Increases the pessimism of the unemployed to find employment
Among the unemployed, increasing pessimism about finding employment. If in January 40.4% of the unemployed looked quite or very likely to find employment, I think now only 29.3% of them. And, while 60.3% believe it is likely to find little or no work in January accounted for 52.2%.
Among those who have a job, 74.4% little or nothing is likely to go to waste, compared to 75.3% who felt the same way in January. In contrast, 15.2% thought it somewhat or very likely in January has risen to 18.4%.
Unemployment remains the biggest issue of concern, with 81.7%. However, it is 1.6 points less than in the previous survey, where the rate stood at 83.3%. Then follow the problems of an economic (52.8%) and ahead of class and political parties (18.1%). Healing back to fourth place in the previous barometer-corruption and fraud contained in the post-, followed by education and immigration.
In addition, 88.1% believe that the economic situation is bad or very bad and 93.4% which is equal to or worse than a year ago. And 69.7% thought that next year will equal or worse than now
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