スペイン銀行は、金融機関の銀行等の耐久試験(ストレス テスト)に掛る32'640'000ユーロ(3264万ユーロ)の費用を、銀行から徴収
El Banco de España cobrará una tasa a los bancos por el test de estrés
El objetivo es financiar los 32,64 millones de euros que costarán las evaluaciones globales de las entidades financieras
Pimco cree que hay bancos que quizá necesiten capital tras los test
EP Madrid 25 MAR 2014 - 17:02 CET
The Bank of Spain will be charged a fee by the banks stress test
The objective is to finance the € 32.64 million of which will cost the global assessments of financial institutions
Pimco believes there banks may need capital after the test
Madrid EP 25 MAR 2014 - 17:02 CET
The Bank of Spain will charge a fee to Spanish credit institutions to finance the € 32.64 million of which will cost the global evaluations to which financial institutions must submit prior to assumption by the European Central Bank ( ECB) , its new features like Single Banking Supervisor EU .
This is reflected in one of the 37 amendments that have been popular in the Congress to bill ordination, supervision and solvency of credit institutions, which essentially transposes the EU directives Spanish legislation on control of banks .
The amendment states that the PP is a serious 0.01048 per thousand the amount of total assets of the consolidated group in which taxpayers declared the Bank of Spain as of December 31, 2013 are integrated . This group includes both credit institutions subject to the overall evaluation as the banks that savings banks have transferred their financial business .
morePimco believes there banks may need capital after the testThe ECB requires additional capital in the stress tests for banksBanking authorities exams soften the financial sectorStress tests on European banks plan on DavosFitch believes that the Spanish banks need to strengthen capital 2014http://economia.elpais.com/economia/2013/11/18/actualidad/1384799302_259209.html
Agreement with the Inland Revenue
The tax shall be payable only once on December 31, 2014 and payment will be managed in the voluntary phase, the Bank of Spain , and executive period by the Tax Agency (AEAT ) , for which it will need to sign a agreement between the two institutions.
To pay , the supervisor will conduct various bank accounts. Subsequently, the amounts collected will be integrated into the budget of the Bank of Spain and will be linked to the payment of expenses incurred to perform tasks related to the overall evaluation of credit institutions .
According to popular saying in justification of the amendment, this rate is necessary to fund contracts that the Bank of Spain has already started and will allow independent experts ( audit firms , and queries) involved in the assessment of credit institutions Spanish significant. These contracts have been solved for an estimated price of EUR 32.64 million .
And is that before the ECB become the only Oversight Mechanism , the European banks will undergo a comprehensive evaluation , in which the authorities in each member state are "obliged to cooperate " They accounted " the actual execution and costs " of evaluation in your country.
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