



Hacienda estudia subir el IVA a productos con tipos reducidos

El Gobierno analiza fórmulas para ampliar las bases del impuesto sobre el consumo, como recomienda la CE

Fuente: PWC y Ministerio de Hacienda / EL PAÍS
Finance studies raise the VAT to products with reduced rates

The Government is considering ways to broaden the basis of consumption tax, as recommended by the EC

Treasury admits that expand the tax base of VAT

Jesus Gonzalez Madrid Sérvulo 25 JUN 2012 - 18:47 CET
The Ministry of Finance is considering what type of goods and services are subject to reduced rate (8%) and super (4%) to see if they can broaden the tax bases, according to government sources. That is, the Government is considering what items you can upload the reduced rate at the standard rate of 18% and which can go from super (4%) to low (8%) to raise more.

Source: PWC and Ministry of Finance / COUNTRY
The reduced rate of VAT (8%) applies to most food products, health products, ground transportation of passengers and baggage and air and sea destination in the Balearic Islands, and most hotel services and housing. They are also subject to reduced rate tickets to cultural events (cinemas, theaters, circuses, concerts, libraries, museums, exhibitions). The government is studying which of these goods or services can go up to the standard rate of 18%, one of the lowest in Europe.
Among the goods subject to the super-reduced rate of tax (4%) are the basic necessities like bread and cereal processing, milk, cheese and eggs, fruits, vegetables, legumes and tubers natural, books, newspapers and magazines , cars and prostheses for the disabled and public housing for special arrangements. Although the Government has not specified if analyzes to spend some of the items from 4% to 8% is expected to do so if you tweak the tax eventually.
Finance and seeks to comply with the recommendations made by a few weeks ago the European Commission to include "the expansion of tax bases and review incentives for house purchase." The International Monetary Fund (IMF) made recommendations in a few days ago the same direction.
"We will discuss any recommendations that may serve to improve the situation," admitted sources of finance. The same sources said that you can also broaden the tax base of consumption tax, the most sensitive to rising interest rates through a more efficient fight against VAT fraud. In this way, increase the taxable transactions and the collection grows, require government sources.
In the Treasury admit that VAT fraud has increased significantly by the crisis. "There are millions of euros", ministry sources say. "Revenue has fallen at an intensity unmatched in the world which leads us to conclude that fraud has increased too and we must use all our capabilities to eradicate it," said this morning the minister, Cristobal Montoro. For this, the Government has submitted to Congress for processing the bill to combat tax fraud.
With this rule, the government intends to limit the cash payment of 2,500 euros, the obligation to report on foreign assets under minimum fine of 10,000 euros, excluding the system of modules to professionals with more fraud sectors and establish precautionary measures in the tax collection area.



イエス·ゴンザレスマドリッドSérvulo25 JUN 2012 - 18:47 CET

ソース:ファイナンス/ COUNTRYのPWCと省
税の超軽減税率(4%)に物品の件名の中にパンや穀物の加工、牛乳、チーズ、卵、果物、野菜、自然の豆類、塊茎、書籍、新聞や雑誌のような基本的な必需品である、車や特別な手配については無効と公共住宅のための義足。 4%〜8%からの項目の一部を過ごすために分析した場合、政府が指定していませんが、最終的に税を微調整する場合は、そのように期待されています。
金融と含まれるように欧州委員会数週間前の勧告に準拠するように努める "住宅購入のための税務とレビューのインセンティブの拡大を。"国際通貨基金(IMF)は同じ方向に数日前に勧告を行った。
財務省では、付加価値税の詐欺は、危機によって大幅に増加していることを認めている。 "百万ユーロがあり、"省庁源は言う。 "収益は、私たちは詐欺も増加しており、我々はそれを根絶するためにすべての機能を使用する必要があるという結論につながる、世界で比類のない強度で落ちている、"今朝大臣、モントロは述べています。このため、政府は税金詐欺に対処するための法案を処理するために議会に提出しました。

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