スペイン銀行総裁のLuis Linde(ルイス リンデ)は、スペインの70%の企業は銀行からの融資を受けていないと
Linde admite que los préstamos no llegan al 70% de las empresas
El gobernador del Banco de España sostiene que la economía crecerá "alrededor del 1%" y que creará empleo gracias a la reforma laboral
Las refinanciaciones disparan la morosidad bancaria al 13,6%
Íñigo de Barrón Madrid 18 FEB 2014 - 21:44 CET
Linde admits that the loans do not reach the 70% of companies
The governor of the Bank of Spain argues that the economy will grow "about 1%" and create jobs through the labor reform
Refinancing bank defaults soar to 13.6%
Inigo Barron Madrid 18 FEB 2014 - 21:44 CET
The head of the Spanish financial supervision Tuesday put the data into positive, but no less emphatic . Luis Linde, governor of the Bank of Spain said in a speech at a conference organized by the Association of Civil Engineers that "even years have been as difficult as the last two , the percentage of companies that have not experienced a decline in their bank loans has been significant, at around 30 %. And what is even more important , those who have not seen their credit are precisely those companies generally started from a stronger debt situation and profitability. "
From this statement it appears that 70 % of companies have experienced the dreaded credit crunch , which has affected even when working it is vital to avoid the closures. No details on this game , but experts believe that is the most worrying of cutting the credit tap for its ability to generate unemployment appearance.
According to Linde, " as the recovery consolidates can expect that this positive restructuring of credit and also emphasizes its evolution normalized aggregate level. Only then will the healing process , recapitalization and restructuring of the banking system has been carried out in Spain will be able to deliver its full benefits , "he said .
In his opinion, " after overcoming the problems of oversizing and risk concentration , our banking system will be better positioned to meet the effective demand for credit appears to economic recovery." Ie the end of the tunnel is still far .
The governor expects domestic demand " continues to gain weight, although in a very gradual recovery path . Construction investment part of this pattern of recovery , although given its somewhat more negative at the beginning of this year position , delayed with respect to the other components of domestic demand. "
With these premises , Linde said that the GDP will grow " in the vicinity of 1% " this year, which will allow the economy to generate net job creation , but also admitted that there are " various " risk factors surrounding the recovery. The governor hopes that Spain is capable of creating net jobs this year thanks to the labor reform.
Risk factors surrounding this recovery scenario are diverse , as Linde. On the one hand , the growth outlook for the euro area " continue to point to moderate increases in activity in the coming quarters and subject to downside risks ."
The second risk is the "inevitable fiscal consolidation, which will continue to advance , which does not allow the implementation of expansionary fiscal policies ." That is, the austerity that is now so criticized by many. And in the ultimate risk , Linde returned to the starting point : " The necessary deleveraging " and " positive restructuring of credit." The circle remains unbroken : no credit no (barely) GDP growth.
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