



El Gobieno dará más facilidades para ‘catastrazos’ de los Ayuntamientos

La ley que acompaña a los presupuestos flexibiliza la actualización de valores

Miguel Jiménez Madrid 28 SEP 2012 - 10:55 CET

The Gobieno will find it easier to 'catastrazos' of local councils

The law accompanying flexible budgets updating values

Miguel Jimenez Madrid 28 SEP 2012 - 10:55 CET

The Government has decided to provide greater flexibility to update assessed values ​​of the properties through the State Budget. The bill of tax measures accompanying the draft budget approved yesterday includes a modification of the rules by which the land register is updated.
So far, the laws of the State Budget could update cadastral values ​​by applying ratios, which could be different for each class of property, and could fix update coefficients by groups of municipalities, which are determined according to their dynamic estate.
Now, amending Article 32 of the law of the land register and includes a new second paragraph under which finance laws may update cadastral values ​​of urban property in the same municipality by applying ratios depending on the year of entry into force of the relevant securities of the municipality paper.
Municipalities may request the application of these coefficients when not within five years from the entry into force of cadastral values ​​derived from previous collective valuation procedure general and also reveal substantial differences between market values ​​and which formed the basis for the determination of current assessed values, so long as they affect homogenous set of uses, polygons, areas or zones in the township.
The councils are required to communicate the request of the relevant coefficients to the General Directorate of Land Registry before 31 January of the year preceding that for which you are requesting the relevant coefficients. exceptionally, to seek review towards the year 2014, the period runs until March 1, 2013.
The Minister of Finance will have to see if they meet these requirements and established by a ministerial order before 30 September of each year a list of the municipalities in which the coefficients be applicable.
In addition to this flexibility in assessments, the Government also proposes to amend the regulation of cadastral surveys, to add a third paragraph to Article 20 of the law of the land register. Under the new rule, in cases where sufficient data are available and there are no third parties affected by the inspection procedure, this may be brought directly to the notice of the inspection report, which will include the proposed regularization of the description the property. Interested parties may submit comments for 15 days. If they do, the proposal shall become final and close the file.



ミゲルヒメネスマドリード28 SEP 2012 - 10:55 CET





La salida de capitales de España se frena en julio tras marcar nuevos máximos

La desconfianza se traduce en una retirada sin precedentes de 235.375 millones desde enero

La repatriación de fondos por los españoles modera el balance mensual a 15.030 millones

Álvaro Romero Madrid 28 SEP 2012 - 10:33 CET

Capital outflows from Spain slows in July after hitting new highs

Distrust translates into unprecedented withdrawal 235,375,000 since January

The repatriation of funds by the Spanish moderates 15,030 million monthly balance

Alvaro Romero Madrid 28 SEP 2012 - 10:33 CET

Capital outflows of Spain continues to lead unprecedented heights in the archives of the Bank of Spain, which confirms the strong increase of distrust in the country. According to the latest figures published by the regulator and for July, investors withdrew this month 15 030 million euros in net terms and excluding the Bank of Spain. After this month, the funds have left Spain in January amounted to 235.375 million, more than double from around 2011, the year that it set a record with 97,765,000.
The analysis of what happened in the financial account during the past 12 months, which provides a summary of the inputs and outputs of financial resources in the Spanish economy, exacerbates the phenomenon, since in this period were withdrawn 331,224,000 euros, according data from the Bank of Spain. The figure represents nearly a third of GDP.
However, the restricted balance to July shows that while capital outflow persists twelfth consecutive month, moderate pace. Thus, compared to the recall of more than 59,000 million in June to coincide with the Government's decision to request the bailout in July left the country only 15 030 million, although this is conditional on capital repratiación who have carried out the Spanish.
In July, residents were readmitted 5,684,000 shares of its investments abroad, the highest number so far this year, withdrew while 5,493,000 in the section on other financial products, primarily loans, deposits and repos . Since February, the chapter had shown a steady increase in the money that families, businesses and financial institutions moved out of the country. Despite what happened in July, the Spanish have brought the country to invest 63,800 million abroad during the first seven months of the year.
On the opposite side, were removed from the country extranjeron 19,985,000 invested in credit-largely-banks and deposits. For his part, the funds of foreign residents in Spanish listed companies shares down at 10,819,000. Since January, have withdrawn 196 717 000 between the two.
In March, in the renewed tensions in the markets, this move marked a record with more than 66,000 million. A year ago, in July 2011, the situation was exactly the opposite, as it recorded a net inflow of capital of 17,689.3 million.





アルバロ·ロメロマドリード28 SEP 2012 - 十時33分CET

スペインの資本流出は国の不信感の強い増加が確認され、スペインの銀行のアーカイブに前例のない高さをリードし続けています。レギュレータで、7月の公開され最新の数字によると、投資家はネット用語では、今月15 030000000ユーロを撤回し、スペイン銀行を除く。今月の後、資金は1月にスペインを去ったそれは97765000と記録を樹立した年、2011年頃から倍以上235375000、に達した。
しかし、7月に制限されたバランスは、資本流出は、12ヶ月連続で緩やかなペースを持続しつつあることを示しています。これは行った資本repratiaciónが条件となりますが、このようにして、7月に救済はわずか15 030000000国を去っ要求する政府の決定に合わせて6月以上の59000億のリコールに比べスペイン語。
7月には、住民はこれまでのところ、今年、海外で最も多く、その投資の5684000株を再入院した、撤回した一方、他の金融商品は、主に貸出金、預金やレポのセクションで5493000 2月以降、本章では、家族、企業や金融機関が国の外に移動したお金は着実に増加を示していた。 7月、スペインで起こったことにもかかわらず、今年の最初の7ヶ月の間に海外で63800ドルを投資する国をもたらしている。
反対側には、クレジット·主として、銀行や預金に投資国extranjeron 19985000から削除されました。 10819000で彼の一部、ダウンスペインの上場企業の株式の外国人住民のための資金。 1月以来、2間の196 717 000を取り下げた。

スペインの公正取引委員会(EL Comision Nacional de la Competensia)は、旅行会社を価格協定の疑いで捜査


スペインの公正取引委員会(EL Comision Nacional de la Competensia)は、旅行会社を価格協定の疑いで捜査

Competencia investiga a varias agencias de viajes por concertación de precios

El organismo inspecciona las sedes de varios grupos de gestión de estos servicios en busca de información

El País Madrid 27 SEP 2012 - 13:40 CET

Competition investigates several travel agents for price fixing

The agency inspects the headquarters of several of these management groups for information services

The Country Madrid 27 SEP 2012 - 13:40 CET

The National Competition Commission announced Tuesday the opening of an investigation into various travel agencies, which does not identify suspects because their prices are agreeing, among other malpractices. Agency inspectors visited the headquarters of several agencies management groups in Spain.

"There are concerns about possible anti-competitive practices in the industry, consisting of fixing, directly or indirectly, prices and other trading conditions or service, as well as the limitation in the distribution in the entire Spanish territory," explains the commission said in a statement.

The inspections are a preliminary step and "not prejudge" the outcome of the investigation and "the guilt of inspected enterprises". "If any evidence is credited proceed to file the formal opening, such as restrictive practices constitute a breach of Article 1 of Law 15/2007, of July 3, of Protection of Competition", according to the agency. These behaviors are considered a very serious offense, which could result in a fine of up to 10% of the total turnover of the undertakings concerned in the year immediately preceding the imposition of the fine.

In the statement, Competition ensures that the investigation of cartels is a priority "given the serious nature of their impact on consumers."

スペインの公正取引委員会(EL Comision Nacional de la Competensia)は、旅行会社を価格協定の疑いで捜査



カントリーマドリード27 SEP 2012 - 13:40 CET



検査は、予備段階と "予断しない"調査の結果及び"検査企業の罪悪感"です。同庁によると、"どんな証拠が正式オープンをファイルに進んで入金された場合、限定的な運用などは、7月3日、競争の保護に関する法律2007分の15第1条の違反を構成している"これらの行動はすぐに罰金の賦課の前年に当該事業の総売上高の10%まで罰金につながる可能性が非常に重大な犯罪と見なされる





Los ingresos en los hogares españoles caen por encima de la media europea

La cantidad de dinero que entra en las casas ha caído un 5% entre los años 2009 y 2011

Tan solo Grecia, Irlanda y Lituania experimentan descensos más pronunciados que el español

El País / Agencias Madrid 28 SEP 2012 - 14:36 CET

Revenue in Spanish households fall above the European average

The amount of money coming into the houses fell by 5% between 2009 and 2011

Only Greece, Ireland and Lithuania experienced the steepest declines Spanish

The Country / Agencies Madrid 28 SEP 2012 - 14:36 ​​CET

Spain is among the European Union countries where incomes have fallen more households (more than 5% between 2009 and 2011) as a result of the economic crisis. Only recorded the largest decreases Spanish Greece (15.7%), Ireland (9%) and Lithuania (7%), according to the quarterly report on the social situation in the EU published today by the Commission.
This contrasts sharply with the situation observed in the Nordic countries (Sweden, Finland, Denmark) and in Poland, Slovakia and Germany, where "the social protection system and a more robust labor market have allowed revenues continue to increase despite the crisis, "according to the study.

The crisis is aggravating the problem of child poverty, with rates above 20% in Spain
The Spanish and the citizens of other countries affected by the crisis (such as Greece, Italy and Portugal) are those with a more negative perception of the social situation. Instead, the Nordic countries, the Benelux, Germany and Austria recorded positive rates. The crisis is aggravating the problem of child poverty, warns the report, but at this point there is a big difference between the rate of 10% of children at risk of poverty in Denmark and Finland and figures of over 20% in Spain, Greece, Bulgaria, Portugal, Italy, Romania, Latvia, Poland, Lithuania and Luxembourg.
"The steady decline in disposable income of households and the increase in child poverty reflects the existence of a genuine social emergency," said Employment Commissioner László Andor, in a statement, which called for "intensified social investment in the whole of Europe. "
The EU executive sees "particularly disturbing" that unemployment continues to rise, marking a record high of 25.3 million people. But there is also a "difference unreleased" of 20.6 percentage points between the lowest rate in the EU (Austria, 4.5%) and the highest (Spain, 25.1%).
The same goes for youth unemployment. Only Austria, Germany and the Netherlands have a rate below 10%, while Spain and Greece exceed 50%. The Greek and Austrian employees are working longer hours (42.2 per week), while in the other extreme lie Finns (39.2 hours), Italy and Ireland (39.4). The Spanish with a full time job working an average of almost 41 hours a week.





国/機関マドリード28 SEP 2012 - 午後2時36分CET

これは、 "社会的保護システムと、より堅牢な労働市場にもかかわらず、売上高は増加し続ける可能にした北欧諸国(スウェーデン、フィンランド、デンマーク)やポーランド、スロバキア、ドイツで観測された状況、と対照的危機 "と、調査によると。

"家計の可処分所得の着実な減少と子どもの貧困の増加が本物の社会的緊急事態の存在を反映している"、 "強化のために呼び出したステートメントの雇用コミッショナーラースローアンドールは、次のように述べて欧州全体での社会的投資。 "
EU執行部は25.3万人と過去最高をマーク、失業率は上昇し続けていることを "特に憂慮すべき"が表示されます。しかし、EUで最も低い率(オーストリア、4.5%)と(スペイン、25.1%)の間で最も高い20.6%ポイントの "未発表の違い"もあります。





Los mercados anticipan la petición española del rescate

El diferencial entre la deuda española y la alemana acaba la sesión sin cambios en 450 puntos

La Bolsa española cae con fuerza y se deja un 1,7% antes de las pruebas a la banca

Consulta la evolución de los principales mercados
Isabel Lafont Madrid 28 SEP 2012 - 21:08 CET


Markets anticipate the Spanish request rescue

The spread between Spanish and German debt ends the session unchanged at 450 points

The Spanish stock market falls hard and is down 1.7% before the bench testing

See the evolution of the main markets

Lafont Isabel Madrid 28 SEP 2012 - 21:08 CET

The markets closed on Friday a day of concern, amid growing expectation that the Spanish government is increasingly closer to seek help from the European rescue fund. Investors also awaited the announcement of the test results to the main Spanish banks to determine their capital requirements, a study was coordinated by the consulting firm Oliver Wyman and announced that the market is closed (entities have a defect Spanish capital of 53.745 million euros).
The bag, which remained in the red for part of the morning, ran out of steam after noon and began a decline that brought the Dow fell more than 2%, but at the end of the session managed to contain the decline in and placed 1.71% to close at 7708.5 points. Sacyrs Vallehermoso (-4.08%), Acciona (-3.5%) and Repsol (-3.42%) were the major setbacks in the day yesterday, while Bankinter (+4.65%), DIA (+2.26%) and Grifols (+1.24%) led the gains. For the week, the main indicator of the Spanish stock market scored a fall of 6.34%.
The European markets were infected nervousness by the Spanish situation and ended the day with losses. London was down 0.65%, 2.46% Paris, Frankfurt and Milan 1.01% 2.29%.

moreRead the news on the State BudgetBrussels says the reforms go beyond what he asked
Markets also reacted to the great figures of the draft Budget for 2013 that the Spanish government made public on Thursday, after the market close. The new spending cuts, despite the debt service next year double the savings that will be imposed on ministries-were welcomed with some neutrality by investors, more attentive to the possibility that the Spanish government decided to apply an aid program of the European Financial Stability Fund (EFSF), a condition that requires the European Central Bank (ECB), in turn, activate the new mechanism debt purchase in the secondary market created to alleviate the cost of financing of sovereign states in trouble, such as Spain and Italy.
Some traders bet even the possibility that the application is filed as soon as this weekend. That explains the relaxation speculation afternoon experienced risk premium, excess return that investors demand for Spanish government bonds to 10 years, measuring their confidence in the solvency of the country. This difference, which on Thursday closed the session at 448 basis points, rose as 463 (4.63 percentage points), but began a decline to 449 at the end of the day. The type of 10-year bonds reached 6.063%, but at the end gave up 5.938%. The premium Italian played 376 points, but finished in 364.
This Friday also weighed on investor sentiment fears that the credit rating agency Moody's announced a further downgrade of Spanish sovereign debt from its current Baa3 up territory junk, ie an investment only suitable for those who want to take high risk of insolvency. In August, Moody's said Spain would keep under surveillance until the end of September, pending the outcome of the stress tests of Spanish banks. Other analysts believe that there will be changes in qualifying until you actually ask the rescue.







ラフォンイザベルマドリード28 SEP 2012 - 午前21時08分CET

朝の一部を赤​​に残った袋は、昼過ぎから蒸気を使い果たし、ダウは2%以上下落した衰退を始めたが、セッションの終了時の減少が含まれるように管理と7708.5点で閉じるように1.71パーセントを置いた。 Sacyrs Vallehermosoの(-4.08%)、アクシオナ(-3.5%)とレプソル(-3.42%)は、昨日一日で主要な挫折している間Bankinter(4.65パーセント)、DIA (2.26パーセント)とグリフォルス(1.24パーセント)が利益を牽引した。 weekには、スペインの株式市場の主な指標は、6.34パーセントの下落を記録した。

市場はまた、スペイン政府は、市場終了後に、木曜日に公表されている2013年の予算案の偉大な人物に反応した。債務返済にもかかわらず、新たな歳出削減は、来年はスペイン政府が適用することにしたという可能性に、より丁寧な投資によって、いくつかの中立性と歓迎されました - 省庁に課される貯蓄を​​倍増欧州金融安定基金(EFSF)、欧州中央銀行(ECB)を必要とする状態の援助プログラムは、順番に、資金調達のコストを軽減するために作られ、流通市場での新たなメカニズムの借金の購入を活性化スペインやイタリアなどのトラブルでの主権国家。
一部のトレーダーは、アプリケーションがこの週末次第、提出されていることさえ可能性を賭ける。それは投資家が国の支払能力に対する信頼を測定し、10年にスペイン国債に対する需要というリラクゼーション投機午後経験豊かなリスクプレミアム、超過リターンを説明しています。木曜日に448ベーシス·ポイントでセッションを閉じたこの差は、463(4.63%ポイント)と上昇したが、一日の終わりに449に減少を始めた。 10年債の種類は6.063パーセントに達しましたが、最後に5.938パーセントをあきらめた。プレミアムイタリアンは376ポイントを果たしたが、364年に完成。
今週の金曜日はまた、信用格付機関ムーディーズが現在BAA3アップされているテリトリー·ジャンクからスペインのソブリン債のさらなる格下げを発表した投資家心理の不安を圧迫し、利用したい人のためだけに適した投資、すなわち支払不能のリスクが高い。 8月には、ムーディーズはスペインがスペインの銀行のストレステストの結果が出るまで、9月末まで監視下に保つだろうと述べた。他のアナリストは、あなたが実際に救助を依頼するまでは予選で変更があると信じています。

スペインのBANCO SANTADERは、2007年に販売したVALORES SATANDERサンタンダー証券を12'96ユーロから5'795で55%の損失で強制的に株式に変換、129'000人が被害に


スペインのBANCO SANTADERは、2007年に販売したVALORES SATANDERサンタンダー証券を12'96ユーロから5'795で55%の損失で強制的に株式に変換、129'000人が被害に

Los últimos titulares de Valores Santander sufren pérdidas del 55%

El banco anuncia el canje obligatorio por acciones para el 31,7% de la emisión que aún no ha sido convertida

Ramón Muñoz Madrid 28 SEP 2012 - 20:15 CET

The latest headlines Santander Securities suffer losses of 55%

The bank announced the compulsory exchange shares for 31.7% of the issue has not yet been converted

Ramón Muñoz Madrid 28 SEP 2012 - 20:15 CET

The latest headlines from Santander Securities, a financial product that the bank sold in 2007, will have to compulsorily redeem their securities for shares in the company on the 4th October with a loss of about 55%.
The bank informed the market close to the National Securities Market that the number of Santander Securities outstanding which are subject to mandatory conversion is 519,300, 31.7% of the total issue, and that the price of reference set for the purposes of exchange will be of 12.96 euros per share. The bank's shares closed at today's meeting, Friday at 5.795 euros, so that the losses will be about 55%. However, the final losses will depend on the rate to reach the 3rd of October, the date that Santander Securities will cease trading on the market. While calculating the actual losses should be deducted the interest holders have taken the values ​​from your subscription.
The placement Santander held between September and October 2007 of 1.4 million with Santander Securities that raised 7,000 million euros. The main attraction of these products was the charging of interest of 7.3% per annum for the first year and the Euribor plus 2.75 percentage points since then until its expiration on October 4, 2012. The downside is that, in reality, it is mandatorily convertible into shares but the initial value is not set the time of sale but another set by the bank and well above the price of the quote, so depending on the evolution action, investors risked heavy losses.
Since issuance, the bank has offered several output windows (in October of 2009, 2010 and 2011 and in June, July, August and September 2012) that have benefited investors who owned a total of 880,700 Securities, with losses variables, depending on the departure date, but estimated at 60% in most of the swaps.
Given these losses, some affected reported at the time that the product Santander sold them as a fixed term bank deposit without warning them of the risks they faced. The association has been estimated at 129,000 Adicae affected and has filed a lawsuit settlement against Santander Bank to understand that marketing was done irregularly.

スペインのBANCO SANTADERは、2007年に販売したVALORES SATANDERサンタンダー証券を12'96ユーロから5'795で55%の損失で強制的に株式に変換、129'000人が被害に



ラモン·ムニョスマドリード28 SEP 2012 - 20:15 CET

これらの損失を考えると、いくつかは、製品のサンタンデール、彼らが直面するリスクを警告せずに固定長期銀行預金としてそれらを販売した時点で報告影響。アソシエーションは129000 Adicae影響と推定されていて、そのマーケティングが不規則に行われていた理解するサンタン銀行に対する訴訟の和解を提起している。




Las cajas perdieron 6.000 millones en el primer semestre

Las entidades realizaron dotaciones de 12.751 millones para cubrir las pérdidas en inversiones inmobiliarias

Santiago Carcar Madrid 28 SEP 2012 - 18:18 CET

The boxes lost 6,000 million in the first half

Entities 12,751,000 endowments made ​​to cover losses on investment property

Carcar Santiago Madrid 28 SEP 2012 - 18:18 CET

Savings banks, which in three years has grown from 45 institutions in a dozen, lost 5.944 million euros in the first half of the year, said yesterday the Spanish Confederation of Savings Banks (CECA). The red numbers were due to the poor performance of investments in the housing sector, which required endowments make some 12.751 million through June to cover the loss of value of assets. Other entities dedicated to 1.328 million in mending the tears away from non-financial assets. These figures, detailed the ECSC, which multiplied by five to six times those dedicated to the same purpose in the same period of 2011.
"Since the industry began its restructuring process" Confederation said in a statement "the banks sector has made a provision of 80,000 million euros." On June 30, the number of offices of groups stood at 19,485 cases, 18.5% fewer than in 2008 and 107,033 employees, 16.4% less.

The sector has grown from 45 institutions in 2009-12
Results to June show the devastating effects of the bursting of the housing bubble that stifle the efforts of institutions to fit the situation. According to the ECSC, the efficiency ratio of the groups of boxes has improved ten percentage points in the last year and operating profit by 13.4%. The required offset negative sanitation has improved net interest income (18.1%), improvement in revenue (up 6.1%) and the fall, minimum (-0.2%) in financial costs . With lower staff costs (down 6.55) administration (-15%) and depreciation (-12.1%), the operating margin also improved in the period: it grew by 13.4% to 5344 million.
A cloud has a face. After accounting for the poor performance semi ECSC optimistic phrase ends its communication of results: "The increased size, increased efficiency and the change in its cooperative model allow the sector to face the final phase of the restructuring process approval opened MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) between the Government of Spain and the Eurogroup. "




Carcarサンティアゴマドリッド28 SEP 2012 - 18:18 CET

"業界は再編のプロセスを開始して以来、"連盟は "銀行部門は80,000百万ユーロの引当を行っています。"と声明で述べている6月30日に、グループの事業所数は16.4%減の18.5パーセント、2008年に比べて少なく、107033の従業員、19485例となりました。

6月までの結果は、状況に合わせて機関の努力を抑圧住宅バブルの崩壊の壊滅的な影響を示しています。 ECSCによると、ボックスのグループの効率性比率は13.4%で、昨年、営業利益で10ポイント改善しました。必要な負のオフセット衛生は純利息収入(18.1%)、収益の改善(6.1%増)と金​​融費用の減少、最小値(-0.2%)を向上しています低い人件費と(6.55ダウ​​ン)投与(-15%)と減価償却費(-12.1%)、また期間で改善営業利益率:それは5344から13.4パーセント増百万円となりました。
雲が顔を持っています。業績不振半ECSC楽観的フレーズの会計処理は、結果のその通信が終了した後、 "サイズが増加し、効率性の向上とその協力モデルの変化がセクターは再編プロセスの最終フェーズに直面することができます承認は、スペイン政府との間でユーロ圏財務相会合(覚書)覚書にオープンしました。 "



Bruselas, el Eurogrupo, el BCE y el FMI dan la bienvenida a las pruebas a la banca

Los organismos consideran los resultados "un paso importante" para la confianza en el sector

Luis Doncel Bruselas 28 SEP 2012 - 19:48 CET

Brussels, Eurogroup, the ECB and IMF welcome the bench testing

The agencies consider the results "an important step" for confidence in the sector

Luis Doncel Brussels 28 SEP 2012 - 19:48 CET

Second straight day of congratulations to Spain. If on Thursday the congratulations of the European Commission were the Spanish Government for its reform, Friday refer to evidence the banking conducted by Oliver Wyman and deduced a capitalization needs of some 54,000 million euros. In addition to Brussels, also the Eurogroup, the ECB and the IMF have welcomed what they see as "an important step" for strengthening the viability and confidence in the Spanish banking sector.
The Commission notes that the agency headed by José Manuel Barroso will be responsible for giving the final approval to the recapitalization plans by entities from the Spanish authorities. "Public support will be determined in the coming months and will be based on the results published today, reflecting the measures to be taken," the statement said. These measures will be from the sale of assets to appeal to markets or the transfer of assets to the bad bank.
Jean-Claude Juncker, chairman of the Eurogroup, said in a statement his satisfaction why banking needs are less than 60,000 million euros. "The aid which Spanish banks will eventually be less than the published capital needs," Juncker added, which ensures that the maximum of 100,000 million set last July by the Eurogroup will be "more than adequate to cover all needs financial, including a comfortable safety margin. "
The European Central Bank (ECB) also welcomes the publication of "independent evaluation" of the Spanish financial sector. "The ECB supports the plans of the Spanish authorities to ensure that the capital needs of the entities are met on schedule," the body that presides Mario Draghi.
From Washington, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said that funding needs may be funded "comfortably" with the assistance program approved by the European authorities. "This breakthrough will help to build a stronger financial system, which will help revive the credit and support growth and employment," says the managing director of the agency, Christine Lagarde.




ルイスDoncelブリュッセル28 SEP 2012 - 19時48分CET

スペインへのお祝いの第二日連続。欧州委員会のお祝いの言葉は、その改革のためにスペイン政府だった木曜日の場合は、金曜日は証拠を参照してください銀行オリバー·ワイマンが実施し、総額を推定し、いくつかの54000万人のニーズユーロ。また、ブリュッセル、ユー​​ロ圏財務相会合に加えて、ECBとIMFは、彼らはスペインの銀行セクターの生存能力と信頼性を強化するための "重要なステップ"として何を参照してください歓迎している。
ジョゼ·マヌエル·バローゾ委員長率いる機関がスペイン当局から主体による資本増強計画への最終的な承認を与えるための責任を負うことに委員会は指摘している。 "パブリック·サポートは今後数ヶ月の間に決定され、講ずべき措置を反映して、本日公表された結果に基づいて行われます"と声明は述べている。これらの措置は、市場やバッドバンクへの資産の譲渡にアピールするために資産の売却からのものとなります。
銀行業務のニーズは60,000百万ユーロ未満である理由を、ジャン=クロード·ユンカー、ユーロ圏財務相会合の議長は、声明の中で彼の満足感を語った。ユーロ圏財務相会合で昨年七月100,000百万セットのその最大値を確保する "スペインの銀行が最終的に公開されて資本ニーズよりも少なくなります援助は、"ユンケルは付け加えた、 "すべてのニーズをカバーするのに十分以上になります快適で安全マージンを含む金融、。 "
欧州中央銀行(ECB)は、スペインの金融セクターの "独立した評価"の発表を歓迎いたします。 "ECBは実体の資金需要がスケジュールで満たされていることを確認するためにスペイン当局の計画をサポートし、"マリオ·ドラギの主宰ボディ。
ワシントンから、国際通貨基金(IMF)が資金需要は、欧州当局によって承認された支援プログラムで "快適に"資金を供給することができると述べた。 "この画期的な信用と支持成長と雇用を復活させるのに役立ちます強固な金融システムを構築するのに役立つだろう、"機関のマネージング·ディレクター、クリスティーンは言う。