

Rajoy publicará todos los contratos, subvenciones y sueldos públicos

La ley de transparencia incluirá el derecho a esa información, como en EE UU

Un portal, similar al de otros países, agrupará datos del uso de dinero público

La norma llegará antes de los 100 días y se abrirá a ideas de los ciudadanos

Rajoy publish all contracts, grants and government salaries

The transparency law include the right to such information, as in the U.S.

A portal, similar to other countries, grouped data on the use of public money

The rule will come before 100 days and is open to ideas from citizens

FEATURE: We hide, why?, By Alvaro de Cozar

Carlos E. Cue Madrid 21 MAR 2012 - 22:20 CET
Vice President, Soraya Saenz de Santamaria, gives voice to a reporter at a hearing after a Council of Ministers. / ULY MARTIN


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The Spanish government is one of the most opaque of the advanced countries. An opacity that allows scandals such as the Balearic Islands Palma Arena case, the Gürtel case in Valencia and Madrid or the ERE in Andalusia. The Government has called for a law to try to end the long tradition of secrecy about how public money is spent. A standard, the transparency law, which have almost all the countries around us, and that the previous government had finalized but never dared to pass.
The PP's move ahead and, according to government sources that the finalized at this time, contain highly relevant developments. The Government, for example, made available to the public all contracts for the Central Government to the smallest. He published what was the procedure, the amount and the contractor, also of all grants or state aid that each department grants and agreements undersigned.
Each ministry and each DG will have to disclose all their contracts, how money is spent, how organization works, and what is the salary of its management team. Will all the websites of each ministry, but to unify and facilitate consultation, the Government will create a portal of transparency, which have inspired other countries (the United States, data.gov, is particularly detailed) in the that will be in an accessible and easy to consult this information.

more informationWe hide, why?'The opacity corrupts', Soledad Gallego-DíazThe Obama revolution glass'Even the statistics are secret'Law floutedNo news of deaths, infections and waiting lists
Not all this information is now secret, but most are published in a cumbersome, come only to Congress, or are almost impossible to see. And many of them not even published, such as salaries, as only done with the ministers.
Mariano Rajoy has failed so far many of its promises, not raising taxes, not lower the dismissal, but with the transparency law seems willing to comply. In fact, this issue is one of the pillars of his public speeches. Tomorrow, before the 100 days of his government, as promised, a key standard will be adopted to facilitate monitoring of the work of the Executive, precisely at a time when Rajoy, if the PP wins in Andalusia on Sunday, accumulate the highest power known by a party in the history of Spanish democracy.
The reform will be filed Friday by his primary responsibility, the Vice President Soraya Saenz de Santamaria. It was a standard developed by his team, especially Jose Luis Ayllon, Secretary of State for Parliamentary Relations and his right hand in opposition, when she was parliamentary spokesman.
The law will have three legs. One, active publicity, that is, all that information to be published without anyone to ask that portal of transparency. Another, the right to information. Be established, as a great novelty and also similar to other countries [U.S. and UK have called law on free access to information], the right to that information public, so that the authorities are obliged to answer when a citizen claims a figure of using public money.

And finally, the leg of the "good governance", which will include penalties and announced at the time Cristóbal Montoro, including disqualification, for bad managers of public accounts.
The law will take months to become effective. It used to be open for 15 days, a new electronic public consultation process in which citizens, there are several very interested associations-can make suggestions. Although the law seeks ambitious, it is presumed that reaches as far as in the U.S., where for example you can see what people have visited the White House lobbyists, including representatives from, what time came and went.
The law and the portal are concentrated in the Central Government. However, the Regional Administration and local special interest because they control the data on health, education or social services, are also bound by this rule to establish their own mechanisms of transparency, which is presumably the opening process extends slightly a little too autonomies and municipalities.
In any case, it will cost to change the culture opaque. Wednesday was impossible to know the cost of institutional video made by the Ministry of Employment to defend labor reform.





カルロスE.キューマドリード21 MAR 2012 - 午後10時20 CET
副社長、ソラヤサエンス·デ·サンタマリアは、閣僚理事会後の公聴会で記者に声を与えます。 ULY MARTIN /



詳細については、我々は、なぜ隠す?"不透明度を破壊"、ソウルダッドガリェゴ川·ディアスオバマ革命ガラス'であっても統計情報は、秘密です "法律はflouted死亡、感染症、待機リストのないニュースません

そして最後に、公共アカウントの悪い管理者に対する罰則が含まれており、失格を含む時間モントロ、で発表される "良い統治"の脚。

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