
スペインの不良債権(貸し倒れ)で破産し国有化されたCatalunya Cixa 銀行は、2012年には、不良債権処理銀行(SAREB)に164億9600万0000ユーロ相当の不良債権を67億0800万0000ユーロで売却し、差額で97億8800万0000ユーロ損失を出し、2012年の損失は118億5600万0000ユーロに達する。


スペインの不良債権(貸し倒れ)で破産し国有化されたCatalunya Cixa 銀行は、2012年には、不良債権処理銀行(SAREB)に164億9600万0000ユーロ相当の不良債権を67億0800万0000ユーロで売却し、差額で97億8800万0000ユーロ損失を出し、2012年の損失は118億5600万0000ユーロに達する。

CatalunyaCaixa cerró 2012 con unas pérdidas de 11.856 millones de euros

La entidad encarga a Nomura la venta de las 316 oficinas que tiene fuera de Cataluña

Lluís Pellicer Barcelona 30 ABR 2013 - 14:09 CET

CatalunyaCaixa closed 2012 with a loss of 11.856 million euros

Nomura entity instructs the sale of 316 offices have outside Catalonia

Pellicer Barcelona Lluís 30 ABR 2013 - 14:09 CET

CatalunyaCaixa red numbers last year amounted to 11.856 million euros, as reported by the Catalan club said in a statement today after receiving 9.084 million euros to be capitalized and transferred to the bad bank bad assets worth 16.496 million euros . The company has claimed that provides positive results again this year and says she has instructed the Nomura investment bank selling its branch network outside Catalonia which is required by the restructuring plans of the European Commission.

In the statement, the agency reported that the transfer price of assets to Sareb was 6.708 million euros. The difference between the value of the troubled assets of 9.788 million, has caused the bulk of the hole with which closed the year the entity, while the rest is explained by the endowments he had to do. "The company is running the recapitalization plan approved by the European Union which includes the contribution from the FROB 9,084 million already made​​, and conversion of the preferred shares and subordinated debt," says the bank. This process, according to the organization headed by Adolf Todó, completed by the end of this semester and will that achieve a capital ratio of 10.14%. After the transfer of toxic assets to Sareb, CatalunyaCaixa still has a default rate of 1.9%.

CatalunyaCaixa also now has launched the sale of its network of branches outside Catalonia, To do this, the organization will be advised of Nomura. Offices that are offered for sale, 316, with a combined turnover of 15,000 million euros. A total of 77 branches are at 113 Valencia and Madrid.

スペインの不良債権(貸し倒れ)で破産し国有化されたCatalunya Cixa 銀行は、2012年には、不良債権処理銀行(SAREB)に164億9600万0000ユーロ相当の不良債権を67億0800万0000ユーロで売却し、差額で97億8800万0000ユーロ損失を出し、2012年の損失は118億5600万0000ユーロに達する。


ペリセアバルセロナルイス·30 ABR 2013 - 午後2時09 CET

声明の中で、代理店はSareb資産の譲渡価格は6708000ユーロだったことを報告した。 9788000問題を抱えた資産の価値の差は、残りの部分は、彼がしなければならなかった基金によって説明されている間年間エンティティを閉じている、穴の大きさを引き起こしている。 "同社はすでに行わFROB9084万円、優先株式および劣後債務の転換からの寄与を含む欧州連合(EU)で承認され資本増強計画を実行している"銀行は述べています。このプロセスはこの学期の終わりまでに完了しアドルフTODO率いる組織によるすると、その10.14パーセント自己資本比率を達成します Sarebに有毒資産の転送後CatalunyaCaixaは依然として1.9%デフォルト率を有している

CatalunyaCaixaこれを行うにはカタルーニャ支店のネットワークの販売を開始した組織は野村を知らされます 15,000百万ユーロの合計売上高は販売316のために提供されるオフィス 77支店の合計は113バレンシアとマドリッドにある

スペインの不良債権(貸し倒れ)で破産し国有化されたNovagalicia Banco銀行(NCG Banco)は、2012年には、不良債権(貸し倒れ)の損失の準備金の引き当てとして82億2400万0000ユーロを当て、79億3700万0000ユーロの損失を計上。


スペインの不良債権(貸し倒れ)で破産し国有化されたNovagalicia Banco銀行(NCG Banco)は、2012年には、不良債権(貸し倒れ)の損失の準備金の引き当てとして82億2400万0000ユーロを当て、79億3700万0000ユーロの損失を計上。

Novagalicia sufrió pérdidas de 7.937 millones de euros en 2012

El banco realizó saneamientos y provisiones por 8.224 millones el año pasado

Redujo plantilla en 2.011 personas y cerró 528 de sus 844 oficinas

El País Madrid 30 ABR 2013 - 11:05 CET

Novagalicia suffered losses of 7,937 million euros in 2012

The bank made provisions for sanitation and 8.224 million last year

Reduced workforce by 2,011 people and closed 528 of its 844 offices

The Country Madrid 30 ABR 2013 - 11:05 CET

NCG Banco, which operates under the trade Novagalicia, closed 2012 with a loss of 7,937 million euros. The losses are in line with the provisions of the restructuring plan of the entity.
The nationalized entity allocated 8.224 million euros in provisions and writedowns to cover losses during the past year, including provisions on disposal of assets to the bad bank, the Sareb (Society Claims arising from the Restructuring Banking).
"The accounts of 2012 marked the most active sanitation conducted by NCG Banco to address the recapitalization and restructuring plan," the entity.

moreTaxpayers lose 325 million with Banco GallegoThe sale of subordinated NCG in 2011 could "rub the criminal"Novagalicia open 102 offices in the evenings from May 6The company entered into losses in 2012
The group exercise reduced 40% risk-weighted assets (RWA), due mainly to the transfer of assets to the Sareb, the deconsolidation of Banco Gallego in 2012 and also reduction strategy in lending in large corporations and developer and real estate sectors. Customer credit stood at 30.795 million euros, with a reduction of 17.757 million during the year, with the conditions mentioned above.
NCG Bank ended 2012 with a staff in the matrix of 5,705 employees and a network of 844 branches (including 18 abroad). Personal adjustment made by the parent of the group since 2010 rose to 2,011 people, while the network did so in 528 offices. 2012 Over 212 closed 161 offices that were outside Galicia.
Development of margins
During 2012, net interest income generated 724 million euros, representing an increase of 7.2% over the previous year. Gross margin stood at 975 million euros, up 7.2% year-on-year change, affected by the result of financial operations, the provision of resources to the Deposit Guarantee Fund and by lower fee income. Fee income fell by 21.9% in 2012, in line with the strategy followed by NCG applying the most appropriate charging commissions to their clients.
The bank has placed its insolvency fund in EUR 2.803 million, positioning the coverage rate of 59.8%, 7.69 percentage points above the close of 2011.
The company sold 10,073 properties, worth 950 million euros, 39.3% more than during the previous year compared with a fall of 11.3% from the sale of homes in Spain. The year closed with a reduction promoter net exposure of 91.9% benefited from the transfer of assets to the SAREB and sale of properties from its balance sheet.
Of the 8.224 million euros in writedowns and provisions made by NCG Banco, 5.187 million are the improvement of the credit portfolio, 1,430 million to cover the deterioration of the properties sold and losses generated by its transfer to the Sareb; 1,405 million for remediation of other financial assets and 202 million for other provisions and supplies.

スペインの不良債権(貸し倒れ)で破産し国有化されたNovagalicia Banco銀行(NCG Banco)は、2012年には、不良債権(貸し倒れ)の損失の準備金の引き当てとして82億2400万0000ユーロを当て、79億3700万0000ユーロの損失を計上。



カントリーマドリード30 ABR 2013 - 11時05分CET
エンティティを "2012のアカウントは、資本増強や再編計画に対処するNCGバンコによって行わ最も活発衛生マーク"。

もっと納税者は、バンコ·ガジェゴと3.25億を失う2011年に劣後NCGの販売は、 "犯人をこする"ことができ5月6日から夜にNovagaliciaオープン102事務所同社は2012年に損失を締結
NCG銀行は5705の従業員と844の支店(海外18を含む)のネットワークのマトリックスのスタッフと2012年を終えた。ネットワークは528事業所でそうでしたが、2010年からグループの親によって行われた個人的な調整は、2,011人に増加した。 2012以上の212は、ガリシアの外にあった161事業所を閉鎖した。



2013年04月30日火曜日16:30 晴れ 最低気温;10ー12ºc、最高気温:16ー18ºc、


Bankia se dispara absurdamente en Bolsa desde su nuevo precio de referencia

Las acciones suben un 700% mientras los derechos de la ampliación se desploman

Bloomberg lo sitúa en su clasificación como el primer banco de la zona euro por valor en Bolsa

La Bolsa ajusta la cotización del banco a 1,38 euros por acción
BFA planea hacerse con el 70% de Bankia para ahorrar
Miguel Jiménez Madrid 30 ABR 2013 - 12:38 CET

Bankia Bolsa absurdly fires from his new reference price

The shares are up 700% while expanding the rights of collapse

Bloomberg puts it in its ranking as the largest bank in the euro zone by market

The Exchange Bank adjusts the price to 1.38 euros per share
BFA plans to gain 70% of Bankia to save

Miguel Jiménez Madrid 30 ABR 2013 - 12:38 CET

Bankia's shares continue to defy all logic. The titles were set this morning at 1.38 euros per share to take into account the cash capital increase of 10,700 million that was just starting. However, the shares have soared between 500% and 700% to the point that, counting the new titles to be issued, Bankia ranks as the largest bank in the euro zone by market capitalization, as collected and classifications specialized agency Bloomberg.
After closing on Monday at 11.30 euros per share, each share of Bankia was segregated into two: first, the action itself and, secondly, the preferential subscription rights of the share capital increase through which issued 7910.3 million shares at a price of EUR 1.35266266 per share. Bankia's shares were adjusted with a reference to 1.3777 euros per share, or 1,378 euros per round, while theoretically subscription rights were valued at 9.92 euros.

Bloomberg Pantallazo which reflects the capitalization ranking.
Today, the shares have begun trading at 1.61 euros, a high price, but not too far from the new reference. But as the morning has passed, the references are lost and the few investors who are buying seem to focus more on the price of yesterday and interpret the stock is falling.
The problem is that pay 9 euros actions, as quoted at noon valuing the entity (after the enlargement in progress) at about 100,000 million euros, ie as much as Santander and BBVA together, as the bank will to be within a month about 11,000 million shares.
Meanwhile, the rights to go to the capital of Bankia 10,700 million have plummeted to 90% this morning on the first day of trading on the market. After being fixed on Monday at 9.92 euros, its price has been reduced to about one euro, with zero interest in attending the private operation and minority shareholders, which accumulate losses above 96% if you went to the exit bank went public in July 2011. Even the current price of the rights is over and it is normal that their value tends to zero.
Of course, what makes no sense is the correlation between the two prices. Buy shares via subscription rights is much cheaper to buy in the stock market, though neither option is interesting now. Each right allows subscribe 397 shares at a price of 1.3526 euros. ie whoever enter via rights should pay about 538 euros for those shares. That same block of shares, now on the market, is being paid in over 3,500 euros. The problem is that when you receive shares of the extension, it can be expected that the titles plummet to around one euro or below that figure. The National Commission of Securities Market has warned of the risk involved. And yet, the market is valuing an absurd actions of the entity.





ミゲル·ヒメネスマドリード30 ABR 2013 - 12:38 CET
第二に、発行済株式増資の優先予約権それを通して、最初のアクション自体と1株当たり11.30ユーロで月曜日に閉じた後、Bankia 1株を2つに分離されました一株当たりEUR 1.35266266の価格で79.103億株。理論的には新株予約権は、9.92ユーロで評価している間Bankiaの株式は、株あたり1.3777ユーロ、またはラウンド当たり1378ユーロを参照して調整した。

問題は、銀行として、一緒にサンタンデールやBBVAなどすなわち同じくらいになるように万人約10万ユーロでエンティティ(進行中の拡大後)大切に正午に引用されている給与9ユーロ·アクションであり、 11,000万株約一ヶ月内にあること。
一方、Bankia 10,700百万円の資本金に行く権​​利は、市場での取引の最初の日に今朝90%まで急落した。あなたは出口に行けば9.92ユーロで、月曜日に固定された後、その価格は、96%以上の損失を蓄積プライベート操作と少数株主に出席中でゼロ金利で、約一ユーロに縮小されています銀行は2011年7月に公開した。権利さえ現在の価格を超えていると、それはその価値がゼロに傾向があることが普通です。




Grecia aprueba despedir a otros 15.000 funcionarios para seguir con el rescate

La medida entra en el nuevo paquete de ajustes pactados con la troika

El plan permitirá al país recibir 8.800 millones con los que pagar las nóminas

El Consejo de Europa rechaza el recorte de pensiones
Agencias Grecia 29 ABR 2013 - 03:34 CET

Greece approves laying off another 15,000 employees to continue the rescue

The move comes in the new package agreed with the troika settings

The plan will allow the country to receive 8,800 million with which to pay the payroll

The Council of Europe rejects pension cuts

Agencies Greece 29 ABR 2013 - 3:34 CET

The Greek parliament approved on Sunday night's new austerity package agreed two weeks ago with the troika and so you can get the next tranche of bailout. Among these measures is a law permitting the dismissal of 15,000 employees by 2014.
The package was approved by a large majority with the votes of the members of the tripartite government led by the conservative Andonis Samaras. The opposition voted against and described the vote as a "violation of parliamentary democracy", as performed by the emergency procedure with only two days of debate.
The new cuts were agreed with the representatives of the troika (European Central Bank, European Commission, IMF) in exchange for which 2,800 million euros desbloquen unpaid since March and another 6,000 million more for the second quarter. The package had to be approved before the meeting to be held on Monday to prepare for the next Eurogroup meeting May 13, where it is expected that the funds are released.
During the debate, the Finance Minister Yannis Sturnaras, insisted the idea that Greece urgently needs this money to pay salaries, pensions and bonds maturing on May 20.

moreHunger comes to schools in GreeceThe crisis starts a third of the wealth to the families of GreeceUnemployment in Greece is over 27%Chronology of bailouts
As explained by the Minister for Public Administration Reform, Antonis Manitakis in many cases be replaced with new hires. It has also revealed that layoffs will occur by the output of staff having disciplinary open, early retirement and retrenchment caused by mergers of public institutions.
While the debate was held, about a thousand people gathered at the Greek Parliament to protest against the measures, called by the public sector union ADEDY. The protesters carried banners with slogans such as 'laid off the Government!' or 'Outside the euro and the EU'.
The package also includes the primary and secondary teachers to work two hours a week from September, the aim of this is to reduce the number of substitute teachers and, therefore, the costs in education.
During 2013 also remain extraordinary rate since last year is collected through the electricity bill and it has caused a wave of protests.





機関ギリシャ29 ABR 2013 - 3時34 CET
パッケージは、保守的なAndonisサマラス率いる三国政府のメンバーの票を獲得した大多数によって承認された。反対は反対票を投じたと議論のわずか2日で緊急処置が行うように、 "議会制民主主義の侵害"として投票を説明しました。

議論は、公共部門組合ADEDYによって呼び出され、措置に抗議するために、ギリシャ議会に集まった数千人程度、開催されましたが。抗議者は、次のようなスローガンにバナーを運ば 'は、政府を解雇!または 'ユーロ、EU外'。





La caída del euríbor al mínimo rebaja las hipotecas unos 680 euros anuales

La media mensual del indicador baja al 0,53% a la espera de dos sesiones para cerrar el mes

EFE Economía Madrid 28 ABR 2013 - 12:29


The fall of the Euribor to a minimum cut about 680 mortgages per year

The monthly average indicator drops to 0.53% waiting for two sessions to close the month

Economy EFE Madrid 28 ABR 2013 - 12:29

The twelve-month Euribor end next Tuesday April at 0.53%, a record low to allow families to reduce their loans foreclosed on about 57 euros per month or 684 per year.
After scoring on Friday a record low of 0.515% daily, and with two sessions to the end of the month, the average monthly Euribor provisional mark of 0.53%, the lowest in the fourteen years I've calculated this indicator, since 1999.
In that period, the Euribor has ranged from high of 5,393% it reached in July 2008, and the lows of this year, in March and closed at its lowest monthly rate, 0.545%.
In addition, it takes seven months trading below the price of money in the euro area, which by order of the European Central Bank (ECB) is 0.75%.
This month from monthly maximum marking the April 2 (0.544%) the daily record low on Friday, 26 (0.515%), the indicator has lost three tenths.
In this downward trend will benefit families review their mortgages in May, which will apply the rate of the previous month, for a year ago, in April 2012, the Euribor stood at 1.368%.
Thus, an average mortgage of € 150,000 with a repayment term of 25 years will get a discount on your monthly fee of about 57 euros per month, more than 680 a year.
However this decrease may benefit only those loans that do not include a clause "ground," preventing them from getting off a certain percentage, which is around 3% -.
Users Association of Banks, Savings Banks and Insurance (Adicae) estimated that in Spain there are around four million people whose mortgages are contained in this clause.
According to a report by the Bank of Spain to the Senate in 2010, about a third of existing mortgages were subject to covenants that limit fluctuations in interest rates.
On March 20, the Supreme Court nullified the ground clauses in cases where there is a lack of transparency, partially upholding an appeal presented by the Association of Users of Banking and Financial Services (Ausbanc) against a these clauses sentence warranted.
In the evolution of Euribor weigh the ups and downs of interest rates in the euro area which decides the European Central Bank (ECB), whose primary mandate is to control inflation, but in recent years has sought to keep the price of money to revive the economy of the region.
After the last meeting of the governing council of the institution, held on April 4, its president, Mario Draghi, hinted that he is willing to lower interest rates if the economy of the euro area worse, why the Euribor has evolved down in recent weeks.
However, some analysts suggest that the reduction in rates will be delayed to June, in particular the prospects weekly report released Friday by Bank of America Merrill Lynch noted that "a single month of weak growth" is not enough for the ECB decide to take the plunge.




経済EFEマドリード28 ABR 2013 - 12時29分
- しかし、この減少はわずか3%である一定の割合を、降りるからそれらを防ぐ "、地面"句が含まれていないそれらのローンを利益を得ることができる。
しかし、一部のアナリストは、金利の低下は6月に延期されることが示唆され、特に、バンクオブアメリカ·メリルリンチによって金曜日解放見通し週報は "弱い成長の単月は" ECBのために十分ではないことに留意思い切ってすることにします。




La electricidad y las gasolinas frenan la inflación al 1,4% en abril

La tasa de inflación es la más baja desde el arranque de 2010

El comercio ahonda la caída de las ventas en marzo con un descenso del 8,9%

El fin de la crisis económica se retrasa hasta 2016
Alejandro Bolaños Madrid 29 ABR 2013 - 09:13 CET


Fuente: INE / EL PAÍS

Electricity and gasoline inflation slowing to 1.4% in April

The inflation rate is the lowest since the start of 2010

Deepens trade sales decline in March with a decline of 8.9%

The end of the economic crisis is delayed until 2016

Alejandro Bolaños Madrid 29 ABR 2013 - 09:13 CET

Prices practically dry slowed its rate of rise in April, the month in which the Consumer Price Index rose just 1.4% from a year earlier, according to the advance that has published Monday by the National Institute of Statistics (INE). This is the lowest rate in the CPI since the first quarter of 2010. In March, inflation stood at 2.4%. Monthly inflation was 0.4%, the lowest rate in more than ten years in April.
The slowdown in prices was announced from the Ministry of Industry anticipated the biggest discount on electricity bills in recent years this month. In addition, it was assumed a lower contribution of fuel, which in the last two months itself reflected the fall in the price of raw materials, oil and its derivatives. All this adds to the background current that dominates the Spanish economy in the last year: a low consumption minimum, frozen by the loss of family income, the tax increases and the black labor market prospects with 27% of unemployment rates.
The electricity tariff of last resort (TUR), with access to some 22 million customers, down an average of 6.62% from 1 April in the biggest decline since 2009. The cut results in a saving in electricity bills of about 29.35 per year for an average consumer. As for the fuel, the price per liter of fuel sold throughout April to an average of 1,432 euros (gasoline 95), when a year ago came to touch the 1.50 euros per liter. Diesel is also cheaper than a year ago, according to the EU oil newsletter.
Looking ahead, the Government expects that the CPI contains this exercise, to the point that it could close the year below 1%, said the Minister of Economy, Luis de Guindos, in the press conference after the Council of Ministers last Friday in which the Executive revised its macroeconomic picture. Some research services, such as the Instituto Flores de Lemus, predict that the index will reflect even negative rates from September, when you stop in the annual comparison despite the VAT hike. According to the accounts of Flores de Lemus, the remarkable rise of the main indirect tax, which operates in many of the basket of goods and services which analyzes the INE, rises by one percentage point inflation.
The downward trend in prices is closely related to the decline in consumption, although no data on household spending and businesses for April. A lack of published the first figures for the second quarter, the Bank of Spain has posted a preview of what happened in the first quarter. According to the supervisor, consumption fell by 0.3% between January and March, but this balance is provisional pending to confirm the INE.
In this regard, the statistics office also published balance Monday March retail trade, down 8.9% from the same month of 2012 in terms corrected for calendar effects. The cut is higher than 7.7% in February, indicating that aggravates the decline in sales after 33 months in negative. By distribution all reduce their sales in March. All communities closed the third month of the year down.





アレハンドロボラニョスマドリード29 ABR 2013 - 9時13分CET

スペインのBanco Financiero y de Ahorros (BFA)銀行は、, 子会社のBankiaの株を70%買収することを予定、税金の節約のために。


スペインのBanco Financiero y de Ahorros (BFA)銀行は、, 子会社のBankiaの株を70%買収することを予定、税金の節約のために。

BFA planea hacerse con el 70% de Bankia para ahorrar impuestos

La matriz destinará un máximo de 275 millones a comprar acciones

La Bolsa ajustará mañana la cotización a menos de 1,40 euros

M. J. Madrid 28 ABR 2013 - 18:38 CET

BFA plans to gain 70% of Bankia to save taxes

The array will allocate a maximum of 275 million to buy shares

The Stock Exchange morning price adjusted within 1.40 euros

M. J. Madrid 28 ABR 2013 - 18:38 CET

Banco Financiero y de Ahorros (BFA), the matrix of Bankia, has designed a solution to recover your billionaires tax assets, that is, the income tax savings by offsetting past losses. He plans to buy shares in Bankia Bolsa reaching 70% of the capital, the bar required for them to consolidate fiscally, ie state taxes together. "The purchase of shares by BFA Bankia not in any case exceed a cash total of 275 million euros and will depend on the share price in the market warrant increased its stake in Bankia," the bank said in a prospectus filed Friday with the CNMV.

moreBFA-Bankia returns to profits "in a difficult environment"New Bankia shares fall 17% after group of titlesThe Bankia preferred suffer losses of up to 70%Bankia Bolsa shooting in cuts despite the value of their sharesBankia falls by 41% in the stock before cutting its shares to 0.01 euros
Currently, BFA has 48.6% Bankia. But the group estimates that such participation may approach 69% if virtually alone assumes the capital increase with preferential subscription rights and there are 10,700 million 94% acceptance in the capital to repurchase preferred stock and subordinated debt.
Purchases come when they begin to list the shares of these two capital increases, what will happen on May 28. BFA plans to keep your purchases to a maximum of 30 days renewable for another 30. This may also counteract the expected avalanche of sales by new shareholders.
The subscription period for the expansion of 10,700 million starts tomorrow and that the Exchange will adjust the price of the shares in Bankia, which closed Friday at 12.44 euros, until they were between 1.35 and 1.40 euros. The rest, up to the closing price of today will be the theoretical value of the subscription rights. But more than ever, that value is only theoretical. Typically, an avalanche of sales that these rights do not end up having virtually no real value.
Bankia's pamphlet reveals some details of the restructuring plan had hitherto kept secret. So, by the end of 2015, the BFA-Bankia group will have to reduce the net loan portfolio 116,000 million (15,000 million less than at the end of the first quarter of this year). Risk-weighted assets should get off at the same times 109000-93000 million and total assets on the balance sheet of 298000-257000 million. The ratio of loans to deposits shall not exceed 133%, which has already achieved virtually Bankia. The number of offices will lose 2,900 last March about 1,950 and the number of employees will be around 14,500 (compared to 20,431 that ended the year 20112). Furthermore, "BFA-Bankia is committed to the number of branches and employees will not increase after 2015," says the brochure. Finally, the group has launched unprofitable asset divestitures and non-strategic. Bankia anticipated by this route shed 50,000 million from the transfer to the bad bank (34.847 million) and another 15,000 million it expects to achieve from the sale of investments and other exit portfolios and credit portfolios.

The group should reduce 15,000 million loan portfolio by 2015
Among the most immediate sales are City National Bank of Florida, Bancofar and Torre Caja Madrid, all classified as "disposal groups". The subsidiaries are also classified as assets held for sale. Bankia has already achieved a gain of 2.3 million by selling 14 million of its stake in Sacyr.
The bench headed by José Ignacio Goirigolzarri is conducting an analysis of the rationale for each subsidiary to simplify the corporate map the group, which now consolidates 330 companies. In 2013 it will undertake a restructuring to financial investees directly under Bankia and industrial and service, Business Corporation.
The brochure reveals that contraatos of Goirigolzarri and another executive, José Sevilla, set for the event of termination of an annuity compensation fixed remuneration plus another annuity for non-competition agreement. Goirigolzarri claimed 354,000 euros in total Bankia and its subsidiaries in 2012 and received no bonus or pension contribution.

スペインのBanco Financiero y de Ahorros (BFA)銀行は、, 子会社のBankiaの株を70%買収することを予定、税金の節約のために。



M. J.マドリード28 ABR 2013 - 午前18時38分CET
バンコフィナンシエロYデAhorros(BFA)、Bankiaの行列は、過去の損失を相殺することにより、所得税の節約であるあなたの億万長者税金資産を回収するためのソリューションを設計しました。彼は、資本金の70%が、彼らは一緒に州税、すなわち、財政的に統合するために必要なバーを到達Bankiaボルサで株式を購入する予定です。 "BFA Bankiaによる株式の購入はどのような場合に2.75億ユーロの現金合計を超え、市場の令状はBankiaで出資比率を増加で株価に依存しないで、"銀行は、で述べている目論見書はCNMVと金曜日に提出。

もっとBFA-Bankiaは "困難な環境の中で、"利益に戻ります新しいBankia株はタイトルのグループの後に17%下落Bankia、70%までの損失を被る好ま彼らの株式の価値にもかかわらず、カットでBankiaボルサ撮影Bankiaは、0.01ユーロに株式を切断する前に株式の41%に低下
彼らは5月28日に何が起こるかは、これらの2つの増資の株式をリストを開始するとき購入は来る。 BFAは、別の30のために再生可能な30日間の最大値にあなたの購入を維持する予定です。これはまた、新たな株主による売上の予想なだれを打ち消す可能性があります。
Bankiaのパンフレットは、これまで秘密を持っていたリストラ計画のいくつかの詳細を明らかにする。だから、2015年の終わりまでに、BFA-Bankiaグループはネットローン·ポートフォリオの116000万円(今年の第1四半期末に比べ15,000百万円減少)を削減する必要があります。リスク加重資産は298000から257000000000のバランスシート上の同じ回109000から93000000000、総資産で下車する必要があります。預金に対する貸出金の比率は既に事実上Bankia達成した133%を超えてはならない。事業所数は1,950、約2,900昨年3月を失うことになり、従業員の数は、(年間20112終了20431と比較して)14,500前後になる。さらに、 "BFA-Bankiaが枝や従業員の数にコミットされると、2015年以降増加しません、"パンフレットは言う。最後に、グループは、不採算資産の売却を開始したと非戦略。このルートで予想Bankiaはバッドバンク(34847000)、それは投資その他の出口ポートフォリオと与信ポートフォリオの売却により実現するために期待して別の15,000万人への転送から50,000百万を流した。

最も直接的な売上のうちシティナショナルフロリダの銀行、Bancofar及びトッレカハマドリード、 "処分グループ"として分類されたすべてのです。子会社はまた、売却目的で保有する資産に分類される。 BankiaはすでにSacyrの株式14万ドルを売却して230万の利得を達成しています。
ホセ·イグナシオGoirigolzarri率いるベンチは今330の企業を統合し、企業のマップグループを簡素化するために各子会社の根拠の分析を行っています。 2013年にそれを直接Bankia産業およびサービス、事業会社の下で、金融投資にリストラを実施していきます。
パンフレットはGoirigolzarriと別の幹部、ホセ·セビリアのcontraatosは年金補償固定報酬に加えて、非競争契約の別の年金が終了した場合に設定されていることがわかります。 Goirigolzarriは、2012年に合計Bankiaおよびその子会社で354000ユーロを主張しないボーナスや年金拠出金を受けていない。