

el Pais


PP y CiU pactan eliminar el contrato con despido gratis cuando el paro baje del 15%

La tasa de paro actual supera el 24% y el FMI no cree que baje del 20% hasta 2017

Los grupos sacan adelante sus enmiendas a la reforma laboral en el Congreso

La prórroga de los convenios colectivos se reduce a un año, en línea con la patronal

PP and CiU Pactan eliminate free contract with dismissal when unemployment falls 15%

The current unemployment rate exceeds 24% and the IMF does not believe that lower than 20% by 2017

The groups take forward its amendments to the labor reform in Congress

The extension of collective agreements is reduced to one year, in line with management

Manuel V. Gomez Madrid 24 MAY 2012 - 11:58 CET
One measure stars of labor reform in Congress will be reduced to an interim measure, although it may still remain in place for many years. The contract of entrepreneurs, which allows companies with fewer than 50 employees sign contracts with a trial period of one year which can be fired without compensation is conditional on the unemployment rate is above 15 %, according to an amendment agreed by the PP and CiU. "It is a contract of crisis," summed up a senior Ministry of Employment.
This has been since the first time one of the most controversial measures in opposition and trade unions. Both sides describe as unfair the test period and believe it was unconstitutional. With this change, the Catalan group believes that this situation is solved by having the new contract exceptional. In any case, get to put the unemployment rate below 15% will take many years. To begin with, is completely ruled out for this term, according to your forecasts which manages the Government. Right now, the rate is above 24%. And according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), one of the few agencies that long-term forecasts published in 2017 would have fallen just 20%.
Along with this amendment, the ruling party has also approved another forum sponsored by reducing from two to one year extension of collective agreements. Among the novelties, also increased the proportion of time that can be changed unilaterally, rising from 5% to 10%.

more informationCompanies take juice to the labor reform RajoyUGT and CCOO convene a query against cuts
The meeting of the Committee on Employment and Social Security of Congress where they have approved these changes has started late and tension after the PSOE, Plural Left, PNV and demand an adjournment Joint Group to study the compromise amendments tabled by Speaker PP, Celia Villalobos.
The debate and vote on the amendments should have started at 09.30, but then stopped an hour at the request of the opposition. Upon resumption of session, just after eleven o'clock, have requested a further delay of 24 hours, but the committee chairman, Jose Eugenio Azpiroz, has rejected it.
失業率が15%を下回るとPPCIU Pactanは、解雇の自由契約を解消




マヌエルV.ゴメスマドリード24 MAY 2012 - 11:58 CET
それはまだ何年もの間の場所に残っているかもしれませんが、議会の労働改革の1つのメジャーの星は、暫定措置に減少します。 50人未満の従業員と会社が補償なしに解雇することができます一年間の試用期間との契約に署名することができます起業家の契約は、失業率が15以上である条件付きです。 %、PPとCIUで合意された改正案によると。 "それは危機の契約である、"雇用のシニア省を総括。


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