

el Pais


La policía blinda Barcelona

8.000 agentes toman las calles para evitar incidentes en la reunión del BCE

La ciudad vive el mayor despliegue desde la cumbre de la UE de 2002

Police shielding Barcelona

8,000 actors take to the streets to avoid incidents on the ECB meeting

The city has the highest deployment since the EU summit of 2002

Rebeca Carranco Barcelona 3 MAY 2012 - 15:25 CET
"But what about here?" Asks a taxi driver as they approach the roundabout in front of the Hotel Arts in Barcelona. Several vans of mossos watch the place. One of the most colorful prints is an armored vehicle of the Hammer brand parked on the sidewalk at the corner of the hotel and guarded by three policemen. Other eye not remove many people entering and leaving the hotel. Van suits, with their headphones clearly visible. are agents of the elite, the Group Special Operations (GEO), whose mission is to ensure the safety of the 22 members of the Council of the European Central Bank (ECB) and other authorities who stay and meet in the hotel. From yesterday until tomorrow, Barcelona is the setting of the ECB recurring appointments. control agents literally to the sewers of Barcelona.

Police refused entry to Spain arrested 43 people and 17
The city is a showcase of uniforms, weapons, helicopters, cars and police vans. Yesterday, 8,000 policemen were deployed in the Catalan capital. A special device is not remembered to occur since 2002, when the city was held in the European Union summit. At that time, 8,500 policemen guarded the meeting of heads of State and Government of the EU. Even the Pope's visit, with 4,500 more agents mossos National Police and Civil Guard, prompted a similar display.
"Not justified", said Wednesday Catalan police sources, referring to the 3,500 policemen and civil guards that the Ministry of Interior has mobilized for the three days of the meeting. At first, they had to be 2,500, but finally sent 1,000 Interior policemen. These are in addition to 4,500 mossos. Other sources, however, justify the exceptional measure by the fear that caused the serious incidents of the strike in Barcelona and how a similar episode could affect the international image of Spain and its economy.

An extraordinary display
■ About 8,000 agents are part of the planned police deployment to avoid incidents on the ECB meeting.
■ Of these, 4,500 are Catalan police, 2,300 police and 1,200 civilian guards.
■ The Police are in charge of public order and the National Police custody risk buildings like the Hotel Arts and the International Convention for the Forum.
■ The Civil Guard has doubled the number of agents at the airport.
■ From 28 January until May 4 is suspended the Schengen Treaty, which has forced more than 1,000 police deployed at border points.
The National Police is responsible for shielding the Hotel Arts, which operated from the car park to food, with elite agents, riot police and even dogs. Counselors are spread over three floors of the establishment, which has refused to reveal any details about the stay of its clients. The meeting will be held at the hotel and later, at 14.30, ECB president, Mario Draghi, and Bank of Spain Governor Miguel Angel Fernandez Ordonez, will move to the International Convention Centre, the Forum, which will hold a conference release. The building is also shielded by the police.
Officers shall also ensure key infrastructure in the city, as the Bank of Spain, the Government office, the Telefonica building ... The Civil Guard has doubled its presence at the airport and both bodies have several riot police in the reserve for complications.
Police have also reinforced their presence at borders, with over 1,000 agents who are in charge of the controls since last April 28 was suspended the Schengen Treaty.
So far, the National Police have arrested 17 people and has prevented over 43 others at the border, according to the Ministry of Interior. The treaty also suspended for eight days because of the EU summit in 2002 and for nine days for the wedding of Prince Felipe and Princess Letizia.
The order in the city is the responsibility of the Autonomous Police. Since Monday, the Catalan police are more visible in the city, patrolling streets and guarding critical sites, such as the headquarters of the Barcelona Stock Exchange. The Mossos are doing checks and identifications to remove hazardous objects because they fear that some organized groups try to cause disturbances, as explained by the superintendent of Barcelona, ​​Joan Carles Miller, told Cadena SER. The main concern of the day are two student demonstrations planned at 12.00 and 18.00 in the city.
The coordination of the massive police deployment has led rifirrafes, which resulted in two different focal points, one for the state police and one for the regional. The political leadership, however, is shared. "The critical point was the issue of coordination and we have solved optimally," revealed the Secretary of State for Security, Ignacio Ulloa, on a visit he made with the Minister of Interior Catalan Felip Puig, infrastructure risk .



レベッカCarrancoバルセロナ3 MAY 2012 - 15:25 CET
彼らはバルセロナのホテルアーツの前にロータリーに近づくと、 "しかし、何ここは?"タクシー運転手に要求します。mossosのいくつかのバンは、場所を監視します。最もカラフルなプリントの一つは、装甲車両です。ホテルの角で歩道に駐車し、3人の警察官に守られて他の目はホテルに入ると残して多くの人々を削除できません。ヴァンスーツは、はっきりと目に見える彼らのヘッドホンで。エリートの代理人ではハン​​マーのブランド、グループその使命はホテルに滞在し、満たす欧州中央銀行(ECB)やその他の当局の委員会の22人のメンバーの安全を確保することである特殊作戦(GEO)、昨日から明日まで、バルセロナの設定ですECB定期的な予定。文字通りバルセロナの下水道への制御剤。

街は制服、武器、ヘリコプター、車や警察のバンのショーケースです。昨日は、8,000人の警官がカタルーニャの首都に配備されました。特殊な装置は、市は、欧州連合(EU)首脳会議が開催されました2002年以来発生して記憶されません。その時、8500人の警官は、EUの首脳会議をガード。 4500以上のエージェントmossos国家警察と市民ガード付きにも教皇の訪問は、同様の表示を求めるプロンプトが表示されます。
"正当化されていません"、水曜日カタロニア警察の源は、内務省は、会議の3日間動員したことを3500人の警官と市民の警備員に言及しました。最初に、彼らは2500でなければなりませんでしたが、最終的に千インテリア警官を送った。これらは4500 mossosに追加されます。他の情報源は、しかし、バルセロナのストライキの深刻な事件を引き起こし、どのように類似したエピソードは、スペインとその経済の国際的なイメージに影響を与える可能性があり恐怖で例外的な措置を正当化する。

大規模な警察の配備の調整は、2つの異なるフォーカルポイント、州警察用と地域のための1の結果rifirrafesをリードしてきました。政治的リーダーシップは、しかし、共有されています。 "重要な点は調整の問題であったと我々が最適に解決している"と、彼はインテリアカタロニアFelipのプッチ、インフラのリスクの大臣で作られた訪問でのセキュリティ、イグナシオウリョア、のための国務長官が明らかになった

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