

El Govern empieza a preparar planes por si se prolonga la sequía

El portavoz del Govern, Francesc Homs, ha puntualizado que aunque no se puede hablar de situación "supercrítica", sí es lo bastante preocupante como para preparar medidas

Medio Ambiente ; 06/03/2012 - 16:46


The Government begins to make plans in case the drought continues

The spokesman of the Government, Francesc Homs, pointed out that although one can not speak of situation "supercritical", it is worrisome enough to prepare measures

Barcelona. (EFE). - The councilors of Agriculture, Josep Maria Pelegri, and Territori i Sostenibilitat, Lluís Recoder, received on Tuesday the commission of the Government to begin to prepare action plans to address a prolonged period of drought.
The spokesman of the Government, Francesc Homs, pointed out that you still can not be said to have reached a situation "supercritical" but worrisome enough to begin to prepare emergency measures in case still raining.
"We still have water, but in a preventive manner, the Govern has asked the councilors of Agriculture and Sostenibilitat Territory and to prepare, if it does not rain in the coming days, the measures that will gradually be incorporated to meet exceptionally dry this winter, "he explained.
Cañete, for the interconnection of river
Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Miguel Arias Cañete, stated on Tuesday that he will seek an agreement between the autonomous communities to alleviate the water deficit basins by interconnections.
In an interview on TVE, Arias Cañete has denied talk of transfers, but the need for a National Water Pact leading to a new water plan. To do this, explained that we first must develop basin plans to see the available water flow of each river and according to this scientific information about the possibility of interconnecting basins.
"I've never mentioned a specific river, I said that any extra water will study the possibilities of interconnecting basins" and that will be done, added the minister, in a National Water Council, which seek unanimity and consensus with the presidents autonomous communities, has said.
Drought triggered fires in Catalonia
The drought in Catalonia, where nearly three months since it rains, triggered forest fires since January have risen by 25% and reached 850 cases, according to today unveiled the Minister of Interior, Felip Puig.
In the press conference following the meeting of the Executive Council, Puig expressed his concern about the "exceptional conditions" are suffering meteorological Catalunya, which have increased the risk of wildfire.
In this regard, Puig noted that since Jan. 1 have been recorded in Catalonia 850 forest fires, representing an increase of 25% over the same period last year.
For example, today the Government Firefighters are working on a forest fire in Osor (Girona), while thirteen districts are held in pre-alert to the risk of wildfire. These are the regions of Alt Empordà, Alta Ribagorça, Bages, Baix Ebre, Baix Empordà, Berguedà, Cerdanya Montsià, Pallars Jussà, culd, Ribera d'Ebre, Ripollès and Terra Alta.
Winter cereals and pastures, crops damaged
Winter cereals and grasses are some of the crops damaged by drought, but production is protected by crop insurance, according to Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Miguel Arias Cañete.
Speaking to TVE, Cañete has said, however, that if the rains arrive soon, the consequences for those agricultural products "would not be so serious."

政府のスポークスマンフランチェスクホムスは、1つは、 "超臨界"状況を話すことはできませんが、それは対策を準備するのに十分なであることが判明しました

バルセロナ。 (EFE) - 農業、ジョセップ·マリアPelegri、とTerritori私Sostenibilitat、ルイス·レコーダの議員は、政府の委員会は干ばつの長期に対処するためのアクションプランを準備し始めることを火曜日に受けた。
政府のスポークスマン、フランチェスクホムス、あなたはまだ状況が "超臨界"まだ雨が降った場合に緊急対策を準備し始めるには十分気達したと言うことができないことを指摘した。
"我々はまだ水を持っていますが、それは来たるべき日に雨がない場合は、予防的に、支配するには、農業とSostenibilitat準州の議員を求めていると準備し、徐々に満たすために組み込まれる予定の措置非常にこの冬を乾燥させ、 "と彼は説明した。
執行評議会の会合後の記者会見で、プッチは、野火の危険性を増加している気象カタルーニャを、苦しんでいる "例外条件"についての彼の懸念を表明した。
13地区は山火事の危険性を事前に警告で開催されている間たとえば、今日の政府の消防士は、Osor(ジローナ)の森林火災に取り組んでいます。これらは、Altエンパイア、アルタRibagorça、バージュ、Baix Ebre、Baixエンパイア、Berguedà、CerdanyaMontsià、PallarsJussà、culd、リベラD'Ebre、Ripollèsとテラ·アルタの領域です。
TVEに言えば、カニェテは雨がすぐに到着した場合、これらの農産物の結果は "それほど深刻ではありません。"という、しかし、言っている

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