スペインのガルシア地方の信用金庫のCaixa Galicia, Caixanovaが合併してできたNovaCaixaGaliciaの社長の Julio Fernandez Gayso 氏は、780万0000ユーロの不正退職金の横領で対汚職検察官に告訴され,辞任
Gayoso presenta su dimisión al frente de Novacaixagalicia
La dimisión se produce después de que la Audiencia Nacional admitiera a trámite una querella contra él y cuatro exdirectivos de la caja gallega
Gayoso resigns ahead of Novacaixagalicia
The resignation came after the High Court admitted for processing a complaint against him and four of the Galician bank exdirectivos
Maria Fernandez Vigo 28 JUN 2012 - 16:52 CET
The resignation came after the High Court admitted for processing a complaint against him and four of the Galician bank exdirectivos
Maria Fernandez Vigo 28 JUN 2012 - 16:52 CET
Julio Fernandez Gayoso, Novacaixagalicia president, has given up to 80 years and between heavy pressure. His resignation as head of the Galician bank came during the board that took place this morning in Vigo. The resignation comes after the High Court admitted for processing a grievance with him and four exdirectivos of the box to hide the Bank of Spain allegedly compensation for leaving the box. Guillermo Alonso Jaudenes, vice president, will perform the duties of chairman until the completion of the transformation of the box foundation. The agency said in a statement that Gayoso has resigned and wished "every success to the company as a future career as foundation, to be able to find the right way to develop new investment sociocultural adapted to the new era."
The prosecution claims to repayment of all amounts totaling 7.8 million, of which 5.5 were collected by Javier Garcia de Paredes, former Deputy Director. The complaint recounts how after the merger agreement between Caixa Galicia and Caixanova of May 11, 2010 and the first request of financial support by the FROB, managers conducted a "preconceived plan" "to prepare for foreseeable future out "of the entity. In this framework, the five defendants agreed to modify their contracts of senior management to introduce new early retirement payments and future benefits, before the intervention of the Bank of Spain, and subsequently benefit submitting his resignation.
The scandal touched Julio Fernandez Gayoso full, 80 years and director of Caixanova, one of the boxes that were merged, for 40 years. The box was left on Monday without its first president, Mauro Varela, who resigned over a statement which claimed that buyers of preferred "knew what they were taking." The veteran executive would have allowed the changes in compensation contracts inflated by 7.8 million euros with "full knowledge of the very difficult economic situation was going through the lender." The biggest loser was the State itself, which had to inject 3.665 million through the FROB to support the organization, now nationalized.
more informationFeijoo Gayoso pressures to resignThe High Court declared admissible the complaint against the NGB exdirectivosManagers out of control and docile political dynamited the Galician bank
After the operation, the Galician bank is a lackluster shadow of its former self, with a huge real estate consists of over 100 buildings emblematic can barely keep and only 7% of the shares of the bank that transferred its business. Paradoxically has more vocal in their assembly employees on the payroll (320 against 257). At the last meeting, held last Wednesday, she almost did not get a quorum to pass resolutions. It so happened that the Department of Facenda was removed weeks earlier, the possibility that the 250 attendees euros waived by diet.
The state owns 90% of an entity after injecting 1.162 billion euros in 2010 and another 2.465 million euros in 2011, through the FROB. After surgery, the auditor BDO made a report which concluded that the accounting did not reflect Novacaixagalicia their "true" financial condition and the other three companies valued at 188 million euros, said the complaint of Anti-Corruption.
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