
欧州委員会は、臨時的にスペインのBANKIA銀行の親銀行のBanco Financiero y de Ahorros(BFA)の国有化を承認;銀行再編救済計画は政府が保有する44億0000'0000ユーロの優先株式の資本への変換と流動資金を保障するための190億0000'0000ユーロの融資?


欧州委員会は、臨時的にスペインのBANKIA銀行の親銀行のBanco Financiero y de Ahorros(BFA)の国有化を承認;銀行再編救済計画は政府が保有する44億0000'0000ユーロの優先株式の資本への変換と流動資金を保障するための190億0000'0000ユーロの融資?

Bruselas aprueba temporalmente la nacionalización de la matriz de Bankia

La CE da su visto bueno a la espera de que España remita un plan de reestructuración de BFA

Commission approves temporary nationalization of the matrix Bankia

The EC gives its approval to the hope that Spain receiving a BFA restructuring plan

Agencies Brussels 27 JUN 2012 - 12:13 CET
The European Commission on Wednesday approved a temporary nationalization of the matrix Bankia, Finance and Savings Bank (BFA), waiting for Spain to send to Brussels a restructuring plan of the entity within six months. The rescue plan includes conversion into capital of 4,400 million preference shares held by the State and a guarantee of liquidity worth 19,000 million euros.

Does not include assistance approved the injection of capital of 19,000 million claimed by the new president of Bankia, Jose Ignacio Goirigolzarri, which is being examined by the Spanish authorities.

"There is no doubt that the beneficiary will have to make a deep reestructuación" said in a statement the European Commissioner for Competition, Joaquin Almunia, who has stressed the need to prepare "appropriate measures to limit public support and its effects distortion to a minimum. "

The conversion of preferred equity, according to the commissioner, will simplify the ownership structure of BFA, which happens to be controlled entirely by the Spanish State.

Madrid has also undertaken not to pay dividends or hybrid capital coupons unless legally required.
欧州委員会は、臨時的にスペインのBANKIA銀行の親銀行のBanco Financiero y de Ahorros(BFA)の国有化を承認;銀行再編救済計画は政府が保有する44億0000'0000ユーロの優先株式の資本への変換と流動資金を保障するための190億0000'0000ユーロの融資?


機関がブリュッセル2012年6月27日 - 12:13 CET





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