La fiscalía abre diligencias por los sobrecostes en los túneles de Pajares
El tramo del AVE a Asturias costará al menos 3.550 millones frente a los 1.000 previstos en 2003
Manos Limpias denunció a cuatro ministros de Fomento por "desprecio al interés público"
El gran túnel de Pajares naufraga (08-06-2013)
GRÁFICO Los túneles ferroviarios de Pajares
Rafael Méndez Madrid 24 FEB 2014 - 21:52 CET
The prosecution opened proceedings by cost overruns in the Pajares tunnels
The stretch of the AVE to Asturias cost at least 3,550 million compared to 1,000 expected in 2003
Clean Hands four ministers denounced Development for "contempt for the public interest"
Great Pajares tunnel sinks (08-06-2013)
GRAPHIC Los Pajares railway tunnels
Rafael Mendez Madrid 24 FEB 2014 - 21:52 CET
The prosecution of Astoria has opened investigative for increased costs in Pajares , tunnels AVE Asturias in the Cantabrian Mountains whose work began a decade ago and that cost at least 3,550 million against 1,000 originally planned . It makes following a complaint of pseudosindicato Clean Hands , which has accused ministers of Public Works since 2003 by "neglect their public responsibilities , lack of rigor in their decisions and disregard the public interest."
The Pajares is the biggest problem of the Spanish engineering. The two tunnels 50 kilometers to the saving of the Cantabrian Mountains AVE were announced in 2003 with an investment of 1,085 million euros.
According to sources who worked on the site, the tunnels are pierced with little previous hydrogeological studies and poor construction technique . The result is that 21 punctured dried aquifers and springs and rivers in the Leonese slope. This generated considerable infiltration of water through the tunnels , a rate that fails to control ADIF and involve a hidden transfer from Pajares Leon .
Workers have leaked videos and photos of infiltrations and tell how no one stopped the work although infiltration peered soon. A TBM " proceeded apace when the November 24, 2005 about 6:00 there was a sudden inrush of water and mud down the front of the excavation followed by two , 16 and 19 January 2006 . It was the first of a series of incidents that occurred with the water since then on all fronts digging "according to a later report by ADIF . Despite the water, the tunnels were drilled in record time and were in the water since 2009 , are still scheduled opening date .
Development admitted in a parliamentary answer in January that the work has a proposed budget of 3,550 million of which have already been implemented 2943000 . The builder of the Panama Canal group figure the extra cost of the work in about 1,200 million euros, well below the 2,500 expected lag in Pajares from the initial to the current budget.
Ministers from which work have been Francisco Álvarez Cascos (PP ), Magdalena Álvarez (PSOE ), Jose Blanco ( PSOE) and Ana Pastor ( PP). Clean Hands states that have acted with " inaccuracies, lack of planning , lack of technical rigor , seeking revenues hasty political decisions to the detriment of the public interest."
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