スペインのカタルーニャ自治州では、2008年ー2013年の間に、441'441件の雇用契約変更?(解雇)申請;ERE(los Expedientes de Regulacion del Empleo)があり、うち 65%の287'597人は工業部門。うち工業部門の解雇は全体の48%の37'000人。83%は一時解雇(停職?)、労働日数の削減、賃金の削減、17%は解雇
La industria concentró el 65% de los ERE y el 48% de los despidos durante la crisis
Un estudio de CC OO muestra que los despidos individuales aumentaron un 14% el año pasado
Los ceses colectivos descendieron un 14% tras el primer año de aplicación de la reforma laboral
10 comarcas concentran el 85% de los expedientes presentados entre 2008 y 2013
Clara Blanchar Barcelona 27 FEB 2014 - 17:26 CET
The industry accounted for 65% of the ERE and 48% of the layoffs during the crisis
A study shows that CC OO individual dismissals increased 14% last year
Collective dismissals fell 14% after the first year of implementation of the labor reform
10 counties account for 85% of the dossiers submitted between 2008 and 2013
Clara Blanchar Barcelona 27 FEB 2014 - 17:26 CET
The ERES Employment ( ERE ) , both as temporary extinction have been specially fattened with industry during the crisis. 4441.441 of the people affected by records between 2008 and 2013 , 65% ( 287,597 ) belong to the sector, as revealed by the study of the crisis impacts in Catalonia by Counties (2008-2013 ) presented Thursday by the union CCOO . As a result of these cases , were sacked a total of 37,000 persons (48 % of total ERE layoffs during the crisis). ERE the total , 83% were temporarily suspended or reduced hours and wages, and 17% of contract terminations .
The report analyzes the impact of labor adjustments counties and notes as the bulk of cases occurred precisely in areas with higher industrial weight. Are Barcelona and its area of influence : the Baix Llobregat , the two Vallès , Bages and Osona , counties that recorded over 500 ERE . Of the total of 44 Catalan counties , just 10 accounted for 80 % of cases , and of these four accounted for 58 % : the Barcelonà , Vallès Occidental , Baix Llobregat and Vallès Oriental .
If ERE referred to total companies in each area, the incidence points 10 counties where records submitted between 5 % and 10 % of firms in the region : are Berguedà, Osona , Bages, Vallès Occidental , Alt Penedès, alt Camp, Conca de Barbera , Pla d' Urgell , Baix Ebre and Montsiā .
The same study reveals that during the crisis collective redundancies soared to assume 31% of the total in 2012 after the passage of the Education Reform , in 2013 fell to 17% , while individual dismissals rose to assume 83% of total.
The secretary of union policy , José Cachinero has linked the rise of individual dismissals " labor reform and ease giving both to relax the conditions to fire " and also with the reality of Catalan industry , formed a 90 % of small and medium enterprises " few workers without union representation ." " These data demonstrate that recovery by many pointing the macro numbers, the Catalan industry is laying off ," added the study coordinator , Salvador Clarós , who emphasized the need to " revive the industrial sector out of the crisis, both if by way of export and domestic demand . "
During the years of the crisis , the number of redundancy presented in Catalonia shot of 861 in 2008 to 6,185 in 2012 (the year most recorded ) or the 3,654 of 2013. Affected workers, 30,223 passed in 2008 to a high of 87,937 in 2012 ( 60,401 last year) .
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