



Las dudas sobre España acentúan la fuga de capitales en abril hasta nuevos récords

La retirada de fondos en los cuatro primeros meses del año alcanza los 121.900 millones

Las desinversiones de extranjeros marcan un máximo de la serie histórica con 24.600 millones

Doubts about Spain accentuate the flight of capital to new highs in April

The withdrawal of funds in the first four months of the year amounted to 121,900 million

The divestments of foreign make up the series with 24,600 million

The Country Madrid 29 JUN 2012 - 10:19 CET
Doubts about Spain and the delicate situation of its banks intensified capital flight in the country, to April again set new records. According to data published on Friday the Bank of Spain on the balance of payments, investors withdrew from Spain during the first four months of 2012 a total of 121,900 million euros. The balance in any case, corresponds to the situation that existed before the request for the financial sector bailout. This decision, far from appeasing the uncertainty of investors, increased distrust of the country and raised the pressure on its debt to record highs and caused more falls in the stock market, so the outflows from Spain could continue to increase, at least until June.
The cumulative figure from January to April surpasses 23,235,000 funds withdrawn from Spain throughout 2011, a fact that until now was the highest in the series, which starts in 1990. Moreover, capital flight, after excluding the operations of the Bank of Spain, in contrast to the data recorded during the same period last year when it recorded a net inflow of EUR 24,155.9 million.
The sharp rise in capital flight that has been recorded so far this year gained momentum in March, when in just one month left the country between 66,125,000 withdrawals were made from abroad and, especially, by investments outside the Spanish themselves. More than a third of that deficit was due precisely to money from residents in the country who went to deposits and loans abroad. This phenomenon is accelerated at a dizzying rate by the activity of banks after the massive injection of liquidity by the ECB conducted on entities in late February.
In April, however, capital flight has slowed to 26,587,000. The slowdown is because only prolonged the increase in foreign divestitures. In addition, withdrawals have focused on the sale of shares and Spanish bonds, which reached a record with 24,600 before the tremendous damage they suffered in the financial markets assets marked with the Spain brand. Of the money invested from abroad in deposits or credits have barely left when in March 2547000 escaped over 20,000 million.
In behavior that have taken Spanish investors, they have strongly reduced the transfer of funds through interbank transactions that took place in March from 24,300 million to only 4,600 million and 4,400 million have been recovered that had invested in equity and debt other countries.



カントリーマドリード29 JUN 2012 - 10時19分CET

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