La OCDE avisa de que la recapitalización de la banca “está incompleta”
Según el organismo, Europa ha sido más lenta que EE UU para lidiar con las debilidades del sector financiero que destapó la crisis
C.P Bruselas 17 FEB 2014 - 22:02 CET
The OECD warns that the bank recapitalization "incomplete"
According to the agency, Europe has been slower than the U.S. to deal with the weaknesses of the financial sector crisis that uncovered
C.P Brussels 17 FEB 2014 - 22:02 CET
What began in the banks end up in banks: despite diversionary tactics , the big question was and remains how much (more) will be injected into European banks so it looks like freshly painted . Financial tensions have eased and fragmentation bank - borrowing money in Spain is more difficult and more expensive than in Germany, begins to subside, and yet the OECD has made it clear Monday that the nightmare does not end . "Europe has been slower than the U.S. to deal with the weaknesses that uncovered financial sector crisis," according to the report of the institution he leads Angel Gurría .
In the U.S., the authorities did a stress test and a billionaire bazooka activated dispelled all doubts . In Europe van and several rounds of tests and injections of public money , but the ECB has embarked on a will and there is only one certain conclusion : still lack capital.
Although the analysis Eurobanco be different , to meet one of the requirements of Basel ( the so-called debt ratio : the weight of the debts of the banks on the total assets ) an additional high quality capital will require 3,650 billion over 10 of the leading countries of the euro ( 524 million in the Spanish case ) , as calculated by this newspaper based on the OECD figures . But beware : if European banks had to comply with the requirements of U.S. claims ( a debt ratio of 5%) , capital needs maximum additional quality would go above 26,000 million ( 1.533 million for Spain ) . " Basel have time until 2018 , by which time the needs of Spain would be lower than in France and Germany, whose banks are more leveraged ," warned Joachim Maudos , Ivie .
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