



Bruselas pugna con los países para ampliar las revisiones a nucleares

La Comisión plantea otras 10 visitas a centrales, entre ellas Garoña y Trillo

Recelo en los Estados, que dieron por cerradas las pruebas pos-Fukushima

centrales, que suman 38 reactores, de los 147 que hay en la UE.
Fuente: Comisión Europea y elaboración propia / EL PAÍS
Brussels struggle with countries to expand nuclear revisions

The Committee is raising other 10 visits to plants, including Garona and Trillo

Mistrust in the States, who gave evidence by closed post-Fukushima

Rafael Mendez Madrid 30 JUN 2012 - 21:00 CET
The European Commission intends to reopen the evidence of resistance to nuclear power plants. In the meeting held in Brussels tomorrow and the group of nuclear regulators and Twenty (ENSREG), Brussels has distributed a list of 10 plants in six countries, in their opinion, should be visited to check the response to Fukushima , according to sources close to negotiations. These would add to the 15 already visited until April. The tentative list, subject to change, are Trillo and Garona. The problem is that most closed countries and given by the stress tests and believe that the reopening may be an interference by the European Commission, without power to inspect nuclear.
Energy Commissioner, Hermann Günther Oettinger German, had a role in the crisis in Fukushima. On March 15, 2011, four days after a tsunami swept the Japanese nuclear, said: "The situation after the nuclear accident in Japan is apocalyptic." Oettinger, one of the few commissioners who still retains the support of his government, came from Baden-Württemberg, the key state in which Fukushima weeks after winning the Greens. So, despite having no powers, the Commission promoted a program of inspections. The countries agreed and teams visited nuclear power regulators from other countries and to ensure the independence, analyzed the results showed that each country. In total 15 plants were visited, which account for 38 reactors, of the 147 that exist in the EU.

Source: European Commission and own / COUNTRY
One team visited the two reactors Almaraz (Cáceres). Spain presented its findings in December, which plants need to invest hundreds of millions to build a new building on each floor to serve as shelter workers in major accidents. In addition, utilities will pay a one-stop emergency response personnel available at all times.

Saw teams from other countries and 30 of the 147 reactors in the EU
Now, when we must begin to implement the improvements, the Commission considers it necessary to make additional visits. No inspections are called because they are responsible. And has distributed an informal list to discuss it on Tuesday ENSREG, the group that are regulators and member countries. With Almaraz, in theory covered visits to the heart of this technology in Spain (Vandellòs II, Asco I and II and Cofrentes). Added Garona and Trillo plants have been reviewed all types of technology.
The list, in which there are three main French (Fessenheim, Cattenom and Chooz), a Czech, one Swedish, one German, two British and two Spanish, has generated surprise among the states. In addition, two could be added in the debate, according to sources close to negotiations.
A Commission spokesman said that negotiations and remember to extend the review was an agreement in April, when he presented the results of stress tests. It then states that more plants were not analyzed because of the pressure to finish the work.

Energy Commissioner said the accident was Japanese "apocalyptic"
But there are countries that are wary of the proposal from the Commission. Some see the list a lot of politics. Fessenheim, for example, is on the border with Germany and is the only nuclear François Hollande has pledged to close within its mandate. That the Commissioner of Energy is a German Merkel's party, which starred a turn antinuclear after Fukushima-not help.
The countries considered to have difficult to refuse to receive visitors without being seen as lack of transparency. In turn, it is clear that they are bound. The Security Council Spanish, for example, is independent of Government but by Parliament. So its dependence on the European Commission is doubtful.

Reverse dome Enresa
Appointments at the top of Enresa, the public company that will build the nuclear store, have not been more accidents. After a hidden struggle between Dolores Cospedal-he wanted the presidency to a man of his confidence, Francisco Gil-Ortega and the Government, which wanted to Professor Adolfo Cazorla-tie apparently was settled. The State Industrial Holding Company (SEPI) announced publicly on 28 May that Gil-Ortega would be the president and CEO Adolfo Cazorla.
However, given the difficulty of defining the functions of each other, finally Cazorla will only counselor. Gil-Ortega, the man of Cospedal, was appointed president of Enresa on Monday, nearly six months after the Government chose to host Villar de Cañas nuclear store.
Gil-Ortega holds a degree in Chemistry, was mayor of Ciudad Real and until now was vice president of the Castile-La Mancha. In the executive there who prefer a more technical for a work of 770 million euro investment. So Secretary of State for Energy pushed for Cazorla, and even officially announced that it would be CEO.
The duplication of positions in public companies marrying wrong with the messages of austerity and also threatened with a troubled nuclear processing store if there were no clear functions. When in December Cospedal accepted the nuclear warehouse in Cuenca, claimed to appoint the position he would direct the work, the most controversial in the region. What has been achieved.



ラファエル·メンデスマドリード30 JUN 2012 - 21:00 CET
エネルギー委員会、ヘルマン·ギュンターOettinger、ドイツでは、福島県の危機に関与していた。 2011年3月15日に、津波が日本の原子力を総なめにした4日後に、言った: "日本の原子力事故後の状況は黙示録です。" Oettinger、まだ彼の政府の支持を保持していくつかの委員の一人、バーデン·ヴュルテンベルク州、緑の党の勝利福島週間後にしたキーの状態から来ました。だから、全く力を持たないにもかかわらず、委員会は、検査のプログラムを促進した。国が合意し、チームは他の国から原子力規制当局を訪問し、独立性を確保するため、結果はそれぞれの国ことが示された分析した。 EU内に存在する147の38炉を占めている合計15工場では、訪問した。


今、私たちは改善を実装するために始める必要がある場合は、委員会は、追加の訪問を行うことが必要と考えています。彼らは責任がありますので、全く検査は呼び出されません。と火曜日ENSREG、規制当局や加盟国であるグループでそれを議論する非公式のリストを配布している。 Almarazで、理論的にはスペインにおけるこの技術の中心部(VandellòsII、ASCO IとII、およびCofrentes)への訪問をカバーした。追加されたGaronaとトリーヨ植物は技術のすべてのタイプを検討されている。

エネルギー長官は、事故が日本の "黙示録"と述べた
しかし、委員会からの提案を警戒している国があります。いくつかのリスト政治の多くの参照してください。 Fessenheimは、例えば、ドイツとの国境にあり、唯一の核のフランソワ·オランドは、その任務内に閉じることを約束しています。エネルギー長官は、福島ません助けた後、核のターンを主演したドイツのメルケルの当事者であること。

Enresa、核店舗を構築する公開会社の上部に予定より多くの事故はなかった。ドロレスの間に隠された闘争の後Cospedal - 彼はフランシスコ吉オルテガ、彼の自信の男性に大統領を望んでいた教授アドルフォ·カソルラネクタイしたかった政府は、どうやら解決した。国家工業ホールディング·カンパニー(SEPI)が吉オルテガは、社長兼最高経営責任者アドルフォ·カソルラになること5月28日に公に発表した。
明確な機能はありませんでした場合にも、緊縮財政のメッセージで間違った結婚と公共企業のポジションの重複が問題を抱えた核処理ストアと脅した。 12月Cospedalでクエンカの核倉庫を受け入れたとき、彼は仕事を指示するだろう位置、地域の中で最も物議を任命すると主張した。何が達成されています。

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