Las clínicas de Aragón suspenden los abortos con cargo a la sanidad pública
El Gobierno autonómico adeuda a los centros acreditados más de 800.000 euros
Las clínicas de otras regiones con impagos, como Castilla-La Mancha o Madrid, no descartan tomar la misma medida
Las comunidades deben a estos centros más de cinco millones de euros
Aragon clinics abortions suspended under the public health
The regional government accredited centers owes more than 800,000 euros
The clinics in other regions with defaults, such as Castilla-La Mancha and Madrid, do not rule out taking the same step
Communities due to these centers over five million
Mary R. Sahuquillo / Emilio de Benito Madrid 30 ABR 2012 - 11:30 CET
The two clinics that perform abortions in Aragon will from day 3 to perform abortions under the public health for the debt of more than 800,000 euros of the autonomous government. Thus, from the Thursday of women to be paid this intervention which can cost around 300 euros. In Aragon practiced about 2,000 abortions a year, which may involve some 1.2 million annually, according to the clinics. This is not the only community that accumulated debt, a situation which, according to the clinics can drive others to take the same extent as in Aragon. Defaulting to these centers totaling over five million euros.
Aragon clinics argue that lack the means to continue taking care of the provision. Have initiated the procedure for claiming the 2011 debt through the ICO launched by the government, some 500,000 euros, but have not yet achieved a commitment from the Ministry of Health on bills Aragon 2012. "We will not harm women, but we have no financial ability to continue funding the entire delivery," says Mayte Andreu, a spokesman for the clinic Almozara. According to Andreu, his clinic and clinic-Astur-Dator group spent more than a year negotiating with the Government of Aragon to pay the debt.
A spokesman for the Health Department of Aragon has indicated that it is "only an economic problem." "The first thing we mean is that the Aragon Government recognizes its obligation to provide the service and that [abortion] is a right for women." But since the change of law is a game "that has never had the budget." "When we got the government we are 400 million of unpaid bills on health, and what we have done has been to payment terms," said the spokesman. "Just last week offered to pay 250,000 euros within 10 days, 150,000 by summer and the rest at the end of the year, but the clinics, which are two-rejected" he says. So far, there are two solutions to the women, advance payment and then claim the Government of Aragon, "and is making agreements with neighboring communities clinics to offer the service." "We would prefer to be done here because it would be more comfortable for women and the money would stay in the community, but this is the solution we can offer."
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Aragon is not the only community with outstanding bills of clinics that perform abortions. Most regions have accumulated a significant debt since this provision went to the public purse with the new abortion law in July 2010. Castilla-La Mancha, for example, because these centers 1.3 million euros, according to the Association of Accredited Clinics for Interruption of Pregnancy (ACAI)-which brings together some thirty of them-, for delays of more than one year in benefit payments. A debt that has not stopped growing and that it took a few months ago that community centers to take the decision not to accept women arrived arising out of the public. However, eventually producing clinical Government's commitment to Maria Dolores Cospedal that would face the costs. "Something that has not happened. The bills keep piling up, "says a spokeswoman for ACAI.
Also Asturias, Balearic Islands and Madrid, with unpaid bills for almost three million-accumulate debt. The clinics say the problem is occurring primarily in the communities where the governing Popular Party. "They are masking after the economic problems that this is a feature that no interest at all. For them there is a priority, "said Francisca Garcia, vice president of ACAI. "The Act is clear that abortion is a free benefit," he adds. The clinics do not rule out suspending the abortions of women who come derived from public health in all communities. "We are negotiating," says a spokeswoman for ACAI.
Luisa Torres, spokesman for Dator, with several centers, believes the bill will remain in the drawers until the government reform the abortion law. "They are choking the economic centers and this is one way to stop the delivery," he says. "Private clinics are funding the abortion of the public. And that has a significant impact on the centers, "says Torres. Some have already been forced, he says, to make a record of employment regulation (ERE). The decision of the two centers of Aragon, and especially if this pattern is repeated in other clinics with unpaid bills, can be a problem for women. "Especially for those in a more disadvantaged, who can not pay the benefit," he says.
The federal Equal secretary of the PSOE, Purification Causapié says his party will ask for urgent Health Minister Ana Mato. "You must explain how you will ensure that the law is enforced. Beyond that each community establish its system, the Government is obliged to ensure care for women," she says. Causapié is concerned about the possibility that abortion out of the basic service portfolio. "We fear that this and the problem with the clinics is a strategy to nullify the law," he adds.
Several spokesmen of the clinics met last week with the director of Cohesion Health Ministry of Health to address this issue and others. In July 2010, the then government of Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero was fixed within two years to analyze the functioning of this provision and analyze a possible increase in the budget to fund community service. Something, however, is far away. The intent of the change in the law and the budget ax that scenario become virtually impossible.
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