スペインの銀行が 貸し出し(融資)の緩和するのをまっている、貸ししぶりの終わりはいつ?
A la espera del crédito bancario
Por: Daniel Manzano| 15 de enero de 2014
alargamiento de plazos.
Pending the bank credit
By: Daniel Manzano | January 15, 2014
The last few weeks have been expressive of a significant improvement in financing conditions in the markets Spaniards led emitters , how could it be otherwise , for the Spanish Treasury. The spread of its benchmark 10 years with his German counterpart ( risk premium) seems to consolidate below 200 basis points , levels and well below the critical situation experienced in mid-2012 which came to surpass 600 points basic .
Other issuers , particularly Spanish banks have taken advantage of the situation to test the market and find enough demand to interest rates for some time unknown . Not only that , they have also been issued for the first time for many months or entities such as Bankia BMN that , subject to public recapitalization , had had to leave the market. Although there is still some way to go , this situation is a negligible momentum in restoring more favorable for the development of business Spanish banks conditions.
They have also been improving remarkably and consistently over the last year funding costs for deposits that banks take homes and businesses . These are in practice the main source of finance and majority . Good illustrative are the graphs relating to deposits taken to households in which can be seen clearly that :
1.Se has significantly reduced the average compensation of new deposits , more than 100 basis points in the period
2.In addition , while almost 80% did not exceed maturities relatively short periods ( less than a year ), currently the share is almost half , concentrating the bulk of them in excess of such a reference maturity .
Ultimately, cheaper resources and , moreover , more stable due to the extension of maturities .
Source : Afi from the Bank of Spain
It is no less expressive , in another sense, the evolution of the types of grant new loans , regardless of segment : housing finance , consumer or business . In the same context in which the costs of new bank financing are shrinking, are increased contrast which institutions affect their lending to households and businesses , separating in this case above the "old portfolio " .
Ultimately, the cost of credit to companies and households has continued more costly . To this is added , moreover , that the volume of new grant is being reduced to follow , is that indeed fall within the lowest levels since the start of the crisis. Admittedly , however , some tentative signs of recovery in some segments seem to loom in the second half of 2013 .
Source : Afi from the Bank of Spain
The conclusion can not be more clear also expected . Certainly there has been progress in the adjustment process of the banking sector in parallel to the deleveraging of the entire Spanish economy , having significantly improved their funding conditions. However, the latest data show abundantly that has not fluid at all the improvement ( or volume or price ) to financing conditions for households and businesses. This is still an unresolved issue , in which, even for the sake of their own survival , must embark Spanish credit institutions ...
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