スペインの不良債権(貸し倒れ)で破綻した、BFA(Banco Financiero y de Ahorros) は経営を健全化?
BFA sanea todo su crédito promotor tras batir récords de morosidad con un 95%
La matriz de Bankia realiza coberturas del 93% por el suelo que mantiene
Miguel Jiménez Madrid 25 FEB 2014 - 09:54 CET
BFA sanitation promoter after all your credit delinquency break records with 95%
Bankia matrix hedges 93% for maintaining the floor
Miguel Jiménez Madrid 25 FEB 2014 - 9:54 CET
When the former chairman of Bankia, Rodrigo Rato , decided to make the bank bag , chose to leave in the matrix, Banco Financiero y de Ahorros (BFA ) most problematic group assets . Although BFA transferred to the bad bank , the SAREB , most of its portfolio of real estate assets and loans to developers , which retained not meet the conditions for the transfer . In that portfolio, it does not affect Bankia , BFA is breaking records of delinquency as recorded in the National Securities Market Commission annual accounts. The entity devoted extraordinary to completely clean up these toxic assets gains .
According to their accounts , BFA had 292.7 million euros in loans to developers , of which 276.7 million ( 94.6 % ) were classified as doubtful and 14.9 million ( 5.1% ) as substandard in high risk of default. Only 1.06 million euros were as healthy credit. Not to mention the 515 million written off as bad debts (603 million in 2012 ) . Yes, BFA has used the gains achieved during the year to provision 100% these toxic assets.
moreBankia is rolled three loan portfolios by 713 millionBankia require a minimum of 500 shares to attend its boardThe organization saves 5,250 million in capital assets for tax
The bank has also provisioned to fund its portfolio of properties , with coverage reaching 93 % for soil and reduce the net balance of just 78.5 million euros.
As for the mortgage portfolio, despite the transfer of large delinquent mortgages bad bank , bad loans for house purchase are 1.25 million , 25.3 % of the total 4.94 million portfolio .
In its entire portfolio, credit and BFA is only 84.96 million euros net of hedges .
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