CC OO responde al Banco de España que la devaluación salarial arrancó en 2009
El Gobierno defiende que la moderación de sueldos son parte esencial de la recuperación
Crece la devaluación salarial encubierta
El País Madrid 27 FEB 2014 - 16:15 CET
CC OO responds to the Bank of Spain that wage devaluation began in 2009
The Government argues that wage moderation are essential part of recovery
Growing wage covert devaluation
The Country Madrid 27 FEB 2014 - 16:15 CET
The report from the Bank of Spain on salaries, the crisis has led to unions and the government to report on the one hand , the wage devaluation started earlier than advertised while from the Executive , they refer to the statistics of INE and encourage continue to wage moderation.
For CC OO , wage devaluation began in 2009 , one year earlier than estimated by the Bank of Spain , and the pay cut is more pronounced than what the INE , as he holds the supervisor referring to the impact of the crisis in poorly paid employment .
The union explained in a statement that in 2009 were dismissed 900,000 temporary workers earning on average 45 % less than permanent workers , "which shot upward wage averages by a mathematical effect , giving the impression that payroll wages rose much , when in fact suffered a sharp moderation. "
Given the importance of the composition of employment deduct stats effect for a fair view of the evolution of wages in payroll, CC OO submitted a proposal to the Higher Statistical Council last June 14 to build a new indicator that considers "pure " wage payroll , from wage data from the Tax Office. variation
On the analysis published by the Bank of Spain in its latest economic bulletin, CCOO believes that " suffers from some deficiencies that may be remedied in future editions ." " First, analyzes the evolution of the base, and not expressed in daily terms , even though wages and days listed are available in the database that uses the Continuous Sample of Working Lives ( MCVL ) " , who is using the facility.
The union has also submitted a report by José Manuel Lago Peñas which claims that " the reform of 2012 has exacerbated the effects on output and employment have extreme austerity strategy , hard fiscal adjustment and reforms antisocial started from May 2010. " In fact , note that the eight quarters since it took effect "are the worst in recent history " , in addition to inflicting a blow to the quality of employment . In this period , realized, have been destroyed 1.35 million jobs.
The Ministry of Employment, the head of the department defended instead that " wage moderation has been the main character has been maintained employment and competitiveness that we won ." In any case, Fatima Banez has said that the restraint was " circumstantial " and that, insofar as the economy improves and business situation , wages must grow because " Spain can not compete on low wages ," but you should do it in " talent and human capital ," he argued.
Finally , for the Ministry of Economy, "the data - INE on wage moderation are what they are." Beyond the statistics, as has defended the secretary of state, Fernando Jiménez Latorre , wage moderation is an "important " element to consolidate recovery and competitiveness gains achieved. This, he added, is " corresponding " to the current economic context.
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