欧州中央銀行がサパテロ(Jose Luis Rodrigues Zapatero)大統領のスペイン政府に要求した労働改革は、ラホイ(Mariano Rajoy)大統領により実行さる
La reforma laboral de Rajoy cumplió con las exigencias que el BCE hizo a Zapatero
La carta que Trichet envió a Madrid en agosto reclamaba "un contrato excepcional con indemnizaciones bajas por despido"
Un libro revela la carta que Trichet envió hace 10 meses a Zapatero con sus exigencias ante la tormenta financiera
The labor reform Rajoy met the requirements that the ECB did Zapatero
The letter sent Trichet Madrid in August called for "an outstanding contract with lower severance pay"
A book reveals the letter sent 10 months ago Trichet Zapatero with their demands before the financial storm
Manuel V. Gomez Madrid 27 JUN 2012 - 14:03 CET
The letter sent Trichet Madrid in August called for "an outstanding contract with lower severance pay"
A book reveals the letter sent 10 months ago Trichet Zapatero with their demands before the financial storm
Manuel V. Gomez Madrid 27 JUN 2012 - 14:03 CET
The European Central Bank eased in August last year, temporarily, the pressure at which the financial storm submitted to the Spanish and Italian debt. He did not unconditionally. Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero Silvio Berlusconi, then head of the governments of their countries, had to fold, in large part to the demands by letter of the ECB. But at least in the Spanish case, the conditions were met in part.
"This is like the ECB understands the independence of the Government, but in reverse," complained privately last August a member of the Executive days after learning the contents of the letter. "You say you have to do and if not ...".
Among the duties which the European Central Bank had put Zapatero, was the creation of an "exceptional contract that includes pay lower compensation for a limited time." That is, a "contract of crisis," as he called earlier this month the director general for Employment, Xavier Thibault, the new contract that created the government's labor reform Mariano Rajoy and allows companies to fire workers under 50 without compensation during the first year.
The letter to Zapatero, published in part in the last book of Ernesto Ekaizer, Indecent, why call it a crisis when it scam?, The agency directed by Jean-Claude Trichet was a very important step in the transfer of sovereignty in economic policy Spanish Government to the European estates. Much deepened in a way that the president had taken in May 2010, when he swerved to his economic policy and began the path of austerity demands of Brussels.
Signed by Jean-Claude Trichet, ECB president then, and the former governor of the Bank of Spain, Miguel Angel Fernandez Ordonez, the letter called for action in the labor market, more budget cuts and reforms to boost competitiveness in "energy, rental and professional services. The Spanish letter, unlike the Italian, did not require a constitutional amendment that sacralizara balanced budget rule. Instead, the pact with Rajoy Zapatero decided to undertake it clashes with his own party and much of their government (more than one minister as he learned when sitting in the Congress of Deputies, heard the president in the rostrum).
In labor the letter was detailed and required three steps, and the creation of a new contract. The first concerned the reform of collective agreements that the Government had launched in June: "In the future parliamentary procedure, the law the law should be reformed to reduce the possibility of sectoral agreements limit the validity of agreements enterprise level. "
The following action was clearly inspired by a historical demand of the Bank of Spain: the abolition of the mechanisms that reflect the collective agreements to ensure that employees do not lose purchasing power. "We remain very concerned that the Government has not adpotado no action to remove the clauses indexing wages to inflation. [...]. Encourage the adoption of exceptional measures urgently to exclude the use of wage indexation."
"Let's consider necessary unban Concatenation of temporary contracts for a certain period of time," read the fourth requirement. This was the only measure that the Government took full. The Council of Ministers last August temporarily suspended the temporary ban on chaining for more than two years.
The other three demands fell on deaf ears. Deepening the reform was impossible because of agreements is over the legislature. The other two coharon opposed by the former Minister of Labour, Valeriano Gómez, the Socialist candidate, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, and even the head of Cabinet Office Minister Jose Enrique Serrano, who opposed the claim and the Minister Zapatero Economy, Elena Salgado, from creating or miniempleo minijobs, a type of contract part-time contract inspired by Germany (where there is no minimum wage) that can pay a maximum of 400 euros per month.
The exchange of views on the underground to take industrial action in Spain between the Government of Zapatero and the ECB, supported by the former governor of the Bank of Spain (one of the signers of the letter of August along with Trichet) and the Ministry of Economy , came from afar, point sources of the previous administration. In fact, in the spring of 2011, the issuing body in Frankfurt had claimed a new contract that would pay low wages, even below the minimum wage, something that clashes with the Constitution, also collides removal by decree of the clauses safeguards.
Neither was very obedient to the Zapatero government in complying with the measures' wide and immediate "to ensure" the sustainability of public finances. " The government's attempt to meet this point was the announcement that there would be a budget adjustment 5,000 million would come through an advance corporation tax and the obligation of physicians to prescribe generic drugs.
But then-Vice President Elena Salgado also left open a specific recommendation of the ECB: the advice to the regions published quarter to quarter changes in their accounts.
"This is like the ECB understands the independence of the Government, but in reverse," complained privately last August a member of the Executive days after learning the contents of the letter. "You say you have to do and if not ...".
Among the duties which the European Central Bank had put Zapatero, was the creation of an "exceptional contract that includes pay lower compensation for a limited time." That is, a "contract of crisis," as he called earlier this month the director general for Employment, Xavier Thibault, the new contract that created the government's labor reform Mariano Rajoy and allows companies to fire workers under 50 without compensation during the first year.
The letter to Zapatero, published in part in the last book of Ernesto Ekaizer, Indecent, why call it a crisis when it scam?, The agency directed by Jean-Claude Trichet was a very important step in the transfer of sovereignty in economic policy Spanish Government to the European estates. Much deepened in a way that the president had taken in May 2010, when he swerved to his economic policy and began the path of austerity demands of Brussels.
Signed by Jean-Claude Trichet, ECB president then, and the former governor of the Bank of Spain, Miguel Angel Fernandez Ordonez, the letter called for action in the labor market, more budget cuts and reforms to boost competitiveness in "energy, rental and professional services. The Spanish letter, unlike the Italian, did not require a constitutional amendment that sacralizara balanced budget rule. Instead, the pact with Rajoy Zapatero decided to undertake it clashes with his own party and much of their government (more than one minister as he learned when sitting in the Congress of Deputies, heard the president in the rostrum).
In labor the letter was detailed and required three steps, and the creation of a new contract. The first concerned the reform of collective agreements that the Government had launched in June: "In the future parliamentary procedure, the law the law should be reformed to reduce the possibility of sectoral agreements limit the validity of agreements enterprise level. "
The following action was clearly inspired by a historical demand of the Bank of Spain: the abolition of the mechanisms that reflect the collective agreements to ensure that employees do not lose purchasing power. "We remain very concerned that the Government has not adpotado no action to remove the clauses indexing wages to inflation. [...]. Encourage the adoption of exceptional measures urgently to exclude the use of wage indexation."
"Let's consider necessary unban Concatenation of temporary contracts for a certain period of time," read the fourth requirement. This was the only measure that the Government took full. The Council of Ministers last August temporarily suspended the temporary ban on chaining for more than two years.
The other three demands fell on deaf ears. Deepening the reform was impossible because of agreements is over the legislature. The other two coharon opposed by the former Minister of Labour, Valeriano Gómez, the Socialist candidate, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, and even the head of Cabinet Office Minister Jose Enrique Serrano, who opposed the claim and the Minister Zapatero Economy, Elena Salgado, from creating or miniempleo minijobs, a type of contract part-time contract inspired by Germany (where there is no minimum wage) that can pay a maximum of 400 euros per month.
The exchange of views on the underground to take industrial action in Spain between the Government of Zapatero and the ECB, supported by the former governor of the Bank of Spain (one of the signers of the letter of August along with Trichet) and the Ministry of Economy , came from afar, point sources of the previous administration. In fact, in the spring of 2011, the issuing body in Frankfurt had claimed a new contract that would pay low wages, even below the minimum wage, something that clashes with the Constitution, also collides removal by decree of the clauses safeguards.
Neither was very obedient to the Zapatero government in complying with the measures' wide and immediate "to ensure" the sustainability of public finances. " The government's attempt to meet this point was the announcement that there would be a budget adjustment 5,000 million would come through an advance corporation tax and the obligation of physicians to prescribe generic drugs.
But then-Vice President Elena Salgado also left open a specific recommendation of the ECB: the advice to the regions published quarter to quarter changes in their accounts.
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