Uno de cada tres españoles admite haber sido infiel
Por: Anne Cé| 27 de febrero de 2014
Imagen que forma parte de la muestra 'Videocolección erótica privada del rey Alfonso XIII' en el Museu de l'erótica de Barcelona
Image is part of the 'erotic private Videocolección King Alfonso XIII' shown at the Museu de l'erotic Barcelona
Das Bild ist Teil der "private erotische Videocolección König Alfonso XIII" im Museu de l'erotische Barcelona gezeigt
One in three Spaniards admits being unfaithful
By: Anne Ce | February 27, 2014.
One of every three Spaniards ever been unfaithful ? I do not know if you needed statistics findings . But in case, the so-called ' Observatory infidelity ' European Institute FIFG has published the results of a study for men and women confess their adventures in the interests of the national count .
Promoted by a website extramarital encounters ( " thinking women " ) , Gleeden.com , the study has been released today , aims , according to its promoters , revealing trends and evolution of infidelity in Europe.
Or in Spain is very well kept up appearances or Spanish are the "saints" and are at the bottom of Europe as far as adultery is concerned.
Of the countries in which the query was made , Germany and Italy are the infidels , both with 45 percent of the population admits extramarital lapses. Spain is in last place in the standings, with 39 percent , ahead only of the UK.
Is that because the specialists say , romance is in crisis with desire?
Image is part of the exhibition ' private erotic Videocolección King Alfonso XIII' in the Museu de l' erotic Barcelona .
" Desire is an expression of our individuality, our choice , our preferences, our identity has become the central object as part of modern love and individualistic societies ," writes Mireia Darder in his book for the Unborn pleasure.
Between having and wanting ....
According to the survey with which we opened this post , Spain is the latest also in terms of equality between men and women, or of the most applied in ' politically correct ' answers : one in four women ( 28 percent ) admit to having been ever unfaithful , while men almost double this figure , with 50 percent who confesses to having been an adulterer . This large gap of 22 points , is second only to France, with a difference of 23 points (55 percent for men and 32 percent for women) .
Study by IFOP 7 to 9 January 2014 on a sample of 4,879 people over 18 years of Spain , France, Italy, Belgium , Germany and the UK.
Another unusual findings Gleeden Observatory is that guilt after infidelity is not the norm but the exception. Only one in three people who have had other relationships ( 36 percent) feel remorse afterwards.
Its promoters say that the survey also shows that love is not incompatible with infidelity , as two of three Spaniards believe that the couple may want to even having an affair. And here is where the interpretations turn opens and for this nothing better to dip a specialist as Mireira Darder , the Unborn interesting book for pleasure just published . One of the sections of this essay psychologist , co-founder of the Gestalt Institute of Barcelona, speaks precisely of " the difficulty of maintaining a family model ."
" To ensure the maintenance of possessions (property and children) , patriarchy has chosen as a model marriage ( ... ) This model is showing an increasingly large cracks. Asked what the couple ? How can we keep passion over the years as our ideal is and why good sex vanishes even in couples who continue to love each other as much as ever? and why does not guarantee a good good sex identity ? " Mireia wonders .
" Romanticism has entered a crisis of desire ," says the specialist.
" What holds the desire and why it is so difficult to maintain ? -Continued- Because at the heart of sustained desire there is to know reconcile two fundamental human needs . Humans so desire certainty, predictability , dependency, confidentiality and retention - ie everything that anchor us home -like thirst for adventure , novelty , mystery, danger , danger , the unknown (...) And that is something that can hardly ensure the same person at the same time. "
" In love there is a verb and have the desire to want in love long for the gap between self and other is minimal , we want closeness and neutralize tensions , whereas we tend not to desire to visit again. . what we have already visited , predictability does not hold our interest. want to pass the red zone. desire needs space and does not get along with the ' care ' , "muses Darder online therapist Esther Perel with . Remember that we have brought another chance Perel here , wondering if you really believe that an affair is a sign that things go wrong in the couple.
Picture of María Fernanda Guerrero. In his series ' fury intimate ' .
" Love brings selflessness , while the desire requires a certain amount of selfishness in the sense to stay connected with one's self in the presence of another " emphasizes Darder , who recommended to the couple what she practice : negotiating the framework of the possible relationship, " without loyalty pacts ."
But this confession be the subject of another entry , in dialogue with the Darder own .
Health and less guilt !
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