信用格付け機関ムーディーズ Moody's は、スペインの国債の評価を1段階格上げ
Moody’s mejora la nota de España por primera vez desde el inicio de la crisis
Sube un escalón la solvencia de los bonos españoles, hasta Baa2, y los aleja del bono basura
La agencia mantiene una perspectiva positiva, lo que deja la puerta abierta a nuevas mejoras
Destaca el "reequilibrio" de la economía con mejoras en la competitividad exterior
Cristina Delgado Madrid 21 FEB 2014 - 22:57 CET
Moody's upgrades the rating of Spain for the first time since the start of the crisis
Upload a step solvency of Spanish bonds to Baa2, and away from junk status
The agency maintains a positive outlook, leaving the door open to further improvements
Highlights the "rebalancing" of the economy with improvements in external competitiveness
Cristina Delgado Madrid 21 FEB 2014 - 22:57 CET
The credit rating agency Moody's has decided to improve the grade of the sovereign debt of Spain . According to the scale that determines the creditworthiness , Spanish bonds are now Baa2 , better than the step occupied so far , which alienates Spain junk status . This agency became the first to make the decision to improve the Spanish position. Moody's snatched the triple A, considered the honors in 2010 and since then Spain chained degradations.
In addition, the agency maintains a positive outlook for sovereign debt , leaving the door open to further improvement of the qualification in future revisions . The agency explained in a note that the decision encouraged by the " rebalancing" of the Spanish economy, " thanks to a more sustainable growth model " propped on structural improvements in external competitiveness , and not in the real estate sector. Moody's places great emphasis on this aspect and adds that " exports are also significantly more diversified than before the crisis , limiting the vulnerability to a slowdown in growth." Rebalancing abounds , there has been even faster than the agency expected.
Source : Bloomberg.
The agency also praises structural reforms , especially in the labor market and the public pension system , as well as progress in bank restructuring . In the case of pensions, highlighting the separation of its evolution in the CPI for the savings . "These efforts support expectations of a stronger and more sustainable growth in the medium term and continued improvements in the recovery of public finances," he says.
In its report Moody's gives a nod to many of the policies implemented by the Government. But also remember that Spain yet accumulates many weaknesses : Remember that the deficit is around 7% debt is about 95 % of GDP and that the expectation is that it will continue to rise , exceeding 102% in 2016. It also notes that Spain is still "a relatively weak banking system," the deterioration of asset quality , and stresses the need to reduce high levels of private sector indebtedness . Also notes that it is necessary to carry out fiscal reform.
Further from the junk bond
Spain has skirted the dangerous path of junk bond since 2012 , when agencies left the sovereign debt close to this rating . Falling into it , it would of course determine that Spanish bonds were intended only to speculative investors . The most dangerous time I lived in July 2012, when the risk premium ( the spread with German bonds considered reference ) reached 638 points . Rating agencies generally lag behind the market because the premium is now only 188 points this week and touched its lowest since April 2011, but the improvement in the note is only a step.
The agency also praises structural reforms , especially in the labor market and the public pension system , as well as progress in bank restructuring
Despite progress in the solvency away there is still the pre-crisis level . Spain enjoyed the honors , the AAA until 2010 in the case of Moody 's, Fitch and until 2009 in the case of Standard & Poor's. Since then , the note plummeted. To retrieve the triple A Spain should scale much as the separating of maximum score eight positions. Indicators still concern to investors . Spain 's debt is currently at record highs : accounts for 94 % of GDP , the highest figure since the early twentieth century. The deficit in 2013 is expected to be above 6.5% , far below the European objective .
The partners of the euro , Germany is still regarded as the solvent. Its bonds still enjoy the honors. France lost its triple A by all agencies between 2012 and 2013 but still holds the top marks. Greece is considered junk status since 2010 and Ireland is a step or two (depending on the selection ) of that consideration .
The Government has spent months urging the agencies to reconsider their position on the Spanish debt. Moody's in December and raised the outlook on Spain to " negative" to " stable." But then the agency kept the note Baa3 . Took that decision because it considered that " the evidence of a sustainable rebalancing of the Spanish economy and improving economic prospects in the medium term " and that " the Spanish public finances are in the path of a slow improvement ." With this decision I followed the trail marked by the other two major rating agencies: Fitch , which also raised its outlook on November 1 and Standard & Poor's that it did on November 29 .
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