

Centers for Disease Control and Protection (http://www.cdc.gov/)
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)
Weekly Report
MMWR Weekly: Current Volume
August 13, 2010 / Vol. 59 / No.31 / Pg. 973 - 1008 )
Nortifiable Diseases and Mortality Tables
August 13, 2010 / 59 (319 ; 994 - 1007
Table III Deaths in 122 U.S. cities, week ending August 07, 2010 (31st Week)
Pneumonia and influenzadeaths total is 633.

2010年13日金曜日10:00 曇り/雨 最低気温;19ー21ºC 最高気温;28ºC BARCELONA県から


Centers for Disease Control and Protection (http://www.cdc.gov/)
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)
Weekly Report
MMWR Weekly: Current Volume
August 13, 2010 / Vol. 59 / No.31 / Pg. 973 - 1008 )
Nortifiable Diseases and Mortality Tables
August 13, 2010 / 59 (319 ; 994 - 1007
Table III Deaths in 122 U.S. cities, week ending August 07, 2010 (31st Week)
Pneumonia and influenzadeaths total is 633.

2010年13日金曜日10:00 曇り/雨 最低気温;19ー21ºC 最高気温;28ºC BARCELONA県から





2010年8月12日(木曜日) - 15:23午後送信は、この物語のプリントは増加/テキストを小さくする

40人以上の不法ローマキャンプは、フランスの政策の強化政府が彼らに対して2週間前に発表して以来、解体されている内務大臣は、リヨンのブリスオルトフー今日と述べた。 "700"については、さ"の起源の自分の国に戻り、ルーマニアやブルガリアは、"彼は記者会見で必要と便は"特別チャーター"解雇のことだと付け加えた。

コロンビア警察は、建物をボゴタで自動車爆弾が爆発ヒット調べます。マウリシオは| EFE通信をドゥエニャス


7月下旬で、オルトフーは、300と推定される東ヨーロッパの国から、ジプシーの違法野営地の半分は、3ヶ月以内に解体すると発表した。 "彼らはさすぐに"プロパティまたは詐欺犯罪を犯したジプシー"を強制送還されます"と彼はオルトフーしました。



推定1万5000人、フランスのバルカンジプシーの数を元。 2009年は、ほぼ、10,000されたルーマニアとブルガリアに追放が、団体に応じて追放リターンの3分の2。


More than 40 Roma camps have been dismantled in 15 days in France
Interior Minister, Brice Hortefeux, said that 700 people were expelled
Thursday, August 12, 2010 - 15:23 pm Send this story Print Increase / Decrease Text
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More than 40 illegal Roma camps have been dismantled in France since the hardening of the policy announced by the government against them two weeks ago, said Interior Minister, Brice Hortefeux today in Lyon. About "700" should be "returned to their countries of origin, Romania or Bulgaria," he said in a press conference and added that the flights would be "specially chartered" for dismissals.
zoom Colombian Police inspect the building affected by a car bomb in Bogotá.

Colombian policemen inspect the building hit by a car bomb in Bogotá. Mauricio Dueñas | EFE

Hortefeux has announced that it will receive "next week" in Paris two members of the Romanian Government, the Secretary of State recently responsible for the reintegration of the Roma and the Secretary of State for Public Order and Security. The minister hoped that Romanian police officers come to France as soon as possible to help the French police and gendarmerie. "

In late July, Hortefeux announced that half of illegal encampments of gypsies from Eastern European country, which is estimated at 300, would be dismantled within three months. "They will be deported almost immediately" gypsies "who have committed crimes against property or fraud," he added Hortefeux.

Sarkozy's controversial speech

These ads, which have been criticized by advocacy groups to stigmatize human rights, they say, a population, are part of tougher security policy announced by Nicolas Sarkozy, who in a recent controversial speech, immigration related crime.

An estimated 15,000 people the number of Balkan Gypsies originating in France. In 2009, nearly 10,000 were deported to Romania and Bulgaria, but two thirds of the deportees return, according to the associations.

Romania is home to one of the largest Roma communities in Europe, with 530,000 people, according to the 2002 census, 2.5 million, according to oenegés, emphasizing that many people do not declare themselves as Roma for avoiding discrimination .





消防士が消火に努めサロフの核の中心部から約50キロ。 AFP通信/ヴィクトルDrachev




Express Testを/この反応は、保護林のステート機構の新しい啓示につながった。 "が汚染された地域の地図や、それがそこに火災のマップがあります。誰もが比較できます。どのようにこのレポートを否定することは?"機関の代表者を言った。グリーンピースのモスクワ事務所はまた、受信された衛星画像はブリャンスク地域の汚染地域で火災の発生の存在を示して警告していた。

ブリャンスクローカル当局は22日、汚染された地域で、いくつかの火災は、窒息されていると報じた。 "森林の面積が放射性物質の影響を受け、火災は27エーカー、310ヘクタールの合計されている、"ブリャンスク、ウラジミールKotenkovの地域で工学部制御林の長は述べた。

関係者は認め、火災が実際にいる可能性が最も汚染された領域を、これらが原因に匹敵するに達した場合チェルノブイリ事故そのものです。"状況があるという事実はほとんど詳細放射性物質を蓄積してきた地域へのアクセス道路ですが原因です。 1986年以来、これらの大規模な森林が閉じていると放棄した。


一方、この地域は、ロシアの森林火災でほぼ半分に減少した影響を与えた。火は火曜日に174000ヘクタール以上であった92 702時間ヘクタールの区域をカバーした。しかし、昨日サロフの核中心部近くにある新しい発生した。最後の夜、モスクワの中心部に落ちた雨は1000万モスクワ市民を吸うことができました。しかし、ロシア気象センターのディレクター、ローマVilfandは、この救済は旅客されると警告した。

high alert in the Russian Federation
Fires in Russia reach the areas contaminated by Chernobyl
Local authorities warn of risk but the government says is normal radioactivity
Experts fear that the fire resulted in a radioactive cloud similar to that formed in 1986
Thursday, August 12, 2010 Print Email this story Increase / Decrease Text
DMITRI Polikarpov
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Russian officials acknowledged yesterday that it seemed evident in satellite images. Forest fires that have burned nearly 800,000 acres in central Russia, have taken control of several areas contaminated by the explosion of the Soviet nuclear plant at Chernobyl in 1986. Russian officials said that if not brought under control the fire and the consequences could be similar to the catastrophe of the nuclear generating a radioactive cloud.
zoom Firefighters work to extinguish a fire about 50 kilometers from the nuclear center of Sarov.

Firefighters work to extinguish a fire about 50 kilometers from the nuclear center of Sarov. AFP / Viktor Drachev
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Information published on page 10 of the World section of the print edition of the day August 12, 2010 VIEW ARCHIVES (. PDF)

A total of 3,900 hectares of contaminated land following the accident at Chernobyl, located in central Russia, have been affected by forest fires, according to a spokesman for the State Agency for the Protection of Forests (AEPB). Only in the Bryansk region of Russia bordering Ukraine and Belarus, the most affected by Chernobyl, there are 28 fires in an area of 269 hectares. In addition, fires have been reported in areas contaminated with radioactive substances in the Russian regions of Kaluga, Kurgan, Tula, Oryol Penza and Chelyabinsk.

The information provided by pro-government news agency Interfax had the effect of a bombshell. The head of the Medical Service of Russia, Gennady Onischenko, hastened to calm the situation: "All is quiet there. Do not panic. " The Ministry of Emergency Situations also stated that in the Bryansk region had no fire.

EXPRESS TEST / This reaction led to new revelations of the State Agency for Protection of Forests. "There are maps of polluted areas and there are maps of the fires. Anyone can compare. How can you deny this report? "Said a representative of the agency. The Moscow office of Greenpeace had also warned that received satellite images indicated the presence of fire outbreaks in contaminated areas of Bryansk region.

Bryansk Local authorities reported yesterday that several fires in the contaminated area have been suffocated. "The forest area affected by radioactive substances, the fires have been 27 acres, the total of 310 hectares," said the head of the Department of Control of Forests in the region of Bryansk, Vladimir Kotenkov.

The official acknowledged that if the fire actually reaches the most contaminated areas that could have 'comparable to those that caused the Chernobyl disaster itself. " The situation is aggravated by the fact that there are few access roads to the areas that have accumulated more radioactive substances. Since 1986, these large forest areas have been closed and abandoned.

MEASURES IN THE AREA AFFECTED / According to a statement from the Administration of Bryansk, experts from the Emergency Situations Ministry conducted last week in the contaminated areas a series of measurements showed that the background radiation was no more than dialing rules. On April 26, 1986 two explosions at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant dumped into the atmosphere up to 200 tons of fissile material with a radioactivity equivalent to between 100 and 500 atomic bombs of Hiroshima. The radioactive cloud, which contaminated vast areas of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia, claimed over 100,000 lives, say experts.

Meanwhile, the area affected by forest fires in Russia decreased by almost half. The fire covered an area of 92 702 hours hectares, where on Tuesday was more than 174,000 hectares. But yesterday was a new outbreak near the nuclear center in Sarov. The rain that fell last night on the center of Moscow allowed to breathe 10 million Muscovites. However, the director of the Russian Meteorological Center, Roman Vilfand warned that this relief will be passenger.

破損したいくつかのダムのせいで、パキスタンの洪水の被害は、悪化する恐れ 全土の15%の国土が洪水被害に水没

2010年8月12日(木曜日) - 11:46午後送信は、この物語のプリントは増加/テキストを小さくする






ダムはGudduとスックルのシンドの南東地域では、今日の水のサージを受け、"非常に脆弱性が存在している、"国家機関災害管理、アフマドカマルのための予測のためのスポークスマンは朝、パンジャブの東の地域でダムやTaunsa Chashmaの流れの2番目の増加、その再び2〜3日間で川を下るGuddu、スックルとコトリに影響を与える3。国家災害管理は、恐怖、いくつかのダムは、すでに破損して1秒あたり25535の間に27000立方メートルの流入を期待して、オーバーフローがさらに洪水に、これらの分野につながる。





15% OF LAND Anegada
Several injured prisoners threaten to exacerbate the floods in Pakistan
Local authorities warn of food shortages and the destruction of a million hectares of crops
Thursday, August 12, 2010 - 11:46 pm Send this story Print Increase / Decrease Text
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Several dams in Pakistan could spill over the large increase of the flow and cause further flooding, reported an official source, which also warned that "not enough" food sent to those affected by the worst floods in 80 years the country.

UN calls for 350,000 million euros to alleviate the "incomparable drama" in the country. ATLAS
zoom A couple walk through the water in the province of Punjab in Pakistan.

A couple walk through the water in the province of Punjab in Pakistan. ADRE LATIF | Reuters

* India continues to look to the Mallorcan Lourdes Morro
* The Spanish government posted a 10 in India without locating

* Tags: International

Dams of Guddu and Sukkur, in the southeastern province of Sindh, have today received a surge of water and are in a "very vulnerable," said a spokesman for the National Authority for Disaster Management, Ahmad Kamal, who predicted for morning, a second increase of flow in dams and Taunsa Chashma in the eastern province of Punjab, and a third that affect again in two or three days down the river to Guddu, Sukkur and Kotri. The National Disaster Management expects an influx of between 25,535 and 27,000 cubic meters per second, with the fear that some dams, already damaged, overflow and lead to further flooding in these areas.

Kamal acknowledged that the flooded areas are receiving daily shipments of aid, but warned that the amount of food sent "is not at all sufficient." People trapped require canning, baby milk, portable drinking water, life jackets, about half a million tents and medicines for malaria, said Kamal.

15% of flooded area

Pakistani President, Asif Ali Zardari, has planned a flying visit to Sukkur morning, according to Pakistani media. From the southwestern province of Balochistan, Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani, acknowledged today that budget adjustments will be needed to address the crisis, and pledged transparency in aid management, channel reported Dawn.

They have killed more than 1,600 people and 14,000 cattle, 300,000 houses have been destroyed or severely damaged and 15% of the territory of Pakistan is flooded, including 1.05 million hectares of cropland, according to the UN.

中国のGANSU県のZHOUQU市の土砂崩れの死者は、1117人に増加 、行方不明は、627人に

中国のGANSU県のZHOUQU市の土砂崩れの死者は、1117人に増加 、行方不明は、627人に



北京。 (EFE通信).-降雨今夜北西の最後の日曜日、土砂崩れはZhouquの領域を埋め、少なくとも1 117死亡、627は、不足している、地元のマスコミは月曜日報告を引き起こした中国の甘粛省に達した。新華社の機関は、今朝、3つの人々が地域で嵐の後不足していると報じた。




メディア、救助チームは、40の兵士から構成され、1つの建物が損傷の作業によると後にいくつかの住民悲鳴来る今夜建物の中に聞いた。 Dianlan王、50歳の男性のようなストーリーは、昨日の支出81時間泥で立ち往生した後、グループが救援活動を継続することをお勧め救助された。


The rain hits the area where more than 1,100 people were killed by landslides in China

The National Meteorological Center warned that bad weather can cause overflows the artificial lake that blocked the river dance hall, causing more flooding in the area
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8/12/2010 | Updated at 08:20 pm | Events

Beijing. (EFE) .- Rainfall tonight hit northwest China's Gansu province, where last Sunday, a mudslide buried the region of Zhouqu and caused at least 1 117 dead and 627 missing, local press reported Monday. The official Xinhua news agency reported this morning that there are three people missing after storms in the area.

* The UN estimates in billions of dollars of flood damage in Pakistan's agricultural sector
* They amount to 1117 dead and 627 missing in landslides in China
* The Chinese authorities were advised of the risk by cutting down trees and building dams
* The mudslides in China have already claimed 702 deaths and 1,300 missing

Meanwhile, the National Meteorological Center warned that bad weather is coming overflow can cause the artificial lake that blocked the river dance hall, causing more flooding in the area, where thousands of people between responders and volunteers searching for survivors. The press also said that the river level has risen three meters dance hall and a new mudslide has blocked a key road that was moved by the relief material. It is estimated that some 45,000 cubic meters of mud have covered the road from Lianghekou to Zhouqu, and that is the shortest access to send humanitarian aid, said Xinhua.

The China Daily said the provincial government has ordered a mass evacuation of residents to safe areas. The search for survivors entered its fifth day, despite already served the time of the "golden window", which refers to the first 72 hours after the disaster, there is still hope of finding people alive .

According to the media, rescue teams, consisting of 40 soldiers, working in one of the buildings damaged after some residents heard screams coming tonight Property. Stories like Dianlan Wang, a 50 year old man rescued yesterday after spending 81 hours stuck in the mud, encourage groups to continue their relief work.

The latest information from the Bureau of Civil Affairs of the province indicated that 567 survivors have received medical treatment and another 64 were seriously injured. The deputy director of the Geology Department of the Ministry of Land and Resources, Tao Qingfa, said yesterday that the mountainous terrain, drought and the effect of the 2008 earthquake in neighboring Sichuan province are among the causes of the devastating avalanche. But Tibetans say the massive construction of dams, mining and deforestation are behind this tragedy.

About 30 percent of the population is made up of Tibetans Zhouqu, an ethnic group that accuses the Chinese of repressing their culture. The avalanche has buried Zhouqu half of the 3,400 dead and missing who have left since May monsoon rains in China.

中国のGANSU県のZHOUQU市の土砂崩れの死者は、627人、行方不明 1117人にのぼる








1117 amount to 627 dead and missing in landslides in China

567 survivors have received medical care and that 64 remained hospitalized Wednesday afternoon in serious condition
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8/11/2010 | Updated at 19:16 pm | Events

Beijing (EUROPA PRESS) .- At least 1117 people have died and 627 are missing due to landslides recorded in the Chinese town of Zhouqu, located in Gansu Province in northwest China, according to a new assessment released Wednesday by local authorities.

* The Chinese authorities were advised of the risk by cutting down trees and building dams
* The mudslides in China have already claimed 702 deaths and 1,300 missing
* The rain hits the area where more than 1,100 people were killed by landslides in China

The civil affairs office said in a statement Gansu collected by the official news agency Xinhua that 567 survivors have received medical care and that 64 remained hospitalized Wednesday afternoon in serious condition.

Although, as the hours passed, it diminishes the possibility that rescue teams locate anyone alive, the troops deployed in the disaster zone still have hopes, as evidenced by the fact they are located a survivor on Wednesday , nearly four days after the landslides that have affected three quarters of Zhouqu.

In addition, Zhang Guiquan Army officer said that dozens of staff had moved to the remains of a partially collapsed building near the river dance hall, looking for a possible survivor. The locals themselves were the ones who alerted the authorities that you heard screams from inside the rubble





北京。 (ロイター通信は/ EPは)中国当局.-は年間警告されたことと水力発電の急速な発展、洪水と地すべりに対する脆弱性の位置によって影響された山岳地帯を置くログ中国で発生した悪化進化。




火曜日までは、泥の津波から、岩とZhouqu市を襲った水、中国北西部は、この週末に702の死者をされている。 1042他の人が行方不明になった

The Chinese authorities were advised of the risk by cutting down trees and building dams

Officially, the detachment has been described as a natural disaster caused by heavy rains, drought and earthquake previous 2008
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8/10/2010 | Updated at 17:25 pm | Events

Beijing. (Reuters / EP) .- The Chinese authorities were warned for years that the logging and the rapid development of hydropower put in a position of vulnerability to floods and landslides mountainous area that was impacted by the worse evolution that has occurred in China.

* The mudslides in China have already claimed 702 deaths and 1,300 missing
* They amount to 1117 dead and 627 missing in landslides in China
* The rain hits the area where more than 1,100 people were killed by landslides in China

Last year a government report urged the depleted back line of defense in a designated environment environmental "area of high incidence of landslide disasters." Other government documents had emphasized for years that they were suffering from overexploitation Bailongo River, 576 kilometers long, and the slopes around, as this poor corner of China trying to convert their forests and rivers into economic assets.

Officially, the landslide has been described as a natural disaster caused by heavy rains, drought and strong previous earthquake in 2008 and loosened the slopes on the banks of the river in Gannan Prefecture, a mountainous region in Gansu Province.

Until Tuesday, there have been 702 fatalities from the tsunami of mud, rocks and water that swept Zhouqu City, in northwest China, this weekend. 1042 other people were missing.