欧州投資銀行の頭取のWerner Hoyerは、スペイン企業のSacyr会社とイタリア企業のImpreglio会社に代表される運河企業合同体;GUPC(el Grupo Unidos por el Canal)とパナマ運河庁;APC(la Autoridad del Canal de Panama)の資金難の契約違反の50%の入札価格の追加工事資金の要求の交渉を続行するように要求し、至急工事を再開するように。
El BEI insta a la ACP y a Sacyr a encontrar una solución para reanudar obras
EFE Economía Bruselas 19 FEB 2014 - 14:34 CET
The EIB and ACP urges the Sacyr to find a solution to resume work
Economy Brussels EFE 19 FEB 2014 - 14:34 CET
The President of the European Investment Bank ( EIB) , Werner Hoyer, today urged the Grupo Unidos por el Canal ( GUPC ), led by the Spanish Sacyr and Impregilo Italian , and the Panama Canal Authority (ACP ) , to seek a agreement to resume the main project to widen the road.
" It is vital that this project is finished and I urge all the partners involved in this legal process to try to find a solution within the contracts ," said the German at the press conference of presentation of the annual report of the institution .
"All contracts contain mechanisms for dispute resolution and hope that they are applied successfully ," he added .
Hoyer recently visited with other representatives of the five multilateral funding agencies of the Panama Canal expansion project works third set of locks, suspended by decision of contractor claims lack of funds.
The ACP in 2008 signed loan agreements for the financing of the Expansion Program with those entities to 2,300 million dollars , which the EIB provides 500 million.
It is one of the biggest projects in which the bank participates in Luxembourg .
"Our partner is the ACP and they have not breached the contract in any way to the bank," Hoyer said , so that the loan is not affected .
In this regard, he recalled that the problem , which he described as "great" , they have each other as the Authority and the consortium led by Sacyr and Impregilo .
" Not for us to decide ( the dispute ) is justified or not ," the President of the EIB , said that while the European Union (EU ) has " enormous strategic importance of the project comes to fruition ."
This is because the expansion of this pathway has an impact in terms of logistics for Europe and for North and South America and to the connection between Asia and Europe and Asia and the U.S. West Coast can not be underestimated Hoyer said .
EIB President also said he has not seen any request for more funding.
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