Las refinanciaciones elevan la morosidad bancaria al récord del 13,6%
Los impagos tocan máximos en 197.000 millones y la tasa sube al mayor ritmo de toda la serie
Los datos del cierre del ejercicio son los que se emplearán en las pruebas de resistencia
El crédito mantiene su contracción y baja hasta los 1,44 billones, su nivel más bajo desde 2006
Í. de B. / Á. R. Madrid 18 FEB 2014 - 10:09 CET
Refinancing bank delinquencies rise to record 13.6%
Unpaid touch highs 197,000 million and the rate goes up to the higher rate of the entire series
The details of the financial year are to be used in stress tests
The credit contraction and remains low up to 1.44 billion, its lowest level since 2006
Í. B. / Á. R. Madrid 18 FEB 2014 - 10:09 CET
Delinquencies in the Spanish market increased in December to 13.6 % of their claims , which is a new record , according to data released Tuesday by the Bank of Spain . This percentage equates to a total of 197,000 million euros in loans that banks as irrecoverable or doubtful accounts while the money lent to businesses and families continues to decline and is at its lowest level since 2006 .
Current figures represent an increase of about 30,000 in delinquent million over 2013 , which is unmatched in the time series. According to experts, the key to this is the significant growth of the Bank of Spain regulations forcing banks to qualify as doubtful refinanced . Until September , the restructuring of the portfolio surfaced 21,000 million in bad loans. Some experts suggest that in the full year have been raised to 25,000 million for this cause and 5,000 more directly by the outstanding claim .
moreThe supervisor delinquency emerges 21,000 million hidden in refinancingThe bank recapitalization " incomplete " , warns OECDDelinquencies suffers the greatest year rise in SeptemberEditorial : Crucial Test
According Iñigo Vega, banking analyst at British firm Nau Securities, " the truth is that much of what was refinanced on bank balance sheets is now delinquent. Maybe some is subjective (ie , that has not defaults, but as delinquent . " in his view ," many institutions have you taken these rankings at the end of the year. "
According to Joaquin Maudos , Professor of Economics Univiersidad Valencia , besides refinancing , these figures " include the effect of weak growth , because even if the GDP increases and there is always a lag between economic growth and bank default . Moreover, with a persistence of the unemployment rate around 26 % so long, and that increase the number of people who cease to receive unemployment benefits , it is logical that the arrears continue to rise . 'll have to wait destination have credit data to see if the mortgage arrears is rising. "
Maudos notes that " outside the book dwells , the actual default is higher if we incorporate the award , which are properties that banks have on their balance sheets and are the flip side of the coin of delinquency ." "In that case, the default rate is around 18% ," he says . In addition , there are the assets transferred to the bad bank system , some 50,000 million from estate assets and loans . With this figure would rise to 250,000 unpaid million.
European review
The figures for the end of 2013 are those used in the European test that should serve to dispel doubts about the sector. The results of these stress tests, however, will not be announced until later this 2014.
Compared with November , the delinquency rate has increased more than five-tenths (0.53 percentage points) , representing the largest monthly jump in the six years since the onset of the crisis. According to statistics from the Bank of Spain , to find a stronger progress in one month must go back to the 1993 crisis . In credit , total borrowed money falls in about 24,000 million euros to 1.44 billion , which is its lowest level throughout the crisis .
Moreover, in provisions , banks have ended the year with less allocations to address delinquency . According to the Bank of Spain , the funds to cover the value adjustments for impairment of loans ended 2013 on 113 613 000 , below 123 628 000 December 2012 .
"They're recognizing reality "
Economy Minister Luis de Guindos , has attributed the increase in default to the credit crunch as banks are "recognizing reality." Sometimes the official rates in the past did not recognize the reality , "he argued before showing his confidence that he will moderate in the coming months .
According Guindos has argued , there is now a "much more transparent system ," the Bank of Spain has established " strict " criteria for refinancing and banks have " thousands of other provisions, the result is that " the reality is going to surface " has held the minister.
"It's an expected data. Think we're near the end of these increases ," said on the same line the governor of the Bank of Spain , Luis Maria Linde. Thus , stressed that although the default rate may continue to rise , the pace of growth is slowing "clearly" .
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