパフォーマンスの国2010年にはツアーの中ではなく、どちらも人最悪の数字を記録した中では、火曜日は、世界観光機関(WTO)、タレブリファイ、事務局長によると全体的な結果のプレゼンテーション。



しかし、リファイによると、この結果は、2%の増加と2009年の最終四半期に始まった傾向を、観光の回復を実行していることを確認。 3%成長に減速、欧州の空港の閉鎖にアイスランド4月から噴煙がによりにもかかわらず、14ヶ月後に床以下の国際観光客数の増加の7ヶ月を迎えます。


彼の見解では、4月までの数字は、国際観光の回復のペースがより速く、当初予想の、それは少し上に、4 3%に至るまで通期予想される結果を修正することをお勧め%は、近い、あるいは上記のそれを置くと、後者の割合です。





Spanish tourism recovery is underway, according to WTO
Spain is among the best performers tour in 2010, but neither is among those who recorded the worst records, according to the global results of this organization

0 votes Add Comment
6/29/2010 | Updated at 16:24 h | Business
Madrid. (MarketWatch) .- Spain is among the best performers tour in 2010, but neither is among the worst records that record, said Tuesday the secretary general of the World Tourism Organization (WTO), Taleb Rifai, in presentation of global results.

Although Europe is the region that gives the worst results in the first four months of 2010, the rate of recovery of the countries of this continent is uneven and, especially, the Mediterranean destinations, along with the West, are those who have returned to growth path, with 1.6%.

In contrast, northern European countries such as Scandinavia or the UK, fell 7.3% through April, and also lower the center and east, where tourist arrivals fell by 0.9%. This is why Europe only grew by 0.3% between January and April, compared to a recovery of 7% of world tourism to stand at 258 million international tourists, figure, however, still 2% below result achieved in the same period in 2008, with 264 million trips.

However, according to Rifai, this result confirms its ongoing recovery in tourism, a trend that began in the last quarter of 2009, with an increase of 2%. Despite a slowdown in growth to 3%, because of the closure of the European airports by the volcanic plume from Iceland-April marks the seventh month of growth in international tourist arrivals, after fourteen months following the low.

Although Spain was also affected by this phenomenon and suffered in April decreased 13.3% in volume of foreign tourists, Rifai said that back in May (1.1% positive) could absorb the fall, which indicates that the situation is under control.

In his view, the figures through April suggest that the pace of recovery of international tourism is faster than originally estimated, making it slightly upward to correct the expected outcome for the full year, ranging between 3% and 4 %, and places it closer, or even above, the latter percentage.

Thus, in 2010 it recovered nearly 4.2% loss to the international movement that ended with 2009, although the final result will depend on the performance of tourism during the holiday period that begins now in the northern hemisphere, particularly in Europe, which ended 2009 with a kick above the world average of 5.7%.

Between January and April, the main engine of growth of world tourism has moved to Asia, where international tourist arrivals grew by 12%, and Rifai has no doubt that China, and fourth, to climb this year posts in the global list, which Spain is third.

They also highlight other emerging markets like Middle East, with a recovery of 33%, and Africa, with 7%, while the Americas are moving by 6%. According to Rifai, tourism will benefit this year of a gradual improvement in economic situation, although it is also true that we are seeing enhanced by important events like the Winter Olympics in Vancouver, the World Cup in South Africa and the Shanghai Expo (China).

However, he insisted that problems persist and the industry still has a long way to go to catch up. He also said rising unemployment remains a major cause for concern, in addition to public deficits and new taxes promoted by many governments that directly impact the tourism sector, as the rate of departure from the United Kingdom or intention Germany to introduce a new charge air as part of their budget-cutting plans.


動きが反対(PSCとICV)を6回の投票を得るために、賛成(CiUおよびPPC)、6棄権(4 PSCの2つの評議員取り付けられていないと)5成功しなかった

バラゲル。 (レリダ)。 (EFE通信)バラゲルフル市議会は最後の夜.-本PSCは4棄権4と反対票を(分割し、PPCので動きを8議員に完全に市施設の利用にブルカを禁止する拒否市長を含む。)

詳細INFORMACIÓNSalt CiUモーションをブルカをniqab市で禁止する投票

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動きに反対6票を得るために(PSCとICV)を、賛成(4と1のPPC CiU)、6棄権(4 PSCの2つの議員取り付けられていない)、報告として5 4、2成功しなかった今日会議を。

エルアルカルデデバラゲルは、ミケルアギーラ、今朝、その形成の合意を単語の禁止が、単に公共の場でブルカを使用して、アドバイスを調節して含まれていない代替案を提出するに達することを試みた説明同じ仮面を使用しないように。 "他の人の動きに反対したが彼らは、いくつかの棄権することを決めた、統一案を取得できませんでした。


この意味で、アギラールはマテリアライズドている彼の枢密毎日"常識を適用します。" "誰かが登録になる場合は、それはあなたを識別するために明らかにお願いマスク。あなたの街の日常生活を規制する法律を必要としない、"市長を追加しました。

一方、アギーラは、いかなる場合においても、高い当局は一般的な方法スカーフの公共の場で不可欠な着用を規制する必要があります考えています。 "何が市町村は、と言うことですすることはできません1つの事と別の何か違う。これは市町村によって基板と市町村間でこの問題を規制する必要があるだろう"と彼は締めくくった。

Balaguer rejects burka ban the use of the PSC by dividing their votes
The motion did not succeed in getting six votes against (the PSC and ICV), five in favor (CiU and PPC), with 6 abstentions (4 of PSC and two councilors not attached)

0 votes 20 comments
6/29/2010 | Updated at 11:20 pm | Citizens
Balaguer. (Lleida). (EFE) .- The Balaguer full City Council last night rejected a motion by the PPC to prohibit the use of the burqa in city facilities in full in the eight councilors PSC split their votes (4 against and 4 abstentions, including the Mayor).

MORE INFORMACIÓNSalt CiU vote a motion to ban the burqa and niqab in municipal

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The motion did not succeed to get 6 votes against (4, 2 PSC and ICV), five in favor (4 and 1 PPC CiU), with 6 abstentions (4 of PSC and two councilors not attached), as reported Today the council.

El alcalde de Balaguer, Miquel Aguilà, explained this morning that its formation tried to reach an agreement to submit an alternate motion which does not include the word ban, but merely regulate the use of the burka in public spaces, advising not to use the same masked. "As we do not get a proposed unit, some decided to abstain, while the others voted against the motion.

We believe that in this case, you should avoid opportunistic proposals like this, use common sense and not impose bans, but to try to convince pedagogy ", explained Eagle.

In this sense, Aguilar has materialized in his consistory daily and apply the "common sense." "When someone comes to register masked ask you uncover it to identify you. You do not need laws to regulate the daily life of the city," added the mayor.

Furthermore, Aguilà believes that in every case, higher authorities should be the generic way to regulate the use of full veil in public spaces. "What can not be that a municipality is to say one thing and another, a different one. It would have to regulate this issue across the board and municipality by municipality," he concluded.



マドリッド/バルセロナ。 (ヨーロッパプレス).-エージェント警察庁と国税庁の麻薬密売に対して、15人の逮捕コカイン1トンを超える介入を許可して大規模に3つの操作を行って、警察は言った。パナマ、コロンビア、アルゼンチンから出荷は、バルセロナ、アルヘシラスの港で傍受されている。


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Involve more than one ton of cocaine concealed in three containers from South America
15 detainees, including businessman Jose Mestre, which operates in the Port of Barcelona

2 votes 12 comments
6/29/2010 | Updated at 13:23 pm | Events
Madrid / Barcelona. (EUROPA PRESS) .- Agents of the National Police and the Tax Office have conducted three operations against drug trafficking on a large scale that have allowed to intervene over a tonne of cocaine and the arrest of 15 people, police said. The shipments, from Panama, Colombia, Argentina, have been intercepted at ports of Barcelona and Algeciras.

MORE INFORMACIÓNDetenido the owner of an operator in the port of Barcelona for alleged drug trafficking

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The drug had come to Spain within three containers, camouflaged among the legal burden. Of the total drugs seized in these proceedings, 202 kilos of narcotics were found hidden among a cargo of scrap sent by an international organization of drug traffickers to the port of Barcelona.

In this operation were arrested a total of 15 persons for a crime against public health, which include the director of the Cargo Terminal of the Port of Barcelona, allegedly, one of the main network in our country.

According to police sources explained to Europa Press, last week detained the owner of Grupo Mestre, J. Mestre, which operates in the Port of Barcelona, accused of allegedly using his company to facilitate the flow of drugs in the country.

The businessman was arrested after he were a container of Argentina with a cargo of iron dough hiding bags with 200 kilos of pure cocaine.

We have also performed in which nine records were sealed numerous works of art of great value, and twelve vehicles have been seized high-end, 50,000 euros in cash, computers and extensive documentation.

The operation began early last August, when specialists on drugs from the Central Narcotics Brigade National Police launched an investigation into a network of 'narcos' which aimed to introduce significant quantities of cocaine into Spain hidden in containers.

Thus able to identify an individual from South America, who had close contact with a Spanish citizen. It provided an important business network that would be available to drug traffickers, in order to provide legal trade coverage of drug imports.

The investigation found the contacts that this person held as well with other South American citizen, who served as an intermediary between drug suppliers and those responsible for its introduction in Spain. Also found that the port of entry of cocaine would Barcelona.

Back in May, one of the suppliers of the drug, he moved to Spain to meet with one of the alleged perpetrators of the group in our country, which proved to be the director of the Cargo Terminal of the Port of Barcelona.

To check the operation of the infrastructure necessary to make the shipment of drugs, drug trafficking organization sent two legal loaded containers only. These were followed by two with 25 tons of scrap metal. On this occasion, one of which also hid 202 kilos of cocaine were intercepted on arrival at the Port of Barcelona.

On the other hand, other research with the participation of both bodies led to the seizure of 723 kilos of cocaine hidden among boxes for the conservation of flowers, this time arriving at the Port of Algeciras in a container from Colombia.

The Spanish researchers, through collaboration with the Colombian police, knew the activities of a group of traffickers based in Colombia.

Using the method known as "hook-blind, sent several containers that concealed a large quantity of cocaine. His final destination was the Port of Marseille, although researchers learned that the ship carrying them was to make stops in Algeciras and Barcelona, where the organization have the means to remove the illegal substance.

Finally, the agents noted the arrival of two shipments to the port of Algeciras, one of whom 723 kilos of cocaine hidden in sports bags several boxes located between the preservation of flowers. These two arrests we have to add third performance, this time conducted jointly by the National Police and the Federal Police of Argentina, which have seized 113 kilos of the drug. This time the drugs were concealed in a false bottom made of a large safe, which had also come to Spain within a container.

This seizure is part an investigation into a drug trafficking organization based in the province of Barcelona and the Balearics. The researchers found out that they had sent from Buenos Aires a container that may contain drug in its interior, and his arrival in Spain established a comprehensive monitoring device to monitor your shipment to a warehouse in El Prat de Llobregat, where he conducted the interception and recording of the load. Inside the container were 210 packages of varying proportions containing a total of 113 kilos of Cocaine.



マドリード。 (はダウジョーンズ)(Gestha)差し迫った付加価値税の引き上げを批判は主に低購買力とほぼ2600万スペイン人これらの良いお支払いさ30000ユーロ未満の収入のグループに影響を与えるため、財務省の職員する.-この税の増加の一部です。

詳細のT - 10 InformationPotential 10セント高の木曜日とT-50/30、30日に、付加価値税引き上げで行くことです

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彼らはさらに決定的な"租税回避と詐欺との戦いで税金の有効性をされていると信じて何を言った"危機"は、不動産、のみ付加価値税収入の10%の損失を、正当化する。"キーの努力、数値に金融の技術からよると、スペインの地下経済は245,000百万年に1回額を考慮し、ヨーロッパの残りの上GDP、10%ポイントの23.3% 。実際には、スペインの経済の数字があった場合は、"同様の"ヨーロッパの残りの部分には、毎年収集される可能性が説明いくつかの38500万人。









The 26 million Spanish people who earn less than 30,000 euros paid much of the VAT hike
So warn experts from the Ministry of Finance who fear it to retract and the consumption tax hike will not help to raise more

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6/29/2010 | Updated at 12:55 h | Business
Madrid. (MarketWatch) .- The staff of the Ministry of Finance (Gestha), criticized the impending VAT hike because it mainly affects the less affluent groups and nearly 26 million Spanish people earning less than 30,000 euros, which are those that pay good Part of the increase of this tax.

MORE informationPotential T-10 is to go up 10 cents on Thursday and T-50/30, 30, by the VAT hike

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This will cause the consumer to retract the main cause of the collapse of the collection of VAT in the past year, and is difficult with this tax hike, which takes effect next Thursday, the government meets its goal of raising 5150 million per year, as explained by the technical briefing.

Starting this Thursday, when the general VAT rise to 18% and reduced to 8%, as calculated by Gestha, Treasury will get more revenue mainly through the activity of 3249 large companies, which provide nearly 60% of the additional revenue. And all this, they warned, in a country, after Greece, the euro area that draws less performance of VAT, and in 2009 of 100 euros for consumption by private households, Treasury collected only 6 4 euros to the tax, two years ago, collected three euros more.

So Gestha rejects a report on the impact of the crisis in the collection of VAT, the real estate slowdown or recession have been the cause of the collapse of the collection of over 23,000 million between 2007 and 2009.

The "crisis" real estate, they said, only justifies a loss of VAT revenue 10 percent, for what they believe has been more decisive "tax avoidance and the effectiveness of the tax in the fight against fraud." A key effort if you consider that, according to figures of the technicians of Finance, the shadow economy in Spain amounted to 245,000 million per year, 23.3 percent of GDP and ten percentage points above the rest of Europe . In fact, in Spain explained that if the economy figures were "similar" to the rest of Europe, could be collected annually some 38,500 million.

Spain, criticized, is "a fiscal resort" for those who "never charged, therefore, insisted that there must be paying those who never do in a country where it seems that" the most defraud, are unpunished .

Regarding the case of the 1,500 Spanish fortunes with accounts in Switzerland, stressed how the "double standard" by their treatment these headlines from the rest of Spanish taxpayers. In his view, "are being given a second chance to submit the statements when he goes to the deadline for the declaration of income and (therefore) will not allow time to carry out research on them."

Regarding the possibility that the Government decides to amend the Income Tax, Finance technicians consider that perhaps the Executive has not yet taken a firm decision will be watching because you need to reach agreements for the next budget.

Therefore, the statements that Secretary of Economy, Carlos Ocaña says there will be "minor adjustments" are "possibly a strategy to obtain the votes it needs for these budgets," added Finance technicians.

It is probing the support of Basque and Catalan nationalists or the parliamentary left, so they said, "this long delay compared to the devolved executives have opted for income tax increases."

Gestha complains that "so lax regulation" of Spain with those who have (much) money and calls up to 45 or 46% withholding for income above 100,000 euros.

Also proposed to ban sales short positions against the Spanish public debt, accounting for a cost overrun on State funding of more than 1,400 million euros.

They also call for increasing the tax rate five points of 300 banks to raise 1400 million a year, recover the tax for 1240 Heritage million or Spanish law to amend the Collective Investment Institutions.