



El Gobierno se aferra a una previsión del PIB optimista para los Presupuestos

Economía mantiene que el PIB bajará en 2013 un 0,5% y la tasa de paro se quedará en el 24%

Servicios de estudios y organismos internacionales prevén el doble o el triple de caída del PIB

El vaticinio sobre la actividad económica es clave para anticipar cuál será la recaudación fiscal

El desvío, mayor en el mercado laboral, donde varios expertos predicen un tasa de paro del 26%

Alejandro Bolaños Madrid 27 SEP 2012 - 18:12 CET

The government clings to a optimistic GDP forecast for Budgets

Economy maintains that GDP will fall by 0.5% in 2013 and the unemployment rate will remain at 24%

Research services and international organizations provide double or triple the GDP drop

The prediction of economic activity is key to anticipate how much tax revenue

The diversion, greater labor market, where several experts predict unemployment rate of 26%

Alejandro Bolaños Madrid 27 SEP 2012 - 18:12 CET

It took about five minutes of exposure to the Finance Minister Cristobal Montoro, to know what the first review I will most experts to draft Budget 2013: tax revenue forecast is based on an economic forecast that, in light of reports from international and private studios sins services by far from optimistic. Because the Spanish government clings to the forecast made in July: a fall in GDP of 0.5% next year, a prediction that the rest of Spanish observers have been worsening situation every week.
For the vast majority of private research services in GDP will fall between two and three times what the government forecast for 2013. The most significant is the International Monetary Fund. The PP government has reiterated on several occasions that the predictions of this international organization is one of the main guidelines for developing a forecast based on that budget. In July, the IMF worsened the outlook for the Spanish economy, anticipating a cut from 1.2% of GDP. A prediction that does not include the effect of the new revision of global economic forecasts reveal that the international body in ten days. And it has already anticipated to be more pessimistic.
The latest forecasts of private analysts point to a much more somber than just unveiled the Government. Last week, the research service of the CEOE employers anticipated a fall in GDP of 1.6% for 2013, while the experts at Standard & Poor's predicts a decrease of 1.4%. And other Spanish forecasting centers trimming close to 2%.
The government forecast is even more optimistic when analyzing labor market forecasts. The government maintains that the average unemployment rate will stay next year at 24.3%, with minimal job losses (-0.2% per year). Nothing to do with the outcome of some of the main services of Spanish studies, such as International Financial Analysts, the Savings Banks Foundation, Flores de Lemus or CEOE own that put the unemployment rate, an index to predict essential spending unemployment benefits, which according to Montoro, no-climb above 26%.






アレハンドロボラニョスマドリード27 SEP 2012 - 18時12 CET
GDPに占める民間のリサーチサービスの大半は、政府が2013年の予測を何2と3倍の間に落ちるため。最も重要なのは、国際通貨基金(IMF)である。 PPの政府はこの国際機関の予測は、その予算に基づいて予測を開発するための主要な指針の一つであることを何度か繰り返し述べてきた。 7月には、IMFはGDPの1.2%からカットを先取りし、スペイン経済の見通しが悪化した。グローバル経済予測の新しいリビジョンの効果が含まれていません予測は10日間で国際機関が明らかになった。そしてそれはすでに、より悲観的になると予想しています。

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