“La cooperativa es la herramienta jurídica para el ejercicio de la prostitución”
Las trabajadoras sexuales de Barcelona escuchan distintas experiencias para encontrar la manera de regularizarse
El cooperativismo abre la puerta a la regulación de las prostitutas
Jordi Mumbrú Escofet Barcelona 21 FEB 2014 - 08:56 CET
"The cooperative is a legal tool for prostitution"
Sex workers of Barcelona hear different experiences to find a way to regularize
The cooperative opens the door to regulation of prostitutes
Jordi Barcelona Mumbrú Escofet 21 FEB 2014 - 08:56 CET
Prostitutes in Barcelona yesterday received aid in your quest to find a way to rectify the situation . The Genera association that defends the rights of sex workers , organized yesterday afternoon a talk at the Social Centre The Negreta the Gothic Quarter , in the presence of Judge Gloria Poyatos , author of Prostitution as self-employment. On the table was also Cristina Garaizabal , the hetaria association, Jaume Bonet , representing Sealer , the first cooperative of prostitutes created in Spain .
The room was full of sex workers and advocacy groups for the rights of this group , which besides not being regularized is a victim of "social hypocrisy " and " stigma " in the words of Poyatos judge , who was born in Girona and works in Lanzarote. His speech was widely applauded. Achieved in 2011 poyatos prostitute registering as social security , yes, free-lance , according to Spanish law because prostitution is not illegal , but their exploitation. As acknowledged yesterday that his intention was to reject its purpose, to denounce him as a lawyer ( at that time still was not Judge ) , defend itself and create jurisprudence. But the officials who accepted his request was found . " The door was shut , but not locked ," explained yesterday Poyatos a devoted audience .
His discovery helped a group of prostitutes from Ibiza to pull the thread to open another door, the cooperative : "We can access the system ," he said yesterday Poyatos and continued : " The cooperative is a legal tool for prostitution " . Jaume Bonet, of Sealer , said that " there is always a way" to find the solution and was satisfied that in Ibiza and has taken a first step .
For months the prostitutes in Barcelona seeking an outlet for their lack of regularization . "In Barcelona created a union and have tried other forms of organization , whether formal or not ," said Clarisa Velocci of Genera. "We have to solve problems together, because a collective space will help break the stigma." As proposed to study, Velocci , explained that "it is not copying the idea of Ibiza " and out of Barcelona may be " a cooperative work level , service spaces or for prostitution ."
Many of the sex workers were attending public Raval and work in the downtown Robadors street. Are organized for months and have even organized some demonstrations and you have met with the mayor.
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