
スペインのマドリッド地方で森林火災が発生し、Valdemaqueda, Robledo de Chavela, Santa Maria de la Alameda市が被害を受け500ha位が焼失


スペインのマドリッド地方で森林火災が発生し、Valdemaqueda, Robledo de Chavela, Santa Maria de la Alameda市が被害を受け500ha位が焼失

Un incendio sin cifras oficiales

La Comunidad evita cuantificar la superficie quemada hasta que el siniestro esté extinguido

Mientras, describe lo ocurrido con una compleja jerga

Aguirre acude por sorpresa al incendio poco antes que Gómez
F. Javier Barroso Madrid 29 AGO 2012 - 11:32 CET

A fire no official figures

The Community prevents quantify the burn until the claim is extinguished

While, describes what happened to a complex jargon

Aguirre comes as a surprise to the fire shortly before Gomez

F. Javier Barroso Madrid 29 AGO 2012 - 11:32 CET

The Community of Madrid has offered so far no official figure for the area affected by the fire in Robledo de Chavela and Valdemaqueda. The reason wielding responsible for Presidential and Justice is that until the fire is completely extinguished no you can not know what area has been affected and if all zones are within the fire perimeter have been devastated by the flames.
Official information about the accident has used different terminology to explain their development, sometimes complicated even for laymen. The fire started around half past eleven on Monday. From the outset, all the media focused on preventing expand and win hectares burnt. Those responsible for the extinction did not fire as perimetrado until Monday night. That is, what they had achieved the 600 people spent fighting was close an area-yes, quite a few kilometers outside of which there was no fire.

We used a new term to say that the fire was not more 'stabilized'
The fire Valdemaqueda and Robledo had seven different foci. The Justice Department of the Presidency and a new term used to explain that I would not over: firefighters, forest brigades and EMU had stabilized. That is, it had focused on an area that was presumed that they would not pass the flames. The next step is to control it. This occurs when flames and definitely will not pass a certain point. This is achieved because the fire is closed by fire, and burned by surface or because surrounding areas without vegetation or rocky areas, among other causes.
A controlled burn is a fire over? No. Missing the last phase: extinguish. This occurs when there is not a single focus of flames, heat and susceptible revived when extinction makers have refreshed and checked all the stricken area. Until then, they remain at full capacity allocations.

スペインのマドリッド地方で森林火災が発生し、Valdemaqueda, Robledo de Chavela, Santa Maria de la Alameda市が被害を受け500ha位が焼失




F. 2012 AGOハビエル·バローゾマドリード29 - 11:32 CET
事故についての公式情報は、時々素人であっても複雑であり、その開発を説明するために異なる用語を使用しています。火は月曜日に十一時半から始まりました。当初から、すべてのメディアが展開し、ヘクタールが燃え勝つ防止に焦点を当てた。絶滅の責任者は月曜日の夜までperimetradoどおりに発生しませんでした。それは彼らが600人、面積 - はい、そのうちのかなりの数キロ外火の気がなかった近くにあった戦闘に費やさ達成していたのか、です。

私たちは、火災では、より安定化した "じゃないと言うことは、新しい用語を使用

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