

2012年05月09日水曜日17:00 晴れ 最低気温;10ー12ºC、最高気温;20ー22ºC、スペインから

el Pais



Sanidad derivará a los inmigrantes sin papeles a ONG

La ministra, Ana Mato, afirma que así no quedarán sin cobertura

Las organizaciones denuncian el recorte en sus fondos


Health will refer illegal immigrants to NGOs

The minister, Ana Mato, says that this coverage will not go

The organizations denounce the cuts in funds

Catalonia health guarantees the 'paperless' for "basic public health"
Madrid and the exclusion applies to the health of immigrants

Emilio de Benito Madrid 9 MAY 2012 - 11:32 CET
The answer to the attention of irregular migrants is beneficence. Or, in politically correct language, "agreements with NGOs." That is the solution almost simultaneously raised today the Minister of Health, Ana Mato, spokesman for Health and the PP, Jose Ignacio Echániz, when asked what would happen to people after health cuts fell outside the system.
"They will continue to be served," he insisted in Mato told RNE. "Health is guaranteed because we own this right, the royal decree does not change the current legislation and, therefore, the General Law of Health [speaking of a universal right to health] remains in force to 100 100", has added. That "is planned as part of regulatory development. All regions are planning to make agreements with organizations that serve immigrants in an irregular manner to also ensure the proper care in primary care, "he said.

more informationCutting the right to healthLife & Arts: Health for whom the listed
The manifestations of Mato almost completely coincide with those of Echániz. Also what is not clear. Because attention to these groups has some problems for which no response is given. A clear case could be the treatment of HIV, which is only dispensed in hospitals in Spain. Neither health nor spokesmen for PP sources consulted were able to explain how he would solve this problem. Currently, for example, antivirals (which have a retail price of 8,000 euros per year in its simplest combination) can only be purchased in Spain in hospital pharmacies. Not paying them-if you could bear the costs can be achieved at a pharmacy. And these treatments must be taken throughout life, and also the tendency is to give them each time before, not only because they benefit the affected, but because it has proven to be the best way to prevent the spread of the virus.
But this only applies to these drugs. Others, like some cancer treatments have the same consideration, though not to take for life, but only during a period that can last for months.
For those affected continue to receive medication, should devise a method for people without a card could go to the hospital pharmacy. So far never been achieved. For example, in Madrid, the Sandoval Health Center, municipally owned, it has not succeeded. While serving a population that enters in the category of fully excluded, since it does not seek any type of paper, and has the highest rates of people with HIV in Spain, one of its limitations has always been that, when patients deteriorate and need medication, they must refer them to public hospitals, as even with them, specializing in sexually transmitted diseases, are allowed to dispense antivirals.
But the announcement of Mato has another side, which could be considered ironic if it were not dramatic. Always following infection with HIV, which can be taken as an example of what happens in general and the significance of which makes his ministry has a National Plan on the subject (which does not happen with any other pathology), the announcement comes just the Seisida same day, the largest organization of socio affected by this virus, which includes both health workers and NGOs have denounced the cuts that will leave no follow up and care (in fields that do not include medication) to many affected .
This idea has been graphically demonstrated this morning, when more than 300 organizations in seven cities have staged a protest at the cuts that have suffered and that, for example, there is still not responsible for the National AIDS Plan since joining the new government.




カタルーニャの健康は"基本的な公衆衛生"のための "ペーパーレス"を保証

エミリオ·デ·ベニート·マドリッド9 MAY 2012 - 11:32 CET
不規則な移住者の関心への答えは善行である。または、政治的に正しい言語では、 "NGOと契約。"それはほぼ同時に、今日厚生労働大臣は、アナマット、健康のためのスポークスマンと健康のカット外落ちた後、人々に何が起こるかを尋ねたPP、ホセ·イグナシオ·Echánizを調達ソリューションです。システム。
"彼らは提供され続ける"と、彼はマットグロッソで主張RNEと語った。 、 "我々はこの権利を所有しているので、健康が保証され、勅令、したがって、現行の法律を変更しませんが、健康の一般法[健康への普遍的権利といえば] 100〜100力のままで"があります追加されました。それは、 "規制の開発の一環として計画されています。すべての地域はまた、プライマリケアでの適切なケアを確保するために不規則な形で移民を提供する組織との協定を作ることを計画している "と彼は言った。

マトの症状はほぼ完全にEchánizのものと一致している。また、どのような明確ではありません。ので、これらのグループへの注目が応答がないされているいくつかの問題があります。クリアケースは、スペインの病院で調剤されたHIVの治療である可能性があります。 PPソースのどちらの健康もスポークスマンは、彼がこの問題を解決する方法を説明することができました相談した。現在は、例えば、抗ウイルス薬は、(最も単純な組み合わせで、年間8000ユーロの小売価格を持っている)唯一の病院薬局スペインで購入することができます。それらを払っていない場合、あなたは耐えることができる費用は、薬局で達成することができます。そして、これらの治療は生涯にわたって注意する必要があり、また彼らが影響を受けた恩恵を受けるので、傾向だけではなく、前に毎回与えることであるが、それはウイルスの拡散を防止する最善の方法であることを証明しているため。

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