



El paro alcanza un nuevo récord en la eurozona en mayo al superar el 11%

España es el país de la Unión Europea con la tasa más alta al llegar al 24,6%

Unemployment reached a new record in the eurozone in May to exceed 11%

Spain is the EU country with the highest rate reaching 24.6%

The Country Madrid 2 JUL 2012 - 11:34 CET
The unemployment rate in the euro hit a new high last May to reach 11.1%, one tenth more than in April and one point more than the same month in 2011, according to data published this morning European statistics office, Eurostat. The number of unemployed exceeds 17.5 million, representing an increase of 88,000 over the previous month and more than 1.8 million compared with May last year. Spain is the country with the highest unemployment rate, 24.6%, which means an increase of three tenths of the data recorded in April.

The youth unemployment rate reached 22.6% in the euro zone, two points more than the same month last year. In Spain and Greece (the latter according to March), over half of young people under 25 are unemployed, 51.2%.

In the European Union as a whole, the rate came to 10.3%, with more than 24.8 million unemployed, 151,000 more than in April. Spain is the second country in which more than the percentage has increased over the past year (from 20.9% to 24.6%), surpassed only by Greece (where the increase has been considerable, from 15.7% to 21.9%). Estonia is the EU country where the rate has dropped most in more than two and a half points.

Eurostat data differ from those of registered unemployed and the Labour Force Survey (data from the second quarter of 2012 will be published on 27 July) National Institute of Statistics. This is because the European statistical office uses seasonally adjusted unemployment data.


カントリーマドリッド2 JUL 2012 - 11:34 CET




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