

el Pais


Una sola entidad pide más de lo que Guindos preveía para todo el sector

Economía señala que el ministro se refería solo al efecto del segundo decreto

La inyección de 19.000 millones no será como un préstamo, como defendía el Gobierno


A single entity called Guindos more than expected for the entire sector

Economy Minister said that concerned only the effect of the second decree

The injection of 19,000 million as a loan will not, as advocated by the Government

Miguel Jimenez Madrid 25 MAY 2012 - 15:00 CET

The rescue has Bankia blow up government forecasts. Just two weeks to present the second reform of the sector since the beginning of the term, the economy minister, Luis de Guindos, noted that the financial sector just need public money, and that the figure would in any case well below the 15,000 million as a result of the new decree. Only 15 days later, a single entity and requires an injection of public funds over that amount with a planned rescue of 19,000 million. The figure rises to 23,500 million if you add the help of previous FROB.
Luis de Guindos Bankia open bar offered on Wednesday in Congress. He said the Government was prepared to inject into the group of all capital Bankia necessary. The new president of the organization, Jose Ignacio Goirigolzarri, has the upper hand. The government has promised everything you need and he just threaten to leave if they give it to leave the government in an impossible situation.
It makes sense in your situation, is to exaggerate the situation or at least cover all risks. When in doubt, more money. In this dynamic, government forecasts blown up. The problem is that the group of Bankia is just over 10% of the financial sector. And if any extrapolated their figures, although it is considered that half of the sector can meet its needs without any problems or aid, the risk it takes a large amount of public funds to clean up the sector and that Spain can not do front of it and have to ask for help from Europe, although the government denies it again and again.

more informationThe council meets Bankia for ransom of 20,000 millionBankia consume more funds than all the other bailouts togetherEditorial: Public ExplanationThe CNMV suspended the quotation of Bankia confirm awaiting aid
A Guindos asked in the press conference after the Council of Ministers two weeks ago how much public money could mean the aid to the bench by the adoption of new decree on financial reform, the second adopted by the Government of Mariano Rajoy in three months . This was his response: "From the standpoint of the amount, I guess you mean a little amount of how much potentially could be injected as a result of this Royal Decree Law is a complex calculation, because it depends on surplus capital have the different entities and will vary by entities. But what I would say, if I may, is that the amount will be lower than the previous government injected in the first round of the FROB, which were 15,000 million. I think it will be well below that amount and, I repeat, and this is essentially an interest cost of around 10 per 100 and the obligation to repay. "
This second part of the equation is also not fulfilled. Bankia will be helping the one hand, the capitalization of 4.465 million preferred shares it already had with the entity, and by paying interest at 8% next stop paying now. And, secondly, a new injection of funds through a capital increase, explained the minister this week in Congress.
Economics stresses that Guindos was referring only to the impact of the second financial reform decree. That is, I do not know all the needs related to state aid they will need the entities as a result of reorganization of the sector.
However, cross-examination by the 15,000 million, Guindos stressed that the FROB and had liquidity of 5,000 million and questioned who would need to issue more debt. "We have to see how, indeed, must issue further, if you have that issue, because of the amount. The calculation of the Government is now well below the fifteen billion euros the previous government who injected in the first round of the FROB. Therefore, we have to define and that will depend on the efforts, calculations, plans, presenting each of the institutions, "he said.
Now, economics is left alone clinging to straws that this money will be recovered when the entity being privatized. "The FROB, and ultimately they would somehow the government, will own a significant percentage of a credit institution that has a positive value and, after following its reorganization and restructuring, be privatized and generate resources for Spanish taxpayers, I am convinced that offset what is the potential cost that could have a priori intervention, "said Guindos. Be seen whether this forecast is closer to reality.




ミゲル·ヒメネスマドリード25 MAY 2012 - 15:00 CET

ルイス·デ·Guindos Bankiaオープンバーでは、議会で水曜日に提供した。彼は政府が必要なすべての資本Bankiaのグループに注入するために調製されたと述べた。組織の新大統領、ホセ·イグナシオGoirigolzarriは、上部の手を持っています。政府は、彼らが不可能な状況で政府を離脱するためにそれを与えればあなたが必要と彼が残して脅かすすべてのものを約束しています。

Guindosは、金融改革に関する新たな法令の採用によりベンチへの援助を意味する可能性がどのくらいの公的資金、第二は、3ヶ月でマリアーノRajoyの政府によって採用された二週間前に、閣僚理事会後の記者会見で尋ねたこれは彼の応答だった: "量の観点から、私が持っているそれは余剰資本に依存するため、複雑な計算では、この勅令法の結果として注入することができる。どれだけ潜在的に少量を意味推測私は可能性がある場合別のエンティティとエンティティによって異なります。しかし、私が、言うと、金額は15,000百万円となりましたFROBの最初のラウンドで注入された以前の政府よりも低くなるということです。私はそれはと思いますよく、その量以下になると、私は繰り返し、これが本質的に100当たり約10の金利コストと返済義務です。 "
式の第2部はまた、満たされない。 Bankiaは、一方、それはすでに実体としていた4465000優先株式の時価総額を支援し、8%の利息を支払うことで、次の現在の支払い停止されます。そして、第二に、増資による資金の新たな注入は、議会で今週大臣を説明した。
15000百万しかし、反対尋問、GuindosはFROBことを強調し、5,000万ドルの流動性を有しており、多くの債券を発行する必要があります誰が疑問を呈した。 "我々は、理由の量のさらなる問題は、その問題を持っている場合、実際に、どのように確認する必要があります。政府の計算はよく注入された以前の政府150億ユーロを下回るようになりました機関の各々を提示し、計画、計算、FROBの最初のラウンドであるため、我々が定義する必要があり、その努力に依存するであろう、 "と彼は言った。
今、経済は、エンティティが民営化されているときに、このお金が回収されることをストローにしがみついて放置されています。 "FROB、最終的に彼らが何らかの形で政府は、正の値を持っていると、その再編とリストラを行った後、民営化される金融機関のかなりの割合を所有することになるだろうとスペイン語の納税者のためのリソースを生成して、私は事前の介入を持っている可能性のある潜在的なコストが何であるかをオフセットと確信している、 "Guindosは言った。この予測が現実に近いかどうかを見られる。

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