




ニューデリーは、/マドリッド(代理店).- 3スペイン市民運命飛び地レーカシミア(北インド)スペイン大使館のニューデリー、ソースで決定される13の最後の時間で発見されている外交。すべての3つのスペインモリネロルイスガルシア、イグナシオザバラエンジェルパレンシアに位置し、インドには、イオンデラリーヴァ、人、彼は"インドエージェントの確認を受けているスペインの大使を確認した。" "これは良いニュースだ"と歓迎した。



しかし、今日、彼は"慎重に"生きているエスケーロとデルシドを見つけるの可能性について楽観的だった。 "我々は楽観的に家族に語った。これは、特殊な状況に表示される人々の場合ことです。Untilあるnoボディ、死者のため誰にも与えるしていません、"外交官は言った。


また、外交官は一部を排除しなかった他のスペインの領域を土砂崩れで自分で当局に連絡することなく影響を残すことがされているリスト。 "私は誰かはまだ見つけること知っている可能性がありますまたはスペイン語の影響を受けてのニュースを場合を除き、お問い合わせのある人を促す、"外交代表を促した。



Spanish locate three missing in the valley of Leh, India

The Spanish ambassador in China refuses to take for the rest died of the missing "until we see a corpse" | The three are located Spanish Molinero Luis García, Ignacio Zabala and Angel Palencia
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8/11/2010 | Updated at 13:07 pm | Events

New Delhi / Madrid, (Agencies) .- Three Spanish citizens have been found in the last hours of the thirteen whose fate is determined in the enclave Leh Cashmere (North India) Embassy of Spain in New Delhi, sources diplomatic. All three are located Spanish Molinero Luis García, Ignacio Zabala and Angel Palencia, confirmed the ambassador of Spain to India, Ion de la Riva, who said he had received confirmation of an "Indian agent." "This is good news," welcomed.

* The father of the missing can identify the corpse of his daughter
* Find a corpse that could be the Lourdes of the Spanish Morro
* The Basque mountaineers evacuated from India did not fear for his life
* A daughter of Councillor Tura, among those evacuated from India
* Indian police confirmed the death of Lourdes Mallorca Morro missing and another 170

At last count figures which handles the Spanish Embassy in India are eight people who are not located, including Lourdes Morro-handed and left for dead by Indian police, "Fernando Ezquerro and Rodrigo del Cid. The other five could be simply cut off or safe, but that the embassy does not know.

Today, however, said he was "cautiously optimistic" about the possibility of finding alive Ezquerro and Del Cid. "We have told the families to remain optimistic. It is to be cases of people who are appearing in unusual situations. Until there is no body, does not give anyone for dead," the diplomat said.

The Spanish on the list have not been reported or the embassy or with their families over the past five days, hence the inclusion in it, though De la Riva scored only "serious" cases of Morro, Ezquerro and Cid .

In addition, the diplomat did not rule out some of the other Spanish listed have been able to leave the area affected by landslides on their own without contacting the authorities. "I urge anyone who may know of someone yet to locate or has news of a Spanish-affected unless you contact us," urged a diplomatic representative.

At least 60 people located
Moreover, foreign sources have reported that the Kashmiri enclave Leh, located north of India, 30 are Spanish and which are to be evacuated they want. As for the about 30 Spanish who are in the valley of Lamayuru, about 30 kilometers from Leh, have ensured that all are well and have food, but will have to wait to be evacuated until more resources available. Among those evacuated to New Delhi is a daughter of the Councillor of Justice of the Generalitat, Montserrat Tura.

In this regard, explained that the Indian authorities have mobilized all its resources and priorities have is finding the missing and evacuate the wounded.

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