



La vivienda social ya es más cara que la usada en 11 provincias

El desajuste se debe al desplome de los precios en el mercado libre

La brecha llega a ser del 30% en Teruel

Social housing is now more expensive than that used in 11 provinces

The mismatch is due to the collapse of free market prices

The gap becomes 30% Teruel

Pellicer Barcelona Lluís 2 JUL 2012 - 00:15 CET
The real estate collapse has upended housing policies. So much so that in many areas of Spain the social prices of the apartments have already been phased out. In 11 provinces and sheltered housing are more expensive than second hand free, with a price difference reaches 30% in the case of Teruel. If the calculation is done by communities, six of them the gap between what it costs to buy a used home and public housing has closed to be less than 10%, whereas before the crisis in these autonomies that difference was about 30%. The gap in prices is due both to the collapse of the price of private housing as protected market rigidities.
Housing policy in Spain has traditionally been based on building affordable homes, especially property, for citizens who were outside the free market. At that time, many developers rejected the construction of floors protected because they got it to account, given the huge price difference with the market: according to the Ministry of Development, in 2007 social homes that cost half free. So the main concern of the authorities was to raise the maximum price allowed for public flats to attract private developers in this market. But that strategy did away with the bursting of the bubble.
Since prices reached highs in late 2008 before starting to deflate the value of private housing has fallen by 18.3%, while that of the protected only it has 1.7%. That closed the gap between private housing and protected. In five provinces, all the free-market homes both new and used, and are more expensive than social, but the difference is even more pronounced in the case of second-hand. The community that has suffered this effect is Castilla-La Mancha, where housing used is 6% cheaper than protected. In 2007, when prices touched the roof, the existing homes cost 29% more than those protected in the community.
By provinces, Teruel (social housing is 30% more expensive than used) and Cuenca (27.8%) takes the cake, but this effect also occurs in Jaén (16.5%), Ciudad Real (15 , 58%), León (12.5%), Toledo (7.9%), Lleida (5%), Ourense (3.33%) and Lugo (1%). In Madrid prices by housing type and another are very similar. In six communities also subsidized housing does not become even 10% cheaper than the second hand and 15% that the set of free, also the new building. This is the case of Castile and Leon, Valencia, Extremadura, Galicia, Murcia and La Rioja. Above average difference of Spain, are Catalonia, Madrid and the Basque Country, where the social cost half floors than second hand.
Construction fall
Professor of Applied Economics at the University Pompeu Fabra (UPF), José García-Montalvo, explains that this phenomenon was long happening. "The module prices a few years ago were too cheap, but now it is just the opposite," he says. However, García-Montalvo recalled that the austerity plans and the housing crisis have resulted in decreased construction of subsidized housing.
Indeed, the maximum prices for OPV in many cities far outweigh the average prices of private housing. That even happens in the cities of Madrid and Barcelona. In the Madrid region that occurs only in three locations of those appearing in the statistics data of Development-Aranjuez, Parla and Valdemoro-while in the province of Barcelona that happens in nine cities, including Sabadell or Terrassa. In three of them, the market price of the flats is even lower than the ceilings set for the special regime for social housing, which should go to the lowest incomes. That happens in Vic, Manresa and Igualada. And that regardless of the housing developments agreed price, a few years ago were located midway between the free and protected but now are out of market.
Freeze the modules
The Government has decided to freeze in the last four years the price of subsidized housing modules, but not lower them. The former Secretary of Housing Executive Ricard Catalan Fernandez explained that the reduction of the difference between both types of housing is mainly due to the collapse of the prices of used flats and maintenance of social value.
In his opinion, a solution could be to change various area municipalities-caps vary by area which is to lower the town-subsidized housing in cities that are charging more the bubble burst. So far, all indications are that this trend will continue to be given both by the expected decline of the flats, the loss of value provisionando banks are, for the sprint that is taking the fall in house prices.



Pellicerバルセロナルイス·2 JUL 2012 - 00:15 CET
不動産崩壊は住宅政策をupendedしています。そんなにので、スペインの多くの地域でマンションの社会的な価格はすでに廃止されていること。 11州と保護されたハウジング内に価格差がテルエルの場合は30%に達すると、無料の秒針よりも高価です。計算は、それらのコミュニティ、6を伴って行われた場合、それが使用され、家庭や公共住宅を購入するコストがどのような間のギャップは差は約あったことをこれらの自治体の危機前のに対し、10%未満になるように閉じた30%価格のギャップは、保護された市場の硬直性などの民間住宅価格の崩壊の両方によるものです。
価格は、民間住宅の価値が低下を開始する前に、2008年後半に高値に達したので、保護されたのそれが唯一のそれは1.7%であるのに対し、18.3%下落している。これは、民間住宅と保護された間のギャップを閉じた。 5つの州では、すべての自由市場新品および使用済みの家庭、社会よりも高価ですが、違いはセカンドハンドの場合はさらに顕著です。この影響を受けたコミュニティは、中古住宅で保護されて6%以上安価であるカスティーリャラマンチャです。 2007年には、価格が屋根に触れたとき、既存の住宅は、コミュニティで保護されたものより29パーセント以上を要した。
地方では、テルエル(ソーシャルハウジングは以前よりも30%以上に高価である)と、クエンカ(27.8%)がケーキを取りますが、この効果はまた、ハエン(16.5%)、シウダー·レアル(15で発生します。 、58%)、レオン(12.5%)、トレド(7.9%)、リェイダ(5%)、オレンセ(3.33%)とルーゴ(1%)。住宅の種類と別のマドリード·価格に非常によく似ています。 6つのコミュニティでも補助ハウジングは秒針よりも10%安くなると15%も無料で、一連の新しい建物のことではありません。これは、カスティーリャレオン、バレンシア、エストレマドゥーラ、ガリシア、ムルシア、ラ·リオハのケースです。スペインの平均差の上に、秒針よりも社会的費用の半分の床カタルーニャ、マドリード、バスク国、である。
大学ポンペウ·ファブラ(UPF)、ホセ·ガルシア·モン、で応用経済学の教授はこの現象は長い起こっていたことを説明しています。 "モジュールの価格は数年前にあまりにも安かったが、今はそれだけで反対である"と彼は言う。しかし、ガルシア·タルボは、緊縮財政計画と住宅危機は政府が補助金を支給する住宅建設の減少につながったことを想起した。

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