



España consigue un rescate, pero no cambia nada

Por: | 25 de junio de 2012

Spain gets a bailout, but nothing changes By: Paul Krugman | June 25, 2012

Okay, Spain has managed to rescue their banks. Basically it's like the Program Troubled Asset Relief (TARP, its acronym in English) United States: an agency of the Spanish government will provide money to banks, allegedly in exchange for a stake in the ownership, in order to guarantee depositors and interbank lenders that their funds are safe even if the entities could suffer big losses. The point is that the losses initially will leave the new pile of cash, so there will be no unpaid debt.
The downside is that the Spanish government has no money and must pay a higher rate to borrow in the market, so that this money is a credit to stronger European economies, probably at rates below market..
What we must ask is: What problem does this? Maybe, just maybe, and put a temporary end to the catastrophic cycle of funds fleeing the Spanish banks, which forced banks to sell assets, which depreciate and generates the most questions about its solvency. (In this case no help to the extent that fears have more to do with the breakup of the euro with a suspension of payments.) But does nothing to restore competitiveness Spanish or alleviate the suffering caused austerity.
Therefore, all serve at most to gain time, as the program of the European Central Bank loans last fall.
What will Europe do with that time? If we are guided by their past behavior, the answer is nothing.
Translation News Clips.
(C) 2012 New York Times..

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There are 32 Comments

Analyst always wonder to see in the comments and solutions economists mention of the need to lower corruption. This is one of the two solutions for Spain that are really needed and that while I can explain how it does not reach this space to do so.
I will concentrate on the second need is to improve and what Spain does well and is unrivaled, the tourism industry. Instead of dumping money into banks that it will be, the best thing to do is to finance Spain tourism to Spain, financing the passages in a slogan now enjoy holiday savings later. The world is reluctant to spend money on vacations and Spain's interest to spend it on her. Only the flight fund, and Spanish lines. Bring people who move the engine of tourism and there are a hundred thoughts about that is easy to imagine, must stay a few xx days, you will facilitate the joint purchase family friendly apartments in summer areas, for each day that passes in Spain gets more funding for next year, etc.. Let's sencillito Rajoy.

Posted by: Carlos César López | 06/25/2012 19:49:16

Nothing changes: obviously that changes nothing Mr. Krugma, we already know. Spain continues without any reliable business and / or produce benefits, no increases in value that are the cause of wealth What this situation where it is to get money to pay? There is no horizon for Spain! Which had, which was the world of real estate and construction is over What's new? We know Mr. Krugman, I know, but you are not brave enough to say the solution, because it is not in keeping with its principles. Spain to provide employment and be productive you have to thin your state to do so maintainable, sustainable (as they say now) also has to compete with China, which sells value and therefore pay the producers. Let's see how to fix that Mr. Krugman? And if not, how does Mr. Krugman? How do I exit the vicious circle?

Posted by: under killwater | 06/25/2012 19:46:47

The bailout only serves to hide the ineptitude of the bankers. Should try them all. http://diario-de-un-ateo.blogspot.com.es/2012/05/breve-reflexion-dominical-sobre-la.html

Posted by: ateo666666 | 06/25/2012 19:45:00

And that the same crisis of brick, for example;The pay, of the same monument, at the same brick, economic and financial losses created wage additional for all others.
Already described, for example, even well, biblically, in antiquity, by example, or the parable of the statue of salt, or the old salary;As in this example, the housing crisis, and State, brick, or bubble, totally Speculative and Real Estate, 2012.
In the example, which became, the same greed, not gold, everything he touched: But finally, the same greed, purely economic, financial, and more than totally speculative.Was transformed;Salt, and not in gold, or brick, all that speculation, for example, in the same housing bubble played, as in the example described above, also reflected biblically, in the same age, of our own culture and civilization .
Or what was previously converted, brick, or gold, as in the former instance, even biblical, the pillar of salt;
Now, became, in statues and monuments, brick, in the year 2012, stone or salt, or the old wages. Or the millions of current losses, not just wage to all others, banks, taxpayers, states, institutions, or citizens included.
Also clearly. And urgently to Fix, also legally;
A correct and payable;
With the appropriate and legal fees, not exempt, and all taxes, non-exempt;
All the same speculators, documented, proven and cause of the losses, and a growing and current, speculative liquidity crisis, economic and financial;
With losses accredited on selling floors and brick, with credits or mortgage banking, not intended for consumption within the market, precisely, not for economic growth or not, But to buy rather than downgraded, land and ladrilos; Totally Speculative, Economic and Financial;
Intended only for that purpose, merely speculative, with losses, added;That generated or originated well also, with such purely speculative Bubble and Real Estate, not only in Spain, To the poor themselves banks, currently in crisis. In this year 2012.And not everyone else, or even the whole of PROP, or the same state. Banks, taxpayers, states, institutions, or citizens includingTo pay the expenses of that Crisis Housing Bubble;
For the real culprits and documented in the same housing bubble;
And either;Taxes Way, or Via rates; not exempt.
And not for nothing, for example.
Not for everyone else;
For the same PROP, or by the State; Or by the same banks, taxpayers, states, institutions, or citizens included.
Mr. Krugman, Mr. speculators, and Messrs. ECB currently responsible for it.

Posted by: Ramone | 06/25/2012 19:42:50

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Posted by: roulette | 06/25/2012 19:29:27

Mr. Krugman, you may not understand it, but if you talk about change, here is change: http://elcaptor.blogspot.com.es/2012/06/el-boom-y-el-desboom-hipotecario.html

Posted by: captor | 06/25/2012 19:17:07

Krugman is a scientific and economic studies and analyzes, highly respected, almost always have been endorsed by reality. To rebut need a minimum of rigor, like the one he uses in his writings and lectures. Something that, despite the effort and will of many, is missing in most of the comments posted here. It amazes me the lack of humility and daring which may include some whose sad baggage claim ignorance as the only fix kicking all those "Washington politicians".

Posted by: Economist | 06/25/2012 19:14:49

The problem in my opinion, is not only in the banking system, but who controls the controllers.Call it the Bank of Spain, CNMV, Court of Auditors, European Central Bank Mometario Fund, World Bank, Federal Reserve, the Paris Club and much more. Where were all these eminences when the biggest financial crisis broke out of the history?
Responsible for the poorest, who?
Where the Public Prosecutor acting with rigor?

Posted by: Sergio | 06/25/2012 19:05:30

Save time because Mr. Krugman, Mr. Speculators and gentlemen, now responsible for the ECB for not dancing, the typical song, Can Can, the Crisis of 2012, more lack of financial liquidity and financial Not the Hiperinflacción Crisis and the Crisis of the 30's, as the small of the same crisis, created and caused by risk rating agencies, U.S., as Goldman Such, in Greece,And in addition to the gradual and increasing liquidity crisis economic and financial years 2003, 2007, and 2012;From the Crisis of 2007, the bankruptcy of financial institutions, as Leheman Brothers in North America, fully broken in Crisis 2007, by excessive speculative interests of Subprime Mortgages.
And as a result of the crisis of 2003, more lack of economic and financial liquidity; It begins with the economic crisis and financial liquidity of the year 2003;On the speculative excess of the rise of all prices of all products, for example, even until today, in the year 2012. Mr Krugman. Mr Speculators and gentlemen, now also responsible, in a single market, and a single currency, the euro, €, the ECB, in all individual EU countries.In the absence of a major and growing Single Unit and Tax Attorney.And a set of policies, both of greater austerity,As higher economic growth and financialInside, not only, a draft of the Treaty signed by all each of the States, Lisbon, 2007;In a Single Market, and a Single currency, and common Euro, €, of Messrs. ECB. To say goodbye and Liquidity Crisis of 2012 economic and financial.
Mr. Krugman, Mr. Speculators and gentlemen, now responsible for the ECB,
And better so, and besides, the Economic and Financial Unit, Single Market and single currency, Euro, €.
Within the Single Market, EU, each set of states, the Single Market. And the single currency, the euro, €.;To do well to correct the defects, temporarily, yet listed and regulated; In any crisis, economic, financial, and the same stability of the euro, €.Not just a project, the Single Market, and a Single Currency Single, The euro, €, of the treaties signed in Lisbon in 2007;
To obtain also, for example, not only more time, Mr. Krugman, Mr. Speculators and gentlemen, now responsible for the ECB;
In addition;A Single Risk premium for the whole of each of the states, each of the currently inoperative Central Banks of each of the states, the whole EU;
Given the entirely speculative excess payment of Messrs. speculators. Mr. Krugman, excess payment of speculative interest, each of the States, and also ineffective actuamente Central Banks, private and public debt, the risk premium, for each of the states, and not of all EU states. Mr. Krugman, Messrs. Messrs. Speculators and currently responsible for the ECB.

Posted by: ladisle | 06/25/2012 18:44:50

Is that some believe that the 50 or 60,000 million give the banks will be free, often chollazo not?. But that money must be returned, and the bank only does business in a bleeding the people, ie 60,000 million at the end plus 3% we have to pay the Spanish, because bankers do not have to pipes.

Posted by: Brother Lehman | 06/25/2012 18:39:24

This surprises me Krugman and despair. Of course the bailout does not increase the competitiveness of Spain, but obviously if anything the banks, why Krugman camouflaged as "prevent the leakage of funds" etc., that is somehow an improvement in the competitiveness of banks ... is not it? The problem of our country we all know (except those who believe that excellent our problem is that it is also in Germany) is a structural deficit. Part of this structural deficit is the lack of competitiveness; other hand our weakness in high technology, the funding problems of the state are like everyone says and rightly a consequence of the structural deficit, the shortage of banks that reflect structural deficit coupled with bad management at the time (which I'm afraid now is not better). Then it is patently obvious, and we need to Krugman to know that competitiveness will come only if we overcome our structural deficits. But it is also patently obvious that without the rescue our problems would be greater. Then do a rescue but we all know that something else has to come.

Posted by: Jagc | 25/06/2012 18:35:50

Posted by: Duncan | 06/25/2012 17:50:17. And you do with that dough to get performance, would you invest in public debt of any country on the brink of bankruptcy to give you a 6%?.

Posted by: John | 25/06/2012 18:25:40

This crisis has surpassed all governments. All they do is buy time, to gradually dismantle what is known as the welfare state. We are jointly responsible for implementing more mismanagement, taxes, in addition to lower benefits. Announced with great fanfare that 200,000 people used cards of pensioners, the day that establish the health repayment. But the great fraud of brick, is there and no one pays for it. This claim appeared in a real estate forum.http://www.lee-gratis.com/index2.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_view&gid=156&Itemid=30

Posted by: carmen | 06/25/2012 18:17:21

That is the BIG PROBLEM. With cuts and more cuts, raising the VAT tax ... only manage to finish the lace to the economy and unemployment.
to cut what's left: POLITICAL AND AUTONOMY, which cost us 86,500 million a year extra cost by multiplying the cost x 17 and everything to keep their political classes and plugged.

--- http://twitter.com/FueraAutonomias
DO NOT STREETS .. they are cut its 17 cottages ... PASA DATA: http://elPROBLEMAsonlasAUTONOMIAS.wordpress.com

Posted by: JM | 06/25/2012 18:08:09

A great example of that rule in Spain we are a bunch of useless.
Posted by: sergio | 06/25/2012 16:37:48
May not be useless word. Propose aiding and abetting.
Now have public money to rescue bankrupt companies in receipt of the bubble to keep the party and gain time step to eliminate the trail with new dirt. Above we sell it as an unprecedented success. Undoubtedly it will be for both scoundrel turned-blackmailer.
Posted by: Fabricio | 06/25/2012 17:59:35

Everyone knows that liberals like to go out there with a frown sparing the lives of others. I am the Prime Minister, give me 100,000 million to 15 years at 3-4% and within a few steps when I tap in the Moncloa in front of all journalists.
Posted by: Duncan | 06/25/2012 17:50:17

Actually save time is important, as it will allow the banks will recapitalizing through benefits, which should not be to distribute as dividends-, and also allow the deleveraging of companies and individuals advance more. Remains whether it will have gained enough time.

Posted by: Gabriel | 06/25/2012 17:49:19

The author is right, is not pessimistic ... bailouts are short-term lifeline, but not more than disengage for a little while taking more debt, after all the whole crisis is a debt problem and the recovery is more debt. Received 2 megarescates Argentina in 2000 and 2001, "Financial Shield" and "Megacange" were used to repay maturing debt and state salaries for months, but when that money is just bad business as usual ... Substantive changes are needed to restore competitiveness (in Argentina was the devaluation) and growth ...

Posted by: Juako | 06/25/2012 17:35:48

The author is right, is not pessimistic ... bailouts are short-term lifeline, but not more than disengage for a little while taking more debt, after all the whole crisis is a debt problem and the recovery is more debt. Received 2 megarescates Argentina in 2000 and 2001, "Financial Shield" and "Megacange" were used to repay maturing debt and state salaries for months, but when that money is just bad business as usual ... Substantive changes are needed to restore competitiveness (in Argentina was the devaluation) and growth ...

Posted by: Juako | 06/25/2012 17:35:46

The author is right, is not pessimistic ... bailouts are short-term lifeline, but not more than disengage for a little while taking more debt, after all the whole crisis is a debt problem and the recovery is more debt. Received 2 megarescates Argentina in 2000 and 2001, "Financial Shield" and "Megacange" were used to repay maturing debt and state salaries for months, but when that money is just bad business as usual ... Substantive changes are needed to restore competitiveness (in Argentina was the devaluation) and growth ...

Posted by: Juako | 06/25/2012 17:35:45

The author is right, is not pessimistic ... bailouts are short-term lifeline, but not more than disengage for a little while taking more debt, after all the whole crisis is a debt problem and the recovery is more debt. Received 2 megarescates Argentina in 2000 and 2001, "Financial Shield" and "Megacange" were used to repay maturing debt and state salaries for months, but when that money is just bad business as usual ... Substantive changes are needed to restore competitiveness (in Argentina was the devaluation) and growth ...

Posted by: Juako | 06/25/2012 17:35:44

For my part, Spanish banks will not see a single euro more of my cash deposits. Long-raid sirens sounding and it is time to take shelter before it is too late. I am far from rich, but I have put together a capital medium (figure 5 zeros), which has cost me much time, effort, sacrifice and entrepreneurship, to think of it evaporates magically in the lottery of a possible yard-pound. Today I have received the keys to operating an online account in Switzerland. And here I come. Or rather, there goes my savings. Probably, and if things do not improve, I largaré to mount any little thing in Southeast Asia and live a bit away from Europe that falls apart. How sad and how disgusting system.
Posted by: Fleeing | 06/25/2012 17:34:31

For my part, Spanish banks will not see a single euro more of my cash deposits. Long-raid sirens sounding and it is time to take shelter before it is too late. I am far from rich, but I have put together a capital medium (figure 5 zeros), which has cost me much time, effort, sacrifice and entrepreneurship, to think of it evaporates magically in the lottery of a possible yard-pound. Today I have received the keys to operating an online account in Switzerland. And here I come. Or rather, there goes my savings. Probably, and if things do not improve, I largaré to mount any little thing in Southeast Asia and live a bit away from Europe that falls apart. How sad and how disgusting system.
Posted by: Fleeing | 06/25/2012 17:34:30

Mr Krugman Sorry, but something has changed now and pretty: http://elcaptor.blogspot.com/2012/06/el-boom-y-el-desboom-hipotecario.html

Posted by: Elcaptor | 06/25/2012 17:23:11

How cool the Krugman this, always giving good news

Posted by: Zyk | 06/25/2012 17:15:34



私たちが依頼する必要がありますと、次のとおりです。これはどういう意味ですか問題ですか?多分、ちょうど多分、銀行は減価償却資産の売却を余儀なくし、その支払能力に関するほとんどの質問を生成するスペインの銀行から逃げる資金の壊滅的なサイクルを一時的に終止符を打つ。 (このケースでは恐怖が支払の停止とユーロの崩壊に関係してより多くのを持っている程度に助けません。)しかし、スペインの競争力を復元したり、苦しみの原因緊縮財政を軽減するためには何も行いません。




私は2番目の必要性に集中し改善し、どのようなスペインはよくないと他の追随を許さないですが、観光産業にすることです。代わりになることを銀行にお金をダンプする、最も良い方法は今後の休日の節約を楽しむというスローガンに通路を融資、スペインにスペイン観光の資金を調達することである。世界は彼女にそれを費やす休暇やスペインの興味にお金を費やすことを消極的である。フライトファンド、およびスペイン語の行のみ。観光のエンジンを動かして、想像することは容易であることについて百の思考がある人を持って、いくつかのxx日滞在する必要があり、より多くを取得し、スペインに渡し日ごとに、夏の分野での共同購入·ファミリーフレンドリーなアパートメントを促進する来年、等のための資金。 sencillito Rajoyみましょう。

投稿者:カルロス·セサール·ロペス| 2012年6月25日午後07時49分16秒

何も変更は:明らかに変化は何氏Krugmaことが、我々はすでに知っています。スペインは、任意の信頼性の高いビジネスを継続することなく、および/または利点は、このような状況がそれを支払うためにお金を得るためには何ですか富の原因となる値のない増加を作り出す?スペインのための地平線はありません!これは、不動産·建設の世界はどのような新機能の上にあった、あった?我々は氏クルーグマンを知って、私が知っているが、それはその原則に沿ってではありませんので、あなたは、ソリューションを言う勇気はありません。 (彼らは今言うように)雇用を提供し、持続可能な、あなたは保守を行うためにあなたの状態を薄くしなければならない生産性を高めるためにスペインでも価値を販売しているため、生産者を支払う、中国と競争する必要があります。その氏がクルーグマンを修正する方法を見てみましょうか?とされていない場合、どのように氏はクルーグマンしていますか?どうすれば悪循環を終了しますか?

投稿者:killwater下| 2012年6月25日19時46分47秒

救済は、銀行家の愚かさを隠すのに役立ちます。それらをすべて試してみてください。 http://diario-de-un-ateo.blogspot.com.es/2012/05/breve-reflexion-dominical-sobre-la.html

投稿者:ateo666666 | 2012年6月25日19時45分00秒


投稿者:ラモーン| 2012年6月25日19時42分50秒




投稿者:キャプター| 2012年6月25日夜07時17分07秒

クルーグマンは、科学と経済学で分析し、非常に尊敬され、ほとんどの場合現実により承認された。反論するために、彼は彼の文章と講義で使用するもののように、厳密さの最小値を必要としています。 、努力にもかかわらず、多くの意志が何かはここに投稿したコメントのほとんどに不足しています。それは私に、その悲しい手荷物の無知それらすべての "ワシントンの政治家"を蹴るだけの修正など、いくつかを含めることが謙虚さと大胆の欠如を驚かせる。

投稿者:エコノミスト| 2012年6月25日午前19時14分49秒


投稿者:セルジオ| 2012年6月25日午後07時05分30秒

2003年の危機、経済·金融流動性のより多くの不足の結果として、それは2003年の経済危機と金融流動性で始まります。2012年に、全製品の全価格の上昇の投機的な過剰な上​​に、例えば、さらに今日まで。クルーグマン氏。氏は、投機家の皆様、今も責任を負い、単一市場で、すべての個々のEU加盟国で単一通貨、ユーロ、€、ECB、。メジャーと成長しているシングルユニットと税理士の有無である。と政策の両方より大きい緊縮のセット、として高い経済成長と金融内部だけでなく、米国、リスボン、2007のすべての各によって署名された条約の草案。単一市場では、と両氏はECBの単一通貨、共通のユーロ、€、。 2012年経済·金融の別れと流動性危機を言っています。

投稿者:ladisle | 2012年6月25日午前18時44分50秒


投稿者:ブラザーリーマン| 2012年6月25日午後6時39分24秒

これは驚き私クルーグマンと絶望。どちらかといえばもちろん救済は、クルーグマンが何らかの形で銀行の競争力の向上である等、 "資金の流出を防ぐ"として偽装され、なぜ銀行は、明らかにスペインの競争力を高めるのではなく、...それはありませんか?私たちは皆知っている私たちの国の問題は、(優れた我々の問題は、それがドイツでもあることであると信じている者を除く)構造的財政赤字である。この構造的財政赤字の一部は競争力の欠如である。一方、高い技術力で私たちの弱点は、国家の資金調達の問題は、当然、構造的財政赤字が反映され、銀行の不足の結果、誰もが言うようなものと構造的財政赤字(私は今怖いれるほうではありません)一度に悪い管理と結合される。それはあきらかに明白であり、我々は構造的赤字を克服するならば、我々は競争力だけで来ることを知っているクルーグマンする必要があります。しかし、それは救助せずに私たちの問題が大きくなることもあきらかに明白である。その後、救助を行うが、我々はすべてのその何かが来る必要があります知っています。

投稿者:Jagc | 25/06/2012午後06時35分50秒

投稿者:ダンカン| 2012年6月25日午後五時50分17秒。そして、あなたはパフォーマンスを得るために、生地とは、あなたの6パーセントを与えるために破産の危機に瀕してどの国の公的債務に投資するでしょうか。

投稿者:ジョン| 25/06/2012 18時25分40秒

この危機は、すべての政府を超えています。彼らはすべてが徐々に福祉国家として知られているものを解体し、買い時です。私達はより低いの利点に加えて多くの不始末、税金を実装するために共同責任があります。 20万人が年金、健康の返済を確立するまでのカードを使用したことを鳴り物入りで発表しました。しかし、レンガの偉大な詐欺は、そこにあると誰もがそれを払わない。この主張は、不動産フォーラムで登場しました。http://www.lee-gratis.com/index2.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_view&gid=156&Itemid=30

投稿者:カルメン| 2012年6月25日午後06時17分21秒


--- http://twitter.com/FueraAutonomias
NOT STREETSのDO ...彼らは、17のコテージを切っています... PASA DATA:http://elPROBLEMAsonlasAUTONOMIAS.wordpress.com

投稿者:JM | 2012年6月25日午後06時08分09秒

投稿者:セルジオ| 2012年6月25日午前16時37分48秒
投稿者:ファブリシオ| 2012年6月25日午後05時59分35秒

投稿者:ダンカン| 2012年6月25日午後五時50分17秒



著者が右であり、悲観的ではありません...より多くの借金をしながら、すべての全体の危機が債務の問題であり、回復がより多くの債務救済した後は、少しのために外すよりも、短期的なライフラインですが、できません。 2000年と2001年に2 megarescatesアルゼンチンを受け、 "金融シールド"と "Megacangeは、"ヶ月満期の債務と状態の給与を返済するために使用されるが、そのお金はいつものように単に悪いビジネスであるときに...されました実質的な変更は、競争力(アルゼンチンの切り下げであった)と成長を回復するために必要な...

2012年6月25日午後05時35分48秒| Juako:投稿

著者が右であり、悲観的ではありません...より多くの借金をしながら、すべての全体の危機が債務の問題であり、回復がより多くの債務救済した後は、少しのために外すよりも、短期的なライフラインですが、できません。 2000年と2001年に2 megarescatesアルゼンチンを受け、 "金融シールド"と "Megacangeは、"ヶ月満期の債務と状態の給与を返済するために使用されるが、そのお金はいつものように単に悪いビジネスであるときに...されました実質的な変更は、競争力(アルゼンチンの切り下げであった)と成長を回復するために必要な...

投稿者:Juako | 2012年6月25日午前17時35分46秒

著者が右であり、悲観的ではありません...より多くの借金をしながら、すべての全体の危機が債務の問題であり、回復がより多くの債務救済した後は、少しのために外すよりも、短期的なライフラインですが、できません。 2000年と2001年に2 megarescatesアルゼンチンを受け、 "金融シールド"と "Megacangeは、"ヶ月満期の債務と状態の給与を返済するために使用されるが、そのお金はいつものように単に悪いビジネスであるときに...されました実質的な変更は、競争力(アルゼンチンの切り下げであった)と成長を回復するために必要な...

投稿者:Juako | 2012年6月25日17時35分45秒

著者が右であり、悲観的ではありません...より多くの借金をしながら、すべての全体の危機が債務の問題であり、回復がより多くの債務救済した後は、少しのために外すよりも、短期的なライフラインですが、できません。 2000年と2001年に2 megarescatesアルゼンチンを受け、 "金融シールド"と "Megacangeは、"ヶ月満期の債務と状態の給与を返済するために使用されるが、そのお金はいつものように単に悪いビジネスであるときに...されました実質的な変更は、競争力(アルゼンチンの切り下げであった)と成長を回復するために必要な...

投稿者:Juako | 2012年6月25日午後5時35分44秒


投稿者:逃走| 2012年6月25日午後5時34分30秒を


投稿者:Elcaptor | 2012年6月25日夜五時23分11秒


投稿者:Zyk | 2012年6月25日午後5時15分34秒

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