パナマ運河庁;ACP(la Autoridad del Canal de Panama)は、パナマ運河拡張工事の資金難による契約違反の1´6000´000´000$の追加工事資金拒否による運河企業合同体;GUPC(el Grupo Unidos por el Canal)(スペイン企業のSacyr Vallehermoso会社とパナマ企業のCUSA(Costructora Urbana)イタリア企業のImpregilo会社など)の工事停止問題で、パナマ人は、困ったモンダ?!
El sol se clava en Panamá y provoca un ‘déja vu’ de espanto
La ampliación del Canal parece reducirse a un cálculo financiero. Las negociaciones para que las obras se culminen tienen algo de 'déjà vu' para un país con traumas imborrables
Si quieres que te busquen, escóndete, por Benjamín Prado
Con la música a otra parte, por Use Lahoz
El ecoturismo, por Jordi Soler
El monstruoso monumento del amor, por Jorge Carrión
Kéré, un arquitecto sin casa, por Anatxu Zabalbeascoa
La memoria de los mayores, por Berta Vias Mahou
Carlos Wynter Melo 11 FEB 2014 - 00:00 CET
The sun pierces Panama and causes a 'deja vu' of terror
Canal enlargement seems reduced to a financial calculation. Negotiations for the works culminate have some déjà vu for a country with indelible traumas
If you wish to seek, hide, Benjamin Prado
With the music elsewhere, for Use Lahoz
Ecotourism, by Jordi Soler
The monstrous monument of love, by Jorge Carrion
Kéré, an architect homeless by Anatxu Zabalbeascoa
The older daughter, Berta Vias by Mahou
Carlos Wynter Melo 11 FEB 2014 - 00:00 CET
The sun is stuck in Panama and a popular restaurant shakes like a pressure cooker . Employees of nearby businesses rush to lunch. A murmur runs through the dense corridors. Here is the tropics and the common people spilling feelings. No other topic of conversation : the redevelopment of the canal will stop. As if they could scream , newspapers desorbitan eyes of headlines : ULTIMATUM BY THE WORKS OF THE PANAMA CANAL .
" Spain wants to take a spoil , that is ," said a clerk dressed brunette forties . " And rib of Panamanians , how long? " Says another . "It's our money, that does not leave the pocket or Quijano Martinelli , no way, the debt will pay the grandchildren of our grandchildren are going to see," says someone else.
Three months before the presidential elections, the causes of the crisis are assumed. The Broad Front for Democracy ( FAD) , consisting of trade unionists and leftist activists , contract negotiation disputes and suggests that there was a settlement between the parties . The Grupo Unidos por el Canal ( GUPC ) , a consortium led by the Spanish Sacyr and wherein Urban Construction ( CUSA ) Panamanian involved , have agreed to lower their ridiculously proposal. The details of this agreement can imagine . Looks like a déjà vu . The scandal of the French Canal , interrupted by the collapse of his company , walks like a ghost in the XXI century.
Other people do not turn . The GUPC must comply with the terms of the contract and stop making excuses for more profit . Come Jorge Quijano, current administrator of the ACP ( Panama Canal Authority ) , as a patriot . Another female voice rises at the restaurant : "That Stamina Quijano, do not let yourself break , we are with him " .
The Panamanian nationalism is contradictory. We are the first devaluarnos , but if the criticism comes from the powerful ( if they are foreigners , worse ) , we squared up as boxers. No analysis is worth. This happened during the American occupation and centuries Vietnam veterans are now crossed by indelible traumas.
A fervent nationalist sent me an e- mail exemplary . The title was in capital letters : THE SPANISH AND PIRATES ACP . In it, a surprising power of synthesis , recalled the European conquest , the appropriation of American gold , and compared with the current situation. Many Spaniards think the same. A friend from Madrid native takes the side of Panama whenever you can . Considered to have been overwhelming how Spanish companies have turned over the country.
Like people, countries need to be alone sometimes . But Panama has never been able to withdraw into himself . Its geographical position called a tiring flow of people and goods. The simple people, those who can not hide his feelings , has seen Portobelo Fairs , French Canal, American occupation zones, aviation hubs , there is little you can do except stance as boxers and threatening with their fists.
At present, the Canal expansion seems to come down to a financial calculation . Calculators looking equalize the balance. The crisis must be resolved and the expansion work to be completed.
The bustle of the restaurant gradually calm. The sun bends and longer incisor. Murmurs are off and each person focuses on their daily and urgent needs . The dishes are emptied . The restaurant just staying alone .
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