スペイン財務省は、パナマ運河庁と運河企業合同体の運河拡張工事の1'600'000'000$の工事費用増額の交渉決裂で、2009年にスペイン輸出融資保証会社 CESCE(la Companyaia Espanyola de Seguros de Credito a la Exportacion)がSacyrなどに融資と保証した1'600'000'000ユーロの費用負担のスペイン政府の財政への影響を最小に評価
El Gobierno español busca minimizar el impacto de la crisis del Canal en el Tesoro
Guindos reconoce que la ruptura afecatará a los avales concedidos a Sacyr en 2009
La ministra de Fomento, Ana Pastor, afirma que “lo peor sería que la obra no continuara”
El vicepresidente de la CE, Antonio Tajani, pide a las partes que "reconsideren sus posiciones"
Sacyr anuncia la ruptura de las negociaciones con el Canal de Panamá
EFE Callosa de Segura / Bruselas 5 FEB 2014 - 14:38 CET
The Spanish government seeks to minimize the impact of the crisis in the Treasury Canal
Guindos afecatará recognizes that breaking the guarantees granted in 2009 to Sacyr
The Minister for Public Works, Ana Pastor said that "the worst that the work would not continue"
EC Vice President Antonio Tajani, calls on the parties to "reconsider their position"
Sacyr announced the breakdown of negotiations with Panama Canal
EFE Callosa de Segura / Brussels 5 FEB 2014 - 14:38 CET
The breakdown of negotiations between the consortium Grupo Unidos por el Canal ( GUPC ) and the Panama Canal Authority has already caused reactions in the Spanish and international politics. While the Minister of Development , Ana Pastor calls for " responsibility" to the parties on the Canal expansion , and warns that " the worst thing would not continue the work ," Minister of Economy and Competitiveness Luis de Guindos says that the Government will seek to minimize the impact of guarantees and securities that gave the Spanish Insurance Company Export Credit ( CESCE ) . Also from Brussels have reached the first statements : Vice President of the European Commission , Antonio Tajani , has called on the parties to " reconsider their positions."
Guindos, after highlighting once again the " great prestige " and " extremely competitive " nature of the sector , said that " if the break is confirmed [ ... ] , which will make the Spanish government is trying to minimize the impact of bonds and guarantees given from CESCE might have from the point of view of the Spanish Treasury . " The agency endorsed the builder amounting to 160 million euros in 2009 in a hedge which, incidentally , drew criticism from the Court of Auditors on formal grounds .
"I appeal once again to the liability of the parties because I think the worst would be that the work does not continue ," he reiterated his Pastor to answer reporters hand, after witnessing the end of the drilling of one of the train tunnels AVE between Alicante and Murcia. It has been argued that this conflict is not put into question the quality of the Spanish civil engineering, " which today remains untainted " , but rather " a financial problem you have to solve the parties."
The vice president of the European Commission, Antonio Tajani, after displaying his " surprise " , asked the parties to " reconsider their positions." " The news surprised me since yesterday morning, the President [ of Panama ] , Ricardo Martinelli , made an optimistic public statement stating that the parties were very close to an agreement ," he said in a statement.
Martinelli had been convinced , on Monday , that the parties were close to reaching " a happy ending " to the dispute that broke out the extra cost of 1,600 million in the redevelopment of the Canal. "I trust and hope that the parties reconsider their positions in the next few days, for the interruption of the works would be bad news for employment, for the world economy for their own redevelopment of the Canal and to the parties themselves ," he said Tajani. He said last night he talked with the Minister for Canal Affairs and Chairman of the Board of the Authority of the Panama Canal , Roberto Roy, but added that " the political relationship between the Commission and the Government of Panama has been correct but corresponds to the parties agree within the existing legal framework , "he added .
The community also responsible for Industry said " has closely followed " the evolution of the negotiations from the three European companies Sacyr - Impregilo and Jan de Nul - requested the European Commission to intervene in the conflict to try to facilitate the resolution the conflict.
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