スペインのマドリッドの不法滞在外国人収容所;CIE(el Centro de Internamiento de Extranjeros)は、居住条件が悪い
Como una cárcel, pero peor
El CIE de Aluche es un lugar sucio con escasos espacios comunes e internos tirados por el suelo
Conviven delincuentes con inmigrantes ‘sin papeles’
Análisis | El vacío legal afecta también al juez
EL DEBATE | ¿Sería acertado sustituir a la policía por trabajadores sociales en los CIE?
Mónica Ceberio Belaza Madrid 30 ENE 2012 - 02:15 CET
Patio ICN Aluche men.
A so-called "common rooms": one for women and one for men.
A center cell.
As a prison, but worse
Aluche ICN is a dirty place with few common and internal spaces lying around
Offenders living with immigrants 'paperless'
Analysis | The loophole also affects the judge
DEBATE | Would it be wise to replace the police for social workers in CIE?
Monica Madrid Ceberio Belaza 30 ENE 2012 - 02:15 CET
What you see with the naked eye are bars , cells with eight bunks , a sink and open shelves , no toilets and lockers. In so-called " common rooms " no leisure : they are two rooms (one for men and one for women) dirty, dark , damaged , full of papers and wrappers on the floor , the only furniture are a few tables and steel chairs a tele command without available internal and some machines with snacks and drinks (spaces "insufficient" , according to the judges ) . There are people sitting on the floor on blankets or sleeping bags. The cold January empty courtyards . Medical service is to stop , but no stay nursing to isolate some internal if needed and your illness is not serious enough to take him to a hospital. The only toilet is the cell with insulation : a tiny space look bleak tiles and a concrete bench that serves as a bed ( on which a mattress is placed ) at scares imagine long. It is the Center for Foreigners ( CIE) Aluche ( Madrid). It works much like a prison, but their conditions are worse than most modern Spanish prisons. Its inmates are not prisoners. They are there , especially for an administrative offense : enter Spain without meeting the requirements . They are illegal immigrants .
A so-called " common rooms " : one for women and one for men.
Women , thirty during the visit, can pass most of the day in the recreation room , where also having breakfast, lunch and dinner. Men , about two hundred , do not fit together , so that two shifts are made. The first pass of the morning in the common room and after eating up to cells. This decreases the second . The cells are not closed during the day and can be among the modules , but there is nothing to do.
Women are more calm , sitting or lying down , talking in small groups or sleeping on the floor . The men's room is bursting , and complaints occur . "I'm the 3,399 . Please , I want you and I expelled my country. This site is unbearable , dirty, horrible. There is nothing , nothing to do during the hours we spent here. Mixed offenders with people who do not have papers but has never done anything wrong. There are crazy people who , until detected and separated, they can do anything to others. Do not let us have your mobile phone with us . Neither the suitcase with our stuff. Nor can we put a blanket on the bunk to not give us light. " Internally , as the speaker , an Argentine desperate to return home , are identified by a number , not your full name. Many write or shout while expressing their identity figures endless complaints about the location of the center .
moreThe People's Advocate alert on immigration facilitiesICN dismissed nine times the gravity of internal deceased" Nursing is fantastic for a first aid kit with aspirin alone "Legal blow to CIE
Protests of inmates, in this and other CIE , spent years succeeding . There are currently about 750 inmates , 65% of its capacity in the nine - open centers ( in Algeciras , Barcelona, Malaga , Murcia , Fuerteventura , Las Palmas , Tenerife and Valencia , apart from Madrid ), according to police sources say . While not distributed equally among them. Some are filled and others, like the three de Canarias, well below its capacity, some, half empty .
Foreigners, who are there in principle for committing an administrative offense can spend locked up 60 days to proceed to expulsion. Although they are not prisoners, deprived of liberty , and to maintain order and assist police there only to be forced to act as prison officers. The Ombudsman has asked that agents only engage external surveillance and inside are replaced by social workers.
An architectural problem - is to say, is that budget - joins inmates who have committed crimes with those without. ICN was mainly achieved by not having the right papers for committing an act against public order or because it has substituted a sentence for crime for expulsion. In a prison , remand prisoners are not with , and within these , are distributed according to their dangerousness . In the CIE cells and share a single common space.
The lack of a
regulation causes
notable differences
between these centers
NGOs , lawyers,
judges and the Ombudsman
People ask
clear rules
Control judges
have been remedied
some shortcomings
in its resolutions
One of the judges control Aluche CIE , Ramiro García God , head of the magistrate court 6 Madrid, recently denounced in a resolution of immigrants crowding locked there . It is true that not spend much time in that center as inmates in prisons, but 60 days to be filled , dirty rooms , with little light if it is cold and does not want to leave the yard with limited rights and no regulation has set exactly how. There is only a brief mention in the Aliens Act and Ministerial Order of 1999 on its rules of operation.
Aluche ICN is in the eye of the hurricane after a Congolese woman died in mid-December . Yet the cause of death is known , but he had asked health care up to 10 times before being taken to hospital . Shortly thereafter, in early January , a young Guinean 21 died in the detention center of Barcelona, after which the office of the Ombudsman made a visit in which he found many shortcomings in healthcare , both media as method , and urged the Home Office to correct deficiencies.
The Ombudsman , judges , bar associations and NGOs to ask for a regulation match with utmost urgency , a standard defining precisely the conditions that must be , how to treat internal and all ends in now every CIE acts as you like. Some judges have specific control officers , as a judge prison supervision , others do not, some have toilets in shared cells , others do not, some have continuing health care , others do not, some have mailboxes to send complaints to the director or judges others do not, some can read their rights in the languages commonly spoken , others not. And there are means by which all lack .
A center cell .
In Madrid, the three judges that since December 2009 provide supervision center Aluche gone, with its resolutions , alleviating the deficiencies found , sometimes through joint agreements - even though each of them belongs to an association of judges of different ideologies . Somehow, in the absence of a regulation , have been equipping certain improvements center on respect for the rights of inmates.
They have demanded that have ongoing medical attention , the cops will identified; complaint boxes and these are shipped within 24 hours and in a sealed envelope if you wish the internal , that no isolation cell is enclosed in tiny more day ; NGOs to attend the CIE receiving sufficient toiletries ; , that the time for family visits is extended to be given a report of the medical care they received and forwarded to court the complaints denouncing attacks . They have also tried to exert some control over the food, which has always been complaints : is ordered that the power is in a sanitary condition , in good condition , and that the trays are clean.
But often clashed with arguments about the security of the center . It is the reason used for not allowing them to use their phones or take their personal belongings cells (which are stored in a separate room ) or closed lockers to put your stuff everyday . Another problem is the budget. Since January 2010 have been asking unsuccessfully toilets in the cells , something that finally seems to be up - to numerous complaints from people who claimed that they did not open at night and had to relieve themselves in bags - women sitting or lifting his leg in the high basins . In November, the judges issued a joint resolution decreeing that they should open in three minutes to call the bell.
Nor have they achieved that may have moisturizer if needed , such as sub-Saharan insistently ask inmates who claim that in this climate they defeated the skin.
" The main problem is the very conception of the CIE in the law ," the Acting Ombudsman , Maria Luisa Cava de Llano. " A paradigm is established , the prison , and then say that there must be a deprivation of liberty different , but not regulate how it should be and what should be its limits. A regulation is a legal obligation and a real need . "
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