La devaluación salarial hace horas extraordinarias
Las horas extras no cobradas crecieron un 28,5% en 2013
El aumento del trabajo no remunerado se duplicó en los contratados tiempo parcial
GRÁFICO El trabajo más allá de la jornada laboral
Manuel V. Gómez Madrid 8 FEB 2014 - 00:29 CET
The overtime wage devaluation ago
Overtime uncollected grew 28.5% in 2013
The increase of unpaid doubled in the contracted part time
GRAPHIC work beyond working hours
Manuel V. Gomez Madrid 8 FEB 2014 - 00:29 CET
The wage devaluation has several faces . Seen in the monthly payroll who earn less now than a few months or years. I noticed those with the frozen salary or have seen it grow unless prices for years. And so the suffering they have to work more hours earning the same . In the last quarter of 2013 , overtime uncollected grew 28.6%. Among all employed worked an average week of 3.38 million hours of unpaid time off , according to the National Statistics Institute , a figure not seen since the summer of 2008 , near the beginning of a crisis that will track to meet seven years.
Reducing wages in this way is not new. Unpaid overtime are growing since the end of 2012 , but so far had not grown to 28.5 %. For the paid will rebound had to wait until the spring of last year. And until the last quarter of 2013 , have not grown all aggregate form only 0.25 %.
"This is a further drop in wages," starts José Ignacio Conde- Ruiz , deputy Fedea , " if you have the same salary , but you work more hours , wanting less." The same defends his namesake, José Ignacio Pérez Infante , labor economists expert front Crisis: "It's another form of wage devaluation " ditch .
The increase in working time usually anticipate job creation
Among the stakes of labor reform , tomorrow will be two years old, was the salary reduction - internal - call for flexibility contain job destruction . So is the work part , increasingly extended time . Precisely what he did to propel the reform was to facilitate overtime in this type of contract , which the Executive again made last December.
And that's just among those working part-time from which have grown more unpaid overtime : 104% in two years, although its weight is still low in the set ( 6.6% ), according to microdata the Labour Force Survey ( LFS).
The unpaid overtime among part-time workers are a form of insecurity. The employer reports and pays only 15 hours but the employee works 20 or 25 ... "says the researcher Nuria Rodriguez -Planas , Institute for Labour Studies, Bonn (Germany ) . "For full-time workers , the issue is more complicated ," he says , noting that depends on the agreement of contract and responsibility .
The monthly impact amounts to 23.4 euros per worker
Following this discussion , an increase in unpaid hours in almost all sectors , except between leaders and managers is appreciated. Significantly increased between scientists and the community that takes almost a third of the total. However, it is also important to increase from less skilled occupations , in which an increase in unpaid hours yes that could be described as "a form of wage devaluation" , for this research , "unless given worker productivity , this had too high " wage, which for her would be an adjustment.
"It's a sign of devaluation. It is within the usual pattern , "says Carlos Martin, CC OO economist and expert on the EPA , which also qualifies wisely : " The survey does not ask for compensation for unpaid overtime . " Martin recalls that , in theory, if not paid , the company must compensate that extra hour otherwise.
Also reluctant to how the question is formulated in the EPA Pérez Infante , who , nevertheless , maintains its initial conclusion: "We are facing a form of wage devaluation."
And how much could upgrade the devaluation ? If one looks at the labor cost 20 euros per hour which includes the latest INE survey on wages , the monthly impact would be around 23.4 euros per full-time worker and 10 euros if part-time. Although obviously these numbers are averages hide a desigual.El impact and growth of unpaid overtime adds to the temporality and the rise of part- time and underpins the increased job insecurity or, which is the same , reducing the price of labor . This development is supporting the thesis that , this time , the Spanish economy will create less employment growth than it has done so far , around 2 %.
In fact , increased overtime is another data leads experts to believe that job creation is just around the corner. Theory says that when crises begin , the first thing that falls are the hours worked , and that when the recovery comes, also the first hours are growing , not contracting.
Indicates Pérez Infante companies during the lean years have reduced their workforces (in the Spanish case are destroying jobs six years ) and any increase in production you do is squeeze their workers . Uncertainty leads employers to squeeze the maximum production capacity of its staff before launching to hire, even temporarily.
Matches at this point another economist , Conde- Ruiz , deputy director of the Foundation for Applied Economics Studies ( Fedea ), which adds data to a pessimistic hypothesis: " Given the availability of precarious jobs that exist in Spain - part -time, temporary , for hours , days, fellows , it may be that companies precaricen more jobs to lower costs and survive. "
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