スペインのモロッコとの国境の街のCeuta, Melillaなどを目指し、西アフリカ人やシリア人が、モロッコ側からスペインに密入国しようと、不法移民のヨーロッパへのルートに。
Marruecos se ha convertido en el paso a España para subsaharianos y sirios
Los que huyen del régimen de Al Assad atraviesan por varios países para llegar a Europa
Marina Gómez Robledo Ramos Madrid 14 FEB 2014 - 23:10 CET
La verja del espigón que separa Ceuta de Marruecos. / Julián Rojas
The gate to the jetty that separates Ceuta in Morocco. / Julian Rojas
モロッコでセウタを分離桟橋へのゲート。 /ジュリアン·ロハス
La porte de la jetée qui sépare Ceuta au Maroc. / Julian Rojas
Morocco has become the way to Spain to SSA and Syrian
Those fleeing the regime of Assad go through several countries to reach Europe
Marina Ramos Gómez Robledo Madrid 14 FEB 2014 - 23:10 CET
The border crossing between Morocco and Spain that many sub-Saharan crossing dream to leave behind poverty and seek a future in Europe, has also become a way for the Syrians. There are 3,957 miles between Morocco and Syria , however , reach the African country means getting your life expectancy . For a supposed escape poverty . For others, escape the war that harasses his country for more than two years ago and has claimed the lives of over 100,000 people .
On 9 February, a group of more than 300 sub-Saharan migrants tried to enter Ceuta through Tarajal beach , which killed at least 14 . On the 13th of that month, dozens of Syrian origin immigrants tried to enter through the Melilla border crossing Beni Enzar . Forces and State Security were forced to close the gate for a little over two hours after the Moroccan authorities warned the Spanish in the presence of a large group that showed a determination to cross into Spain . Since the government institution has not clarified the origin or nationality of these people , of which Morocco took over , as reported by Irene Flores communication department of the Government of Melilla.
moreMelilla border post closes an intrusion attempt by a SyrianSix million Syrians have fled their homes by warSPECIAL Syrian WarThe Civil Guard estimates that 14 immigrants have died in the breakwater of Ceuta
In both situations, people seek the various mafias that offer them out of their countries in exchange for money . For the Syrians, if they choose to leave their fate in the hands of a mob - the other options are counterfeit papers or escape by sea , must pay about 15,000 euros , she says Shivan Khalil , a Syrian of 34 who arrived in Spain on January 23, 2013 . He came to the Iberian peninsula from Morocco but from Ecuador , through Turkey , Brazil and Colombia . But the beginning of his story is much like the rest of those who choose this path, " but get to Morocco is much cheaper ," says this degree in archeology from the University of Damascus.
In most cases, the journey starts in Turkey , Lebanon and Jordan. Hence travel to Egypt and bus cross the African continent to Algeria , where access without visa account Yasser Z., living in Spain for 10 years and keeps in its memory the testimony of his countrymen. The Government of Algeria to the regime of Bashar Al Assad , says Amer Hij , president of the Association of Support to Syrian people , so get with hostility to refugees. "I've heard several testimonies of Syrians who have been hit by the Algerian police ," says Amer, and says that almost always lead to the border with Morocco. And arrive at the same place where dozens of sub-Saharan live in the mountains waiting for the right time to jump the fence or cross the Mediterranean moment .
Already in the border crossing, the mafias are again protagonists. Some are more expensive and cheaper . The first charge of 1,500 to 2,000 euros per person. Almost always the mobsters are also drug dealers, " can take you to 200 kilometers per hour ," says Yasser Z. One method to cross is hiding inside a vehicle. This has got to enter Ceuta a Syrian marriage last Wednesday , as reported by Efe . Those who can not pay this amount , they face the difficult choices in sub-Saharan trying countless times and for many years.
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