Ha entrado en vigor hoy
- スペインのカタルーニャ州では、2012年6月から道路脇での売春·買春を禁止し、摘発された売春婦の名前、身分証番号、生年月日、国籍、郵便番号などを記録した帳簿を作成
La Generalitat crea un fichero con datos personales de prostitutas y clientes
Constará el nombre y apellidos, el DNI y la dirección postal, además de otros especialmente protegidos | Se considera grave la ocupación de manera temporal de las zonas de dominio público para realizar servicios sexuales
Vida| 30/05/2012 - 11:10h
Entered into force today
The Government creates a file with personal data of prostitutes and clients
Contain the name, identity card and mailing address, and other specially protected | grave is considered a temporary occupation of public areas for sexual services
Life | 30/05/2012 - 11:10 pm
The Government creates a file with personal data of prostitutes and clients
Contain the name, identity card and mailing address, and other specially protected | grave is considered a temporary occupation of public areas for sexual services
Life | 30/05/2012 - 11:10 pm
Barcelona. (EFE). - The Government has created a file containing personal data of prostitutes who have been punished for sexual services on the roads and the customers who have used these services, which entered into force today.
This was published yesterday in the Official Journal of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan Government Gazette) by order of the Department of Interior in establishing the creation of a file that will contain the full name of the alleged, the ID and address .
In addition, more data will include personal characteristics such as date of birth and nationality, and other "specially protected (activities of a sexual nature)", persons who violate Article 56.4.k of the Roads Act.
This article defines as serious a temporary occupation of public areas and other activities for uses and activities related to the provision of a sexual nature.
The new file will be managed by the Catalan Traffic Service (SCT), that Order required the Department of Interior, which indicates that you must take appropriate technical, and organizational management "to ensure the confidentiality, security and integrity of the data" . You should also ensure to give effect to "the rights of affected persons" the protection of personal data.
This was published yesterday in the Official Journal of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan Government Gazette) by order of the Department of Interior in establishing the creation of a file that will contain the full name of the alleged, the ID and address .
In addition, more data will include personal characteristics such as date of birth and nationality, and other "specially protected (activities of a sexual nature)", persons who violate Article 56.4.k of the Roads Act.
This article defines as serious a temporary occupation of public areas and other activities for uses and activities related to the provision of a sexual nature.
The new file will be managed by the Catalan Traffic Service (SCT), that Order required the Department of Interior, which indicates that you must take appropriate technical, and organizational management "to ensure the confidentiality, security and integrity of the data" . You should also ensure to give effect to "the rights of affected persons" the protection of personal data.
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