スペインの産業大臣のJose Manuel Soriaは、スペインの燃料油(ガソリン)の石油会社の利鞘は大きいので、スペインの石油の値段はまだまだ高いと
Soria dice que el combustible es caro en España por el margen de las gasolineras
El ministro de Industria señala que el mdiferencial bruto aplicado por las petroleras a los carburantes supera la media de la UE y hace que los precios "estén en el nivel que están"
La gasolina registra incrementos de márgenes de hasta el 25% en un año
DESCARGABLE Informe completo de la CNMC
Agencias Madrid 25 MAR 2014 - 17:08 CET
Soria said that fuel is expensive in Spain by the margin of gas stations
The industry minister said that crude oil mdiferencial applied to fuels exceeds the EU average and makes prices "are at the level you are"
Increments recorded gasoline margins up to 25% in one year
Agencies Madrid 25 MAR 2014 - 17:08 CET
Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism, José Manuel Soria said Tuesday that the gross margin achieved by the fuel oil is greater than the average for the European Union ( EU) , and makes prices " are in the level they are . " After yesterday published the report of the National Commission on Financial Markets and Competition ( CNMC ) , which states that gasoline margins have risen in one year by 25 % , Soria said he expects the amendment to the Hydrocarbons Law bring "greater competition "and reflected in the price .
After the XXII Annual Forum Management Excellence , the minister noted that fuel prices in Spain are higher than the EU because the margin on sales is also higher than the European average. In Spain , the pre-tax price of gasoline and diesel fuels , including margins , are above the EU average , but adding taxes final retail price is lower for lower taxation , Soria explained .
"We hope that over time this change in legislation that brings with increased competition and finish also noticing the prices ," he said .
Soria said that every time someone buys a liter of petrol , pay the cost of fuel , which is "similar" to the rest of the market when dealing with international prices , another "important" part of taxation and other referring to the margins . The gross margin achieved by the fuel oil in Spain in January was 25% higher than the same month of 2013 for 95 octane gasoline , while rose 11 % in the diesel fuel , according to the CNMC .
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