2010年6月22日(火曜日) - 14:00ジュアンルイズシエラ/マドリード投票数:+1 -0コメント(7)
市はL' Hospitalet de Llobregatのブルカ禁止の市施設に今朝、PSCの投票、CiU - PPとPSOEの組織秘書、レアーPajinと支配しない市長と語ったが、社会主義積分ベールの拒否権を考慮。 Pajínは、上院の社会階級に演説の中で、求めている"穏やかな"市町村する。 "我々は法的なシステムを使用しますが、"彼は言った。
社会主義グループは、上院では、正確には、上院でのすべての当事者と、PPの保守の言葉を同じ行にPajínに行く動きに補正を除いて合意した。 PPは、その会長候補カタロニアGeneralitatの、アリシアサンチェスカマチョ、から提案の公共施設だけではなく、通りにブルカの禁止、求めている。これは、運動が今日投票するが、期待されたいよいよ明日まで延期されている。
"私はするつもりはないスペインに存在しない現実を認識している、"Pajín、女性niqabを着ての数が少ないに言及続けた。 "平等の教訓、社会労働党は、"社会組織の事務局長を締結
The PSOE agree on an alternative amendment SenadoSolo burka in the CP calls for a ban of the garment in the streets
Tuesday, June 22, 2010 - 14:00 JUAN RUIZ SIERRA / MADRID Votes: +1 -0 Comments (7)
As the City of L'Hospitalet Llobregat burka ban this morning to municipal facilities, with the votes of the PSC, CiU-PP and the PSOE organizational secretary, Leire Pajin, told the socialist mayors not regulated by account the integral veil veto. Pajín, during a speech to Socialist ranks of the Senate, has called for "calm" to the municipalities. "We will use our legal system," he said.
A woman with a burqa with her son in Lleida.
More informaciónL'Hospitalet adds to veto the integral veil Tags: Politics
The Socialist Party in the Senate, precisely, has agreed with all parties in the upper house, except the PP, an amendment to the motion of conservatives who is on the line of words Pajín. The PP, a proposal from its chairman and candidate for the Catalan Generalitat, Alicia Sánchez-Camacho, calls for a ban of the burqa in the street, not only in public facilities. It was expected that the motion be voted today, but eventually delayed until tomorrow.
The amendment to replace the other groups, meanwhile, urged the government to "continue to work with Muslim communities," "promote education on respect for personal dignity and equality between men and women," "promote actions awareness and training of social groups "and, finally, to" use all options under our legal system, which already includes the necessary tools to appropriately respond to the use of integral veil. "
A reality "nonexistent"
"What is not going to do is recognize the reality that exists in Spain," continued Pajín, referring to the small number of women wearing the niqab. "The lessons of equality, the PSOE no," concluded the secretary of social organization
ロスピタレの提案Integralle PPのベールを拒否するCiUとPSCの票を獲得して追加
2010年6月22日(火曜日) - 12:48デビッドの喜び/ロスピタレの投票数:+5 -0コメント(17)
ロスピタレの市町村は完全機器や官公庁でniqabブルカを着ての禁止を承認することで合意した。提案CPはCiUとPSC、その位置を秘密投票今朝まで維持してきたの票を得ています。 ICVのとEUiAグループが反対票を投じた。
人気ロスピタレのリーダーは、それが女性Collblancの近所のフルベールを着てのケースをしたと主張したがため、この措置の承認が必要です。 "ポピュリズム選挙考えがPSCは、絶対多数を持って、イニシアチブを承認した。"しかし、人気のある動きが議会にベールの使用に関する法律を制定する呼び出しは、社会党の完全な投票とその承認をされていない受信していない。
L'Hospitalet adds to veto the proposal Integralle PP veil has won the votes of CiU and PSC
Tuesday, June 22, 2010 - 12:48 pm DAVID PLEASURE / L'Hospitalet Votes: +5 -0 Comments (17)
The municipality of L'Hospitalet full has agreed to approve the ban on wearing the burqa and the niqab in equipment and municipal offices. The proposed CP has obtained the votes of CiU and the PSC, which has kept secret its position until the vote this morning. The ICV and EUiA group voted against.
A woman with a burqa with her son in Lleida.
More informaciónEl PSOE presented an alternative amendment on the burqa in the Senate The PSOE asks its mayors who do not govern the burka Tags: Society
The leader of the popular L'Hospitalet has ensured that there were cases of women wearing the full veil in the neighborhood of Collblanc therefore need the approval of this measure. The PSC, which has an absolute majority, endorsed the initiative, although considered "populist electioneering." However, the popular motion calling on Congress to legislate on the use of the veil has not received the full vote of the Socialists and therefore has not been approved.
Discussion by the clubs
In full this morning also discussed another controversial issue: the Femades clubs in the municipal boundary of L'Hospitalet and Cornell, which generates constant discomfort and neighborhood where there was a massive fight between members of the violent gang Mara 18 a month ago.
CiU has proposed creating a commission to work on the relocation of clubs and the PP has called for more policing in the area. Both initiatives have had a vote against the PSC. Francesc Belver, Socialist councilor in charge of the Guardia Urbana, said that the position of PP in the subject of the clubs is "cockney", which has triggered a heated argument between two local groups, which ended with the withdrawal of the lounge of
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