パナマ運河庁( ACP:la Autoridad del Canal de Panama )の社長、ホルヘ=キハノJorge=Quijanoは、スペイン企業のSacyrを中心とする運河企業共同体 GUPC(al Grupo Unidos por el Canal)が、2015年終了予定で、65%が施行された運河拡張工事の16'000'000'000$の工事費用増額を拒否して、交渉決裂(契約違反)
Sacyr anuncia la ruptura de las negociaciones con el Canal de Panamá
El consorcio advierte de que las obras de ampliación de la vía están en "riesgo inminente"
Exige el pago inmediato de 50 millones de dólares para pagar las nónimas de la semana
Las acciones de la española caen con fuerza al inicio de la sesión del miércoles
DESCARGABLE Comunicado de GUPC sobre el final de las negociaciones
In English: Sacyr accuses Panama Canal officials of “breaking off” talks
José Meléndez / El País San José / Madrid 5 FEB 2014 - 14:33 CET
Sacyr announced the breakdown of negotiations with Panama Canal
The consortium warns that the expansion works of the road are in "imminent danger"
Demand immediate payment of $ 50 million to pay nónimas week
Shares in Spanish fall hard at the start of Wednesday's session
DOWNLOADABLE GUPC Press on final negotiations
In Inglés: Panama Canal OFFICIALS Sacyr accuses of "breaking off" talks
Jose Melendez / The San Jose Country / Madrid 5 FEB 2014 - 14:33 CET
Following the conclusion of the period without agreement the parties had been taken to resolve the conflict over the expansion of the Panama Canal , the consortium Grupo Unidos por el Canal ( GUPC ) has accused the Panama Canal Authority to break off negotiations , it leaving the project in " imminent danger " to end paralyzed , reports Sacyr in a statement. Despite the harsh tone of the document, the leader of the consortium in charge of the work by the Salini - Impregilo Italian , Spanish construction ensures that it will continue negotiating to reach an agreement on the funding to complete the project . The lack of agreement has led to a sharp drop in bag Sacyr , which the company led by Manuel Manrique rinsed all rise the day before.
The deadline was at midnight of Panama ( Spanish 0600 GMT) and about three hours later, Sacyr has submitted a statement to the Spanish securities regulator in which he explained that " still looking for a financing solution to complete the project in 2015 and works despite the Panama Canal Authority (ACP ) broke off negotiations . "
moreWhen the extra part of the planThe insurer Zurich rejects the plan b for Panama CanalNews: The heart of PanamaThe Panama Canal is played between three and five years late
The text sent to the CNMV , construction require the ACP that " unjustifiably abandon its rigid position " and will demand payment of $ 50 million ( $ 37 million ) " for an outstanding bill [ ... ] to pay the subcontractors and workers and thus cover payroll this week. " The group led by Sacyr reiterates that " the breakdown of negotiations puts the Canal expansion and up to 10,000 jobs in imminent danger ." " Without immediate solution , Panama and ACP will face years of disputes before national and international courts on the steps that have led the project to the brink of failure ," warn before threatening that if there is still no agreement, " the broad benefits economic expansion of the Canal will not be available for the Panamanian people for years. "
The e- indirect - direct negotiations were held during the last weekend . It is the third time that the Panama Canal Authority and the business consortium within given for agreement and fail to get it .
On Monday afternoon, Panamanian President Ricardo Martinelli , said in press statements that the parties " are really close to reaching a successful conclusion or happy ending " in their conversations. His words served to further 6% Sacyr value traded, while Wednesday has followed the opposite path and have actually lost 8%. At the end ( CET Spanish ) have moderate decline to 6.86 %.
Source of conflict
The crisis erupted on January 1 , when the group warned the ACP that from January 20 , paralyzed the construction of the new locks if you do not pay $ 1,600 million (1,200 million euros). These funds will cover additional costs and cost overruns , according to reiterate the construction , due to " unforeseen geological conditions ," which has been forced to use "lots of additional resources." Moreover, they argue that the funds needed are " such that any contractor or private company can bear itself " and claim that "to date , ACP has made no payment for unforeseen circumstances that have affected the project" .
" The companies are GUPC construction companies, not banks. 's Unfair and impossible for the ACP and Panama expect private companies to finance themselves 1,600 million of costs on a project that should be funded entirely by ACP , "said Sacyr before defending " the applicable Panamanian law stresses that there must be a balance and a reasonable balance in the contract. "
" The companies are GUPC construction companies, not banks ," says Sacyr
So far, however, the canal authorities have rejected the request , arguing that all construction must be channeled under the terms of the bilateral agreement signed in 2009 . But this is another point of friction between the parties. For builders, get a " balanced and negotiated settlement in good faith" to the financial problem is "independent of the resolution of ongoing disputes " on Board Conflict of Panama . According added , with an agreement to ALIVAR load of 1,600 million dollars could " give time " to the process of international arbitration to be the ones who establish " the ultimate responsibility for the additional costs provided under the contract and applicable law " .
Financing proposal
In this sense, the basis of the discussions of the proposal by the insurer Zurich which advocates that the parties share extra financial burden at 50%. Sacyr and Impregilo - Salini explain that, in its offer , the group is committed to contribute $ 100 million ( 73 million euros) of new funding , which would add to the 300 million already provided . The proposal includes a 400 million ( about 295 million) would come from the conversion of the bond project on a loan. In exchange for these funds , construction achieved a moratorium to return the 785 million who have already received an advance .
" In other words, most of the contribution of the ACP is by extending the deadline for the return of already developed and funds are fully Asegur ed , GUPC to be able to put more funds into the project now ," says the statement.
The group won the bid in 2009 to build the new locks on the Pacific and Atlantic coasts, with an offer of 3,118 million. That same year , the consortium began with the work scheduled to conclude in 2014 , but a series of delays recorded in 2012 was forced to move the completion of the work to 2015. So far, the locks have a rise of 70 % UPC "despite the difficulties and financial losses ," recalled Wednesday Sacyr in the note sent to the CNMV.
Failure will leave " a shadow over the Canal in the books"
Companies that make hard GUPC conclude their statement after the breakdown of negotiations with an enumeration of the severe consequences of failure to agree . First, builders warn of " immediate risk of job loss affecting 10,000 workers and their families" and move they can not afford right now to "numerous subcontractors of Panama and other countries."
In addition , ensure that " delays in the completion of the work [ ... ] and the delay in carrying out billions of dollars in revenue and economic growth opportunities that the expansion will be generated Panama ." So , remember that Zurich insurance has estimated that the project will be delayed between 3-5 years if there is no agreement , a time in which the " litigation and arbitration in jurisdictions around the world will leave a shadow on continuous ACP and the Panama Canal in history books . "
In the same vein , companies conclude their statement saying that " when leaders from throughout the Western Hemisphere meet in Panama for the historic Summit of the Americas ( 2015 ) , instead of celebrating the vital role of Panama in world trade , will be regretting that ACP and Panama have left the talks rather than agree on a solution that could consolidate the historic site of Panama in the world. "
ホセメレンデス/サンノゼ国/マドリッド5 FEB 2014 - 14時33分CET
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