- スペインのカタルーニャ地方の赤十字の2011年の未成年への食糧援助は、8割増しの7万7760人に、30万0000家族の85万6000人に9390tの食糧援助
La ayuda alimentaria de Cruz Roja a menores catalanes se dispara un 78% en un año
Barcelona| 05/06/2012 - 15:40h
The Red Cross food aid to minor fires Catalan 78% in one year
Barcelona | 05/06/2012 - 15:40 pm
A total of 77,760 children have received food aid Catalan Red Cross of Catalonia in 2011, 78% more than last year, reported the humanitarian organization said in a statement.
In addition to 4,461 vulnerable children in society have made use of children's services of the Red Cross, such as toy libraries, leisure centers and educational spaces for infants up to 3 years, 20% more than in 2010.
The impact of the crisis has led to 300,000 Catalan families to attend the various programs to combat poverty and social exclusion, 11% more than last year, which has led to double food distribution in all age group, reaching 9390 tons.
In total, 856,000 people have been turned to the services of the entity, a figure that has increased by 3.47% in one year.
In the area of employment, humanitarian organization has served 4,975 people through occupational routes, achieving a placement rate of 28% - 29% in men and 24% in women -.
In addition, 168,946 people have benefited from the Relief and Emergency Service of the entity and health campaigns have increased 40% to reach 36,015 participants.
The Volunteer of the company has closed 2011 with 17,396 people and partners have grown by more than 2,000 people and businesses to reach 183,355.
The membership fees have totaled 12 million euros, 19.79% more than in 2010.
A total of 77,760 children have received food aid Catalan Red Cross of Catalonia in 2011, 78% more than last year, reported the humanitarian organization said in a statement.
In addition to 4,461 vulnerable children in society have made use of children's services of the Red Cross, such as toy libraries, leisure centers and educational spaces for infants up to 3 years, 20% more than in 2010.
The impact of the crisis has led to 300,000 Catalan families to attend the various programs to combat poverty and social exclusion, 11% more than last year, which has led to double food distribution in all age group, reaching 9390 tons.
In total, 856,000 people have been turned to the services of the entity, a figure that has increased by 3.47% in one year.
In the area of employment, humanitarian organization has served 4,975 people through occupational routes, achieving a placement rate of 28% - 29% in men and 24% in women -.
In addition, 168,946 people have benefited from the Relief and Emergency Service of the entity and health campaigns have increased 40% to reach 36,015 participants.
The Volunteer of the company has closed 2011 with 17,396 people and partners have grown by more than 2,000 people and businesses to reach 183,355.
The membership fees have totaled 12 million euros, 19.79% more than in 2010.
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